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Planning Board Minutes 05/02/2012
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Senior Center Duck Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Janet Reinhart, Chair; Theodore Franklin, Barbara E. Gray, Eric Larsen, Janet Morrissey, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard

Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Discussion with Fire Dept. on Procedure for Renaming Roads
Fire Chief Daniel Silverman and Fire Paramedic Mary Lou Wood were present to discuss Planning Board procedure for renaming roads.  Chief Silverman explained the 911 addresses and stressed the importance of accuracy of numbering.  He said the paper trail from the Fire Department to the Planning Board on the last case had a problem.  He also recommended renaming entire roads, not portions of roads, because of the 911 numbering system for houses.  He was not pleased with the outcome of the last case because there were two ways in and two names for the one road.  Chief Silverman had prepared revised forms and instructions to help correct the procedure.  Alfred Pickard suggested requiring a certified abutters’ list from the Assessor’s office.  He further suggested one set of rules, instead of separate directions for naming a way and naming a road.  Picard also recommended alerting to the abutters the possibility of road number changes.  Parent suggested a form that an owner would bring to the Fire Department for approval with the two thirds abutter agreement and the caveat that numbers might be changed.  The Fire Department would like to ensure that entire roads and ways were renamed, not partial roads.  The abutters would be notified in advance and at the end of the process.  Parent said his recommendation was for a pre-application form for each abutter that identifies them and notifies them with a disclaimer on the possibility of number changes along with the name change.  

The Planning Board next addressed the problem of Buttry Way.  Barbara Gray suggested holding a joint hearing of the Fire Department and Planning Board.  Chief Silverman favored continuing Buttry Way to the unnamed way after two Cape Cod Seashore leasehold properties.  Pickard suggested that Seashore recommend the name change or that the Fire Department refer it to the Planning Board.  The Fired Department will get this process into action.  Chief Silverman suggested a Fire Department presence at a way or road name change meeting or hearing.

Minutes of 4/18/12
Janet Morrissey moved to approve the minutes of April 18, 2012.  Larsen seconded, and the motion carried 4-0.

Mail for 5/2/12
Jan Morrissey distributed the mail log of May 2, 2012. 1
Review of Town Meeting
Planning Board discussed the results of Annual Town Meeting.  Reinhart explained why the Pleasant Point easement Article was removed.

Kopelman & Paige Memos
Two memos from Kopelman & Paige2 had been sent to Planning Board, but the Board did not want to deal with the Solar Access memo at this meeting.  Members interpreted the intention of Mass General Law 40A s 9B.  The other memo on the Telecommunications Act explained the refinement of additional appurtenances on communication towers.  Planning Board discussed modifications to the towers and the Special Permits needed.  

Parent moved to refer the zoning bylaw on telecommunications to Town Counsel to make it consistent with State Law.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

Accessory Buildings & Sheds Bylaws
Janet Reinhart said the discussion of accessory buildings and sheds could be taken up at another meeting.  

Other Business
Barbara Gray discussed Planning Board as the authority for Site Plan Review.  Janet Reinhart said the definition of Alteration needs to be clarified in the Zoning Bylaws.  She also mentioned non-conforming lots as a topic of discussion and asked about Special Permits for demolition/reconstruction for buildings on those lots. The Board briefly discussed how this would work and decided to make it an agenda item for a future meeting.  

There was discussion about working with the Energy Committee on the photovoltaic bylaws to prepare a Warrant Article for Special Town Meeting in fall.  A target date to get started would be June.  Reinhart urged the Board to bring suggestions for revisions to the next meeting.  

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the May 16, 2012 meeting will include: Photovoltaic Bylaws, Accessory Buildings & Sheds, Minutes, Mail and Other Business.  

Gray moved to adjourn. Franklin seconded, and the motion carried 7-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 5/16/12.

Public Records Material of 5/2/12
1.) Mail Log
2.) Kopelman & Paige memos