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Planning Board Minutes 10/17/2012
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Janet Reinhart, Chair; Barbara E. Gray, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Alfred Pickard, Gerald Parent; Planner Consultant Patrice Carson

Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Release of Covenant for 2 Lots on Williams Way
Gerald Parent recused himself, and Alfred Pickard disclosed that he had a business relationship with someone at another property on Williams Way.

Chester Lay of Slade Associates explained the request for the release of lots 77 and 79 on Williams Way.  The original subdivision was made in 1989.

Pickard moved to approve the final release of the covenant for lots 77 and 79 on Williams Way on Land Court Plan #17425-6. 1   Larsen seconded.  The Board discussed the condition of the road and compliance with a request to clear the road when the last lot was released in 2010.
Pickard withdrew his motion, and Larsen withdrew the second.

Pickard moved to release lot 79 on Land Court Plan #17425-6 and hold the release of Lot 77 until the road has been brushed back.
Larsen seconded, and the motion carried 5-0

Memo on Right of First Refusal for Lot (Map 19, Parcel 81)
Mr. Lay explained the proposal for splitting parcels of land from the Chequessett Yacht & Country Club (CYCC).  One is to be sold and the other three are to be preserved as Conservation land.  

Interim Town Administrator Timothy King had requested in a memo dated October 9, 2012 2 opinion on first refusal rights for lot 76, the buildable lot to be separated from the Chequessett Yacht & Country Club property (Map 19, Parcel 81).  

Parent moved to reply that Planning Board recommend that the Town not exercise the right of first refusal.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion 6-0.

Andy Freeman, a guest at the meeting, introduced himself to the Planning Board.

“Landing Strip” (Map 42, Parcel 601)
Mr. Lay gave an update of the “Landing Strip” (Map 42, Parcel 601) and displayed a large map of the Marconi area. The Board discussed the value of the property.  Mr. Lay suggested writing a letter to the Seashore stating that the property goes to Old King’s Highway, and the Marconi Beach Road runs through the Town property.  Parent suggested filing a perimeter plan with Land Court, but reconsidered spending the amount of money for it.   Mr. Lay will prepare a packet of information to have the Planning Board consider before any action is taken.  

Minutes of 10/3/12
Morrissey moved to approve the corrected minutes of October 3, 2012.  Parent seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log of October 17, 2012. 3  She called attention to the Herring River Restoration Committee’s report and meetings.  Morrissey also noted the Nickerson Lumber decision’s impact of the Revisions to Permit Extension Act.

Report on Historic Review Board Public Hearing
Chair Janet Reinhart said she had attended the October 5, 2012 public hearing regarding demolition delay bylaws.  The Historic Review Board Chair said they would like to revise the definition of demolition included in the Town bylaws.

Planning for Photovoltaic Bylaws Public Hearing
Having approved the proposed photovoltaic bylaws for a public hearing and receiving the approval of the Energy Commission to proceed with the bylaws, Planning Board scheduled a public hearing for the photovoltaic bylaws on December 5, 2012.  The bylaw will be sent to Town Counsel for review before the advertisement is published.  The Board discussed going forward with the photovoltaics bylaws even if the other parts of the Green Communities Act are not accepted by the Town.

Economic Development Committee
Alfred Pickard reported on a meeting of the Economic Development Committee that he had attended.  

Selectmen’s Meeting & Non-Resident Taxpayer’s Discussion
Jan Morrissey reported on the Selectmen’s meeting that dealt with the Non-resident Taxpayer’s idea to send representatives to various boards as non-voting members.  The Town Charter controls membership on boards and committees, members noted.  

Sheds & Accessory Buildings  
Janet Reinhart had prepared a worksheet of shed and accessory building issues4 for the Board to consider.  She outlined a number of possible changes and suggestions.  Board members discussed: including sheds in lot coverage; permitting for all sheds; the purpose of revising shed/accessory building bylaws; sliding scales for sheds and accessory buildings; enforcement issues; setbacks; and the application process.  Reinhart sought to get consensus on items under consideration.  She suggested sending a letter to the Interim Town Administrator, but members said direct communications with the Building Department staff regarding shed concerns would be more effective.  Eric Larsen volunteered to sit down with the Building Inspector to clarify some of the issues.  Patrice Carson said she would like to be included in the conservation.  

Morrissey moved to authorize Eric Larsen to speak to the Building Inspector on behalf of the Planning Board.  Parent seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

Members had further discussion of setbacks and height for accessory structures but did not come to consensus on any bylaw changes.   

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the November 7, 2012 will include: CYCC ANR; model sheds & accessory bylaws, Landing Strip update.

Pickard moved to adjourn. Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/7/12.

Public Records Material of 10/17/12
1.) Covenant for Williams Way is in the permanent subdivision files
2.) Memo from Tim King regarding lot at CYCC
3.) Mail Log of 10/17/12
4.) Worksheet from Janet Reinhart on Sheds and Accessory Buildings