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Planning Board Minutes 09/21/2011
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Janet Reinhart, Chair; Theodore Franklin, Barbara E. Gray, Olga Kahn, Eric Larsen
Guests:  Elaine Lachapelle (Housing Authority), Gordon Peabody (Housing  Authority), Chandler Crowell, Sibel Asantugrul (Asst. Building Inspector), Chet Lay.

Regrets:  Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard
Chair Janet Reinhart called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.

ANR #11-04 – Finkelstein, 0 Off Long Pond Rd.  (Map 16, Parcel 648)
Chester Lay of Slade Associates presented ANR #11-031 for 0 Off Long Pond Road (Map 16, Parcel 648) on behalf of James D. and Barbara Finkelstein   Land formerly owned by Donna Magarian was taken by tax title and subdivided into two lots divided by Forrest Road: one parcel to the applicant and the other to George M. Vetter III and Melanie H. Vetter providing the Finkelsteins with access to Forrest Road.  Gray moved to endorse the plan for 0 Off Long Pond Road as ANR #11-04  Kahn seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Recommendations for Disposition of Town-Owned Property
  • 90 Freeman Ave:  Reinhart moved to defer to Town Meeting because of the possibility of municipal use; Franklin seconded.  The vote was unanimous in favor 5-0.
  • 15 Summit Ave:  Gray moved to defer action to Board of Selectmen (BoS) and Town Administrator (TA); Kahn seconded.
  • 295 Chequessett Neck Road:  Franklin moved to recommend sale to abutter with conservation restriction; Larsen seconded.  The vote was unanimous in favor 5-0.
  • 65 Designers Road:  Franklin moved to defer action to BoS and T.A.; Gray seconded.  The vote was 3 in favor, 2 against.
  • Remaining properties:  Gray moved to defer action to BoS and T.A.; Franklin seconded.  The vote was unanimous in favor 5-0.
0 Highland was apparently approved for sale previously, but never bought.   Therefore, Planning Board did not act on that property.

Local Comprehensive Plan
Referring to the Local Comprehensive Plan2 list of primary responsibility goals, the Planning Board discussed the following:

LU-1:  recommended the addition of “Water Commission” to Responsible Parties; and

LU-2:  It was noted that smaller lots are the biggest problem; threshold should be a mathematical number (square feet); site plan review is critical (perhaps made up of a representative board with members from relevant boards and commissions); allow a preliminary review for applicant to discuss project informally.

“Landing Strip” Update
Reinhart reported that discussions with the National Park Service (NPS) are “in the works.”  Chet Lay offered that in 1897 this was town-owned land, with no title issues.  He said that the taking is invalid.  It was agreed that trading land with the NPS was preferable—perhaps the Town could gain more access to the ponds.

The chair requested that members of the Planning Board read through the Zoning By-laws for issues; and study the Orleans Site Plan Review procedures and criteria.  Reinhart also asked Larsen assemble criteria for a site plan review and investigate the data currently available on lot area, house size, etc., at the Assessor’s office, the GIS data at Health and Conservation, Barnstable County records, etc.  Reinhart will ask Gooz Draz (former PB chair) for his data.  Gray will review the Bjorkland vs. Norwell court case for what is “compatible” with the neighborhood.

Minutes of 9/7/11
Gray moved to approve the minutes of September 7, 2011.  Janet seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda set for the October 5, 2011 meeting includes: Changing the names of roads, Local Comprehensive Plan, house size/lot coverage, minutes, mail.

Gray moved to adjourn. Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

____________________________            ____________________________
Olga Kahn, Acting Committee Secretary           Janet Reinhart, Chair   

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/5/11.

Public Record Material from Planning Board meeting of 9/21/2011
  • ANR #11-113 is on file in the permanent subdivision records.
  • Local Comprehensive Plan, 2008 Primary Responsibility Goals.