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Planning Board Minutes 08/15/2012
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Senior Center Duck Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Janet Reinhart, Chair; Janet Morrissey, Alfred Pickard, Barbara E. Gray; Town Planner Consultant Patrice Carson
Regrets: Theodore Franklin, Eric Larsen, Gerald Parent

Chair Janet Reinhart introduced Patrice Carson and opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.
Public Hearing – Tree Cutting on Bound Brook Island Rd.
Chair Janet Reinhart explained the DPW’s request to cut five trees on Bound Brook Island Rd., a scenic road.  From the floor Penelope Jencks commented on abutter notification.  The only immediate abutter to the trees was the National Seashore.  Barbara Gray exhibited a slip of “hell weed,” an invasive vine which wraps itself around trees in town.
Gray moved to approve the DPW’s request to cut the five trees on Bound Brook Island Rd.  Morrissey seconded and the motion carried 4-0.  
Letter to DPW Re: Scenic Road Maintenance
Janet Reinhart said that there were concerns about scenic road line markings, materials, shoulders, and vegetation and wanted to know if Planning Board should hold a future discussion meeting with the DPW, Police and Fire Departments about safety concerns.  The Board was willing to schedule a discussion at a future meeting.  
Renaming Extension of Way #625 to Buttry Way
Reinhart moved to approve the name change to Buttry Way contingent on the paper work from the Fire Dept.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  
Attorney General’s Letter
Planning Board had received a letter from the Attorney General’s office1 regarding improper procedure in the time period for posting the hearing for the Special Permit Granting Authority Hearing in March.  The Town Clerk has posted and advertised the appropriate correction.  
Road Clearing Bylaw Study Committee
Jan Morrissey presented the report from the Road Clearing Bylaw Study Committee2 and explained its goals.  The Board discussed the paved and unpaved private roads that get plowed.  Gray moved to accept the report.  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.  
Renaming Road Procedure & Forms
Patrice Carson said the Assessor could also be included in the renaming roads procedure.  She had other suggestion for clarifying the instructions. 3   The Board will consider the procedure again after the Assessor has been consulted about involvement in the process.
Photovoltaics Bylaw Revisions
Barbara Gray asked when the Energy Committee would be working on the photovoltaics bylaw revisions.  Marcus Springer from the Energy Committee said they would be meeting on Monday, August 20, 2012.  Jan Morrissey had prepared a revised draft of the photovoltaics bylaws. 4 Planning Board had received a letter of concerns from Lilli-Ann Green5 which Planning Board said could be taken up by the Energy Committee.  Ms. Green asked about having her concerns heard.  She said her concerns had been expressed to former Planning Board members who considered them legitimate concerns.  

Jan Morrissey reviewed the major changes to the August 15, 2012 draft photovoltaics bylaws.   Planning Board and Marcus Springer made changes to the draft bylaws.  Ms. Green objected that her letter of concern was not being addressed at this meeting and commented on the importance of the bylaw.  Planning Board members discussed some of the concerns in her letter but said that the Energy Committee should be dealing with them before Planning Board does.   
Minutes of 7/18/12
Gray moved to approve the minutes of July 18, 2012 as corrected.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 3-0.
Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log for August 15, 2012.6
SPGA for Formula Businesses Bylaw Change
Janet Reinhart said that the ZBA wanted to be the Special Permit Granting Authority for Formula Businesses.  She asked that members begin to think about this change.
Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the next meeting will include:  Road Renaming Request - Eldredge, ZBL Inconsistencies, Priorities, Reorganization, Road Name Change Forms, SPGA for Formula Businesses, Shed & Accessory Buildings & Accessory Uses.
Gray moved to adjourn. Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/19/12.

Public Records Material of 8/15/12
1.) Letter from the Attorney General’s office
2.) Report of the Road Clearing Bylaw Study Committee
3.) Road name change forms
4.) August 15, 2012 draft of photovoltaics bylaws
5.) Letter of concerns on photovoltaics bylaws by Lilli-Ann Green
6.) Mail log of 8/15/12

Notify DPW of approval of trees
Get forms for Buttry Way filled out by Fire – Mary Lou?