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Planning Board Minutes 09/18/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Wellfleet Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Gerald Parent, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart, R. Dennis O’Connell; Planning Consultant Patrice Carson

Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Definitive Subdivision – Thureson, 2442 State Highway/Rte. 6,
Chester Lay of Slade Associates presented the Definitive Subdivision (DSD # 13-06)1 on behalf of Judith Thureson for 2442 State Highway/Rte. 6, (Map 23, Parcel 29).  A road named Drew’s Way is depicted on the plan, but the access will be from Joshua’s Way. The Planning Board will waive the construction of Drew’s Way.  Parent asked if there would be a covenant for the subdivision.  Mr. Lay suggested a memorandum of understanding.  A note will be placed on the plan waiving the construction and width of Drew’s Way.  The note will also state that Joshua’s Lane will remain the way it is.  Mr. Lay will add the note to the plan and return for signatures.

Janet Reinhart moved to approve DSD #13-05 with the amended notes.  O’Connell seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

O’Connell suggested that the chair sign the plan, but Parent said that the chair cannot sign for a definitive subdivision.

Minutes of 8/14/13
Morrissey moved to approve the amended minutes of August 14, 2013.  Larsen seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Jan Morrissey distributed the Mail Log of September 18, 20132 and explained how the mail will now be handled.  She will be leaving all mail at the Town Hall mail room until the Tuesday afternoon before a meeting.  Morrissey reviewed items in the mail including: information on the Audubon wind turbine hearing, a letter regarding a private road and an announcement for a training session in Lowell.  

More Subdivision Considerations
There was further discussion of the Thureson subdivision (SDS #13-06) to make it perfectly clear in the note on the plan that Drew’s Way will not be constructed.

O’Connell moved to include the note that Drew’s Way will not be constructed on the final plan that Planning Board will sign   Freeman seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Medical Marijuana Dispensary Bylaws
Jan Morrissey said that the July 29, 2013 draft Medical Marijuana Dispensary bylaw has been superseded by the Medical Marijuana Overlay District draft bylaw of September 18, 2013. 3  Planning Board reviewed the new draft section by section, agreeing on changes to the document.  

There was discussion of on distance allowed from public areas where minors congregate.  The list could be matched with the Adult Entertainment bylaw list or adapted to specific Wellfleet locations.  PB members agreed on the specifically Wellfleet items. The Board discussed setting a distance of 300 ft. Section was removed.  The reference to was removed from Section  

The numbering of the bylaw was called into question.  The distance allowance can be left undetermined until a public hearing.  Section will be eliminated.  Planning Board considered if hours of operation in Section could be set by the Special Permit Granting Authority or if the hours should be set in the bylaw.  

Planning Board discussed Section on Signage.   Provision for one 12 square foot sign on the building with no free standing signs was suggested.  Any required state signage would not be included in the provision.  The height allowance of the text for the state mandated signage will not be specified, but the square footage for the required sign for (a) could be set.  The Landscaping section was reviewed for concurrence with Wellfleet bylaws.  

The Special Permit procedure with the ZBA was covered in 9.3.6. Planning Board members discussed referencing the bylaw that pertains to parking spaces. (ZBL 6.3)  A Registered Marijuana Dispensary (RMD) could be considered as a Development of Significant Impact and be referred back to Planning Board if a business proposes more than 10 parking spaces.

Signed off “As-built” plans should be required under Conditions for Special
Permits.  Subsections n. on waivers  and l. on liability insurance were revised.  The Board stopped at and will continue discussion from this section at the next meeting.

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the October 2, 2013 meeting will focus on Medical Marijuana bylaws.

Economic Development Committee
Gerald Parent and Janet Reinhart had recently met with representatives of the Economic Development Committee, and Parent updated the Board on the meeting.

Bylaw to Encourage Affordable Housing
Parent had also met with Ted Malone and Elaine McIlroy regarding ZBL 6.28 for Encouraging the Development of Affordable Housing.  He requested that the Board revisit the bylaw for the next meeting.  

Safety Concerns at Main St. & Route 6
Parent reported that the State now has put the intersection of Main Street and Route 6 on their consideration list.  The Marconi section of Route 6 is also on the list for improvements, Parent said.

Wind Turbine Bylaws
O’Connell said that Audubon would likely be requesting some bylaw changes regarding wind turbines.

Larsen moved to adjourn.  O’Connell seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Chair    

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/2/2013.

Public Records Material of 9/18/13
1.) DSD #13-06 is in the Planning Board permanent files
2.) Mail Log of 9/18/13
3.) Medical Marijuana draft overlay district bylaws