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Planning Board Minutes 02/06/2013
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Andrew Freeman, Barbara E. Gray, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Town Administrator Harry Terkanian
Regrets: Janet Reinhart

Vice-Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and opened the public hearing.

Definitive Subdivision #13-01 -  Boyd, 30 Whereaway Lane
Chester Lay of Slade Associates came forward to present Definitive Subdivision #13-01 for Rebecca Boyd of 30 Whereaway Lane (Map15, Parcel 148.4) for two lots.  He said that there would be a home owners association specifically for the new lots, but those two new owners would also become members of the earlier subdivision.   The utility easement for the older subdivision was on the plan; the two new lots will have underground utilities.  The proposed covenant for the new subdivision
From the floor, abutter Al Davis spoke about the marketing of the lot as “water view.”  He was concerned about clearing of trees on his property and the further subdivision of the original four lots.  Parent read into record two letters of concern by abutter John Bucknam.  Mr. Davis elaborated on the beauty of the land with the trees in place.  Barbara Gray suggested adding a provision about maintaining a number of trees on the new lots.  Mr. Slade said that such a notation would not be allowable in any court.  

Parent expressed concern about creating the additional cul-de-sac for one single lot.  He said he would prefer a T-turn, but some Planning Board members preferred the construction of the entire of the cul-de-sac.  Parent recommended a 14 ft. driveway that extends to the end of the cul-de-sac that is shown on the definitive plan.  A t

Pickard moved to approve the with a T-turn for the purpose of conservation of as many trees as possible.  Gray seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.

Parent closed the hearing at 7:40 p.m. and the regular meeting continued.

Freeman moved to approve Definitive Subdivision #13-01. Morrissey seconded and the motion carried 5-0.    

The Board discussed creation of lots through frontage on cul-de-sacs to meet bylaw requirements.  

Minutes of 1/16/13
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of January 16 2013.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log of February 6, 2013.1  The memos from Kopelman & Paige regarding medical marijuana was an item of interest in the mail.  There was also a memo from Bruce Drucker that had been forwarded to the Board through e-mail.  Patrice Carson explained what ZBA had done about Consultancy Fees.  She will follow-up with the Town Administrator on Planning Board’s needed action on Consultancy Fees.  Also there was a memo from the Cape Cod Commission on the availability of technical assistance funds.    

Address Changes for Samoset Rd.
Mary Lou Wood  of the Fire Department had forwarded her e-mail exchange with the home owners on Samoset Road who had been contacted regarding a road name change for their addresses.  The home owners had notified her that they wish to retain their Samoset Road addresses.  Planning Board was satisfied with this arrangement.  

Photovoltaics Bylaws
Janet Morrissey said she had found a problem in the placement of one of the sections of the photovoltaic bylaws.  She had submitted a suggested change.

Freeman moved to amend the photovoltaic bylaw striking the language  in 10.7 and adding a section in height. Gray seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Accessory Buildings, Structures & Sheds
Planning Board members discussed the revised language for Section 6.2 of the Accessory Buildings, Structures and Sheds bylaw.    Patrice Carson was willing to revise Section 6.2 further based on suggestions by the Board, but Planning Board members had not arrived at a consensus at this time.

Morrissey moved to table the bylaw until the next Town Meeting.  Gray seconded. The motion carried 5-0.  

Consultancy Regulations
The Consultancy Regulations need to be added to the Subdivision Rules & Regulations, need to be advertised and presented and voted in at a public hearing.  

Warrant Articles for Bylaws
The Board reviewed the bylaw proposals for Accessory Buildings & Sheds, 4 Photovoltaics,5  and Scenic Roads. 6  Discussion of the wording of the Accessory Buildings & Sheds bylaw ensued.  Jan Morrissey explained a few details of the Photovoltaics bylaw.   The public hearing for the three warrant articles is scheduled for February 20, 2013. The scenic road designations had been voted in last year.

Architectural Contest
The announcement for the Add-On 13  architectural  contest was noted.
Medical Marijuana Bylaw or Moratorium
Planning Board calculated how the placement of a bylaw dealing with Medical Marijuana or a bylaw calling for a Moratorium could proceed.  

Cluster Development Bylaw
Jan Morrissey said there was a new state model cluster development bylaw that had been presented at a seminar at the Audubon Wellfleet Wildlife Sanctuary.  She will

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the February 20, 2013 meeting includes: Medical Marijuana, Recommendations for Town Warrant, Cluster Development, Priorities, Consultant Fees,  Photovoltaic bylaw, and Priorities.

Pickard moved to adjourn.   Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Vice-Chair       

                                                ________________________ Date

Public Records Material of 2/6/13
1.) Mail Log of 2/6/13
2.) DSD #13-01 is filed in the PB permanent records
3.) Photovoltaics Bylaw for Warrant
4.) Building & Sheds Bylaw
5.) Consultancy Regulations
4.) Add-On -13 Contest Information
5.) Cluster Development Model Bylaw from Cape Cod Commission