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Planning Board Minutes 12/05/2012
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Janet Reinhart, Chair; Andrew Freeman, Barbara E. Gray, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Alfred Pickard, Gerald Parent; Planner Consultant Patrice Carson

Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and welcomed new member Andy Freeman.  She also reviewed and requested proper protocol during the meeting.

Minutes of 11/7/12
Gray moved to approve the minutes of November 7, 2012.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

ANR #12-07 – Clover, 130 Old County Rd. & 0 Off Old County Rd.
Chester Lay of Slade Associates came forward to present ANR #12-07,1 the Clover Property at 130 Old County Road and ) Off Old County Road (Map
30, Parcels 67, 67.1 and 67.2.  He explained that the Clovers had prepared a different ANR several years ago.  Alfred Pickard mentioned how Provincetown indicates old ANR and Subdivisions on their Town Atlas.  
Gray moved to endorse ANR #12-07.  Morrissey seconded and the motion carried 7-0.

Preliminary Subdivision for Boyd, 30 Whereaway Lane
Mr. Lay had awaited an opinion by Town Counsel before proceeding with the Preliminary Subdivision for 30 Whereaway Lane (Map 15, Parcel 148.8.) 2 Town Counsel Elizabeth Lane’s letter was submitted to the Board this evening.  In an aside comment to the Subdivision proposal, Planning Board members expressed displeasure about the late arrival of her opinion.

 Mr. Lay of Slade Associates explained the proposal for Rebecca Boyd’s Preliminary Subdivision #12-013 for 30 Whereaway Lane which included a waiver for paving the extension of Whereaway Lane.  The Fire Department letter requesting hardening for the cul de sac was read into the record.  Members commented on other subdivisions that had received waivers for full clearing and hardening of the paper cul de sac. Abutters Peter and Gail Stewart spoke against an approval of the Preliminary Subdivision in a five-point presentation.  Planning Board members responded to their concerns.   Planning Board will do another site visit if a Definitive Subdivision plan is submitted.  
Larsen moved to approve the Preliminary Subdivision for 30 Whereaway Lane as presented.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

Chequessett Yacht & Country Club ANR for Map 19, Parcel 81
The Cape Cod Commission had forwarded its decision regarding the ANR for the Chequessett Yacht & Country Club. 4   Mr. Lay requested an extension for two ANRs for CYCC.

Release of Covenant for Lot 79 – Williams Way
Gerald Parent recused himself..
Mr. Lay asked Planning Board to resign the covenant release for Lot 79 on Williams Way (Map 29, Parcel 474.3) because the Registry of Deeds had not accepted the copy signed on October 17, 2012 because of a correction made on the document itself.  The Board signed the form again.  

Sheds & Accessory Buildings
Joyce Harding came forward to discuss accessory buildings used for Affordable Housing.  Planning Board explained allowances for affordable accessory buildings.  

Preparation for Photovoltaics Public Hearing
Planning Board discussed the photovoltaic bylaws.  Town Counsel will review the bylaws before the public hearing.   February 6, 2013 was set as the date for the public hearing.  The Board reviewed some of the changes that will be incorporated into the bylaw.

Scenic Roads
Barbara Gray requested that the new list of scenic roads for an Article to be included in the Annual Town Meeting Warrant.  The date for the public hearing for the scenic road additions will be February 6, 2013.

Samoset/Hiawatha Rd. Addresses
In a memo to the Planning Board, Mary Lou Wood from the Wellfleet Fire Department explained the changes that the Fire Department had made to four addresses on Samoset Road. 5   The Board requested that the Planning Board secretary send the Fire Department a letter requesting that the Fire Department fill out the road name change forms and follow procedure for road naming.  

Landing Strip Update
Planning Board members received a map of the “Landing Strip” property (Map 42, Parcel 601) 6 that Slade Associates had provided.  Pickard moved to have Slade Associates develop a present day map of the Town parcel showing roads.  Gray seconded.  Pickard and Gray withdrew their motions.  The matter will be taken up at a future meeting.

Shed & Accessory Buildings Model Bylaw
Planning Board reviewed the amendments to the accessory buildings, structures and sheds bylaws. 7  Members discussed limiting the number of sheds. Two members will speak to the Building Inspector about lot coverage.  Patrice Carson had offered  three options for the 6.2 Accessory Building section.  The Board labeled these A, B & C for identification purposes.  An additional section D could be added to any version of Section 6.2.  
Pickard moved to accept C with D for Section 6.2.  Parent seconded, and the motion carried 6-1.  

PB members had received a hand-delivered letter of complaint dated November 29, 2012 from Melissa Shantz to the Board of Selectmen9 regarding information on a candidate for appointment to the Planning Board.  Chair Reinhart said she would address both letters at the Selectmen’s meeting.  

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the January 2, 2013 meeting will include:  two ANRs for CYCC, Lot L-1 for CYCC, Samoset Rd., Preparation for Public Hearing, Sheds & Accessory Buildings Bylaws, Update on Water Innovative Alternative Systems.

Gray moved to adjourn. Larsen seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/02/2012.

Public Records Material of 12/5/12
1.) ANR #12-07 is filed in PB permanent records
2.) Letter from Town Counsel regarding Preliminary Subdivision for Whereaway Lane
3.) Preliminary Subdivision #12-01 is in the PB permanent records
4.) CYCC Memo
5.) Memo from Mary Lou Woods regarding name changes on Samoset Way
6.) Landing Strip Map
7.) Accessory Buildings, Structures and Sheds Amendments Worksheet from Patrice Carson dated 11/30/12
8.) Mail Log of 12/5/12
9.) Letter from Melissa Shantz dated 11/29/12