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Planning Board Minutes 06/19/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Senior Center Duck Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Janet Reinhart, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Janet Morrissey, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Appointee R. Dennis O’Connell
Regrets: Eric Larsen

Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of 6/5/13
Jan Morrissey moved to approve the minutes of June 5, 2013.  Janet Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log of June 19, 2013* and called attention to a letter from property owners on Holbrook Ave.  There was also a notice from the ZBA regarding a hearing for the Gull Pond Affordable house project.  The plans had originally been submitted to the Planning Board, and members would like to see the plans again.  Vern Jacobs from the ZBA, who was attending the meeting, said that the request to the ZBA was for a minor modification but he couldn’t explain what it was.  

The Planning Board expressed their appreciation for Barbara E. Gray’s years of service to the Board as chair and member.  Selectmen joined in wishing her well, and Barbara Gray gave a farewell speech.  

Joint Meeting with the Board of Selectmen -  7:15 p.m.

Selectmen Present:  Berta Bruinooge, Chair; Jerry Houk, John Morrissey, Dennis Murphy, and Paul Pilcher
Also Present: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian, Fire Chief Richard Pauley, ZBA Chair Vernon Jacob

The Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board had a number of topics of mutual concern that they needed to examine.  

Rundown Properties
The Board of Selectmen gave their thoughts on buildings and properties in town that are derelict.  Jerry Houk reported on a bylaw addressing derelict buildings in the Town of Bourne.  Janet Reinhart discussed Nantucket’s approach to the problem.  Planning Board members commented on the difficulties of enforcement of existing regulations by the Board of Health and the Building Inspector.   Members of both boards recognized that the difference between unsafe and unsightly needs to be identified.   Jan Morrissey read the letter to the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen from the Jenkins of 200 Holbrook Ave. regarding a derelict building abutting theirs.  Town Administrator Harry Terkanian differentiated between public health and safety issues and aesthetics.  He recommended caution in the matter of aesthetics.  

Barbara Gray discussed the importance of joint study of problems.  O’Connell suggested creating recommendations to send to the Board of Selectmen since zoning bylaws are not the appropriate means to remediate the problem.  Dennis Murphy suggested increasing the Selectmen’s enforcement powers.  

By-right Permits for New Businesses
Paul Pilcher said he had raised the issue of by-right permitting for new businesses and the formula business bylaw, so he initiated the discussion.  Pilcher referred to Orleans’ Community Partnership, Inc., which originated with their Planning Board.  The plan is intended to encourage new businesses.   Gerald Parent explained the few business-oriented projects that are allowed by right.  He discussed the limits of what can be developed.  Pilcher suggested meetings of Planning Board, the Economic Development Board and the Chamber of Commerce.  Harry Terkanian discussed permitted uses in the Commercial District.  He suggested a better changeover process for businesses.  Alfred Pickard compared the number of allowable uses in the Commercial Districts and the C2 Districts.  

Planning Board members asked the Selectmen what could be done to solve parking problems.  Busing has proven successful for the Wellfleet Oyster Fest, so it could work in summer and for other big events if there was an additional parking area.  Harry Terkanian said limiting parking time or installing meters were other solutions to parking.  A public hearing would be needed for changes in regulations for parking.  

Sign Regulations & Enforcement
Selectmen and Planning Board members agreed sign issues were an enforcement problem.  The Building Inspector had said there could be clearer bylaws for sign regulations.  Signs on Route 6 are controlled by Mass Highway. Signs on the Town Hall lawn were another topic of concern to the Town Administrator, Selectmen and Planning Board.  

Affordable Housing
Paul Pilcher explained some of the details of rental limits for Affordable Accessory Dwelling Units (AADUs).  Planning Board explained that the AADU bylaws were meant to encourage homeowners to make their illegal apartments legal.  This, everyone agreed, has not happened.  Many people do not want to go through the AADU process.  Grandfathering only stays in effect for two years on Affordable Units, same as other non-conforming uses.  Many illegal apartments would not meet AADU standards because they do not meet building safety standards.  

Planning Board had informed the BOS of their top priorities: Affordable Housing, the Commercial District and Medical Marijuana.  

Other Concerns
Jerry Houk asked about permitting requirements for shingling a house. This precipitated a discussion of the need for fees and fee increases.  

ZBA Chair Vern Jacobs reviewed the role of the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the July 17, 2013 meeting will include: follow-up of topics addressed at the June 19, 2013 meeting, discussion with the Building Inspector, cluster development for Affordable Housing, Medical Marijuana Dispensary bylaws, Sheds & Accessory Buildings bylaws, Overlays for new flood plain maps,

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:25 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 7/17/13

Public Records Material of 6/19/13  
*  Mail log of June 19, 2013