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Planning Board Minutes 11/20/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Wellfleet Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Parent, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, R. Dennis O’Connell, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart

Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Jan Morrissey distributed the Mail Log of November 20, 2013. 1

Minutes of 11/5/13
Jan Morrissey moved to approve the minutes of November 6, 2013.  Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Conversation with Citizens Economic Committee Representatives
David Rheault, Chair of the Citizens Economic Committee, Jennifer Pierce of the Chamber of Commerce, Shelia Hoogeboom of the Community Development Corporation and Judith Stiles of the Citizens Economic Committee were present to discuss their desire to make the permitting and Special Permitting processes for start-up businesses in Wellfleet less daunting.   They hoped to enlist Planning Board support by creating more definitions for micro-businesses, offering by right Zoning Bylaws and creating a guide to help young entrepreneurs with the permitting process.   Planning Board will not change Zoning Bylaws to offer by right businesses; however Planning Board members agreed to support a joint letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting that the Town provide a permitting coordinator to help streamline the process.  The Citizens Economic Committee will draft a letter for Planning Board’s approval before submitting it to the BOS.
Alfred Pickard, PB liaison to the Citizens Economic Committee, and members of that committee will develop more definitions of micro businesses.    

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw Revision
Planning Board members reviewed each section of the November 20, 2013 draft2 of the Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw and made changes as needed.   Provisions for growing facilities came under scrutiny.  The Board will ask Town Counsel for clarification of the 5-acre agricultural exemption.  Andrew Freeman will draft a letter to Town Counsel requesting review of the bylaw proposal.  

Renumbering Section 9.2 of Zoning Bylaws
O’Connell moved to change the numbering of the Section 9.2 Main St. Overlay District  in the Zoning Bylaws so that it will not conflict with the Medical Marijuana Overlay District.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Priorities/To Do List
Board members ordered the list into three levels of priority.

Future Concerns
The Annual Report is due December 13, 2013.  Committee Secretary Mary Rogers will provide subdivision statistics to Planning Consultant Patrice Carson, who will write the report.   

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the December 4, 2013 meeting will include: Definitive Subdivision for Hahn, 1110 Old King’s Highway (Map 23, Parcel 46); LCPC Action recommendations; Landing Strip (Map 42, Parcel 601), and  Cottage Colony bylaws.

O’Connell moved to adjourn.  Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Chair    

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/4/13.

Public Records Material of 11/20/13
1.) Mail Log of November 20, 2013
2.) November 20, 2013 draft of the Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw