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Planning Board Minutes 11/06/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Wellfleet Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Parent, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart; Planning Consultant Patrice Carson
Regrets: R. Dennis O’Connell

Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Jan Morrissey distributed the Mail Log of November 6, 2013. 1

Minutes of 10/16/13
Reinhart moved to approve the amended minutes of October 16, 2013.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Open Space 5-Year Plan  
The Open Space Committee had requested Planning Board support for the Five-Year Open Space Plan.2   Open Space Committee Chair Bob Hubby was present to explain and clarify any points.  He noted one small change in the document that the Open Space Committee had made at their November 6, 2013 meeting.  Hubby explained that updated the 5-Year Plan is needed for State self-help grants.  

Planning Board questioned Hubby on: the role of Planning Board in education on the relationship between growth and ground water quality; Planning Board’s involvement in creating the wellhead protection zones; buffer zones for coastal banks and barrier beaches; Mayo Creek restoration plans; acquisition of shoreline property;  and support for wastewater regulations to protect fresh and marine surface waters.

Because of his reservations about the Mayo Creek Restoration project, Pickard said would neither support the plan nor vote against an endorsement.  

Reinhart moved to send a letter of endorsement to the Board of Selectmen for the 5-Year Plan as submitted 2013 since it fits the goals of the Wellfleet Local Comprehensive Plan.  Freeman seconded.  The motion carried 5-0-1.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw Revision
Planning Board members reviewed the November 6, 2013 draft of the proposed Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw.3   The Board made changes in sections 9.3.7 (d) and 9.3.10 (d).  O’Connell had submitted a number of suggested changes3 which the Board considered in sequential order, deciding whether or not to incorporate them into the draft.   Some provisions will need phrasing by Town Counsel, when the bylaw proposal is submitted for their review.  The final draft will be ready at the next PB meeting.  A public hearing will be scheduled for a January meeting date.  A definition of “greenhouse”  needs to be added to the Zoning Bylaws, Parent said.  

To Do List
Items had been added to the last Priorities List to create a larger “To Do” list. 5
The Board decided which items should remain on the list with some attention to priority rating.  Priority ranges will be determined at the next meeting.

Cottage Colony Bylaws
Parent distributed a proposed Zoning Bylaw changes including a definition for Cottage Colony and revision to ZBL 5.4.11 Intensity of Use. 6   He explained the changes: allowing a single family dwelling, year-round use, and reduction of the number of units to match Title V bedroom requirements.  It would be an approach to affordable housing without going through the Affordable Housing process, he said. Planning Board discussed the potential advantages and drawbacks of the proposed changes.   

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the November 20, 2013 meeting will include: Discussion with Economic Development Committee, Local Comprehensive Plan Action Proposals, the revised “To Do” List, and a Medical Marijuana bylaw final draft.

Freeman moved to adjourn.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Chair    

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/20/13.

Public Records Material of 11/6/13
1.) Mail Log of November 6, 2013
2.) Open Space 5-Year Plan
3.) Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaw Draft of 11/6/13
4.) E-mail from R. Dennis O’Connell re: Draft Medical Marijuana Bylaw
5.) To Do List for November 2013
6.) Cottage Colony proposals for ZBL