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Planning Board Minutes 03/20/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Janet Reinhart, Chair; Barbara E. Gray, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard
Regrets: Andrew Freeman

Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Reinhart moved to postpone the hearing till 7:15 p.m.  Gray seconded and the motion carried 5-0-1.  

ANR  #04-06  140 Ione Way
Janet Morrissey recused herself and left the meeting.
Richard Lay of Slade Associates presented an ANR plan for Wulf and Renate Paulick of 140 Ione Way (Map 28, Parcel 41).  ANR #04-061 has been in litigation since August 4, 2006 when Planning Board declined to endorse it because of an ownership question.  That case was settled in Massachusetts Land Court October 24, 2012, and the Paulicks renewed their request to deem the plan an ANR.  Mr. Lay explained the Paulicks claim to the property of land to the high water line.  

Pickard moved to endorse ANR #04-06.   Larsen seconded, and the  motion carried 5-0.   

Janet Morrissey returned to the meeting, and the public hearing opened at 7:15 p.m.

Public Hearing – Medical Marijuana Clinic Moratorium
Police Chief Ronald Fisette was present to discuss the issues surrounding laws on medical marijuana clinics and treatment centers.  

Reinhart moved to close the public hearing.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried  6-0.

Reinhart moved to approve the Medical Marijuana Clinic Moratorium and forward it to Town Meeting as a Warrant Article.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Chief Fisette discussed: identification of persons eligible to use medical marijuana, upcoming guidelines from the Board of Health, formation of regulations suitable for Wellfleet, federal regulations in effect in the National Seashore and enforcement issues.  He said he would work with the Planning Board on suitable zoning bylaws for medical marijuana clinics.  Planning Board members outlined what aspects of locating clinics zoning bylaws could regulate and noted that these did not cover all areas of regulation that would need to be covered.  The moratorium will allow time to work out particulars of a bylaw.   A future bylaw, similar to the Adult Entertainment bylaw, with specified sign-offs by the Board of Health and Police Department could be an avenue for forming a zoning bylaw for medical marijuana.  Barbara Gray suggested creating a fact sheet for Town Meeting if it would be useful.  The issue at Town Meeting will simply be creating a moratorium.    
Gray moved to approve the corrected minutes of March 6, 2013.  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log of March 20, 2013. 2  

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the next meeting April 3, 2013 includes:  Definitive Subdivision #13-02, panel discussions covering several issues including cluster development, Affordable Housing and Priorities.  

Gull Pond Affordable Housing
Janet Reinhart updated the Board on the Gull Pond Affordable Housing project.  Planning Board would like to get more information on the status of the project.  Reinhart will check with Town Administration on the project.  

Sheds & Accessory Building Discussion
Reinhart opened up discussion of re-approaching revision of the sheds and accessory buildings zoning bylaws.  Planning Board members agreed that separating sheds from accessory buildings was a good idea.  Other factors the Board considered included: setback distances, setbacks determined by height of the structure, lot coverage and the possible use of site plan review for certain accessory structures.  Planning Board will continue to work on formulating amendments to the sheds and accessory buildings bylaws.

Larsen moved to adjourn.  Grey seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 4/3/2013.

Public Records Material of 3/20/13
1.) ANR # 04-06 is filed in the Planning Board permanent records
2.) Mail Log of 3/20/13