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Planning Board Minutes 07/14/2010
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Gerald Parent, Vice-Chair; Griswold Draz, Olga Kahn, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart; Assistant Town Administrator/Planner Rex Peterson
Regrets: Ronald Harper

Vice-Chair Gerald Parent called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Ted Franklin was welcomed to the Board.

Minutes of 6/16/10
Rinehart moved to approve the amended minutes of June 16, 2010.  Draz seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Barbara Gray rose for a point of personal privilege to say farewell to the Planning Board and hand deliver a letter promising her continued support. 1
Parent recused himself for the Williams Way portion of the meeting.
Parent moved to have Pickard chair the meeting in his absence.  Draz seconded and the motion carried 6-0.  Pickard assumed chairmanship and Parent left the meeting.

Covenant Release – Williams Way
Chester Lay of Slade Associates came forward to request a release of the covenant for Williams Way, Definitive Subdivision #89-04.2  Fire Chief Daniel Silverman had provided a letter dated July 9, 2010 3 stating that the road is adequate and Fire Department Guidelines for Clearing Vegetation Along Private Roads and Driveways, revised October, 2008 revision. 4   Mr. Lay explained the layout of the road from the 1989 subdivision.  He asked to have Lot 78 released at this time.  The original covenant called for stone dust, but Mr. Lay suggested T-base for the road.  Mr. Lay reviewed the history of the subdivision.  Draz moved that that Lot 78 (Assessor’s Map # 29, Parcel 474.2 ) be released with the understanding the road will be improved.  Rinehart seconded, and the motion carried 4-0-1.  

Parent returned to the meeting, and Planning Board signed the covenant release.  

Affordable Housing – Bylaw Approaches
Planning Board received a packet of Affordable Housing materials in advance.  These included a Dennis Affordable Housing Bylaw Tool Kit, 5 the National Low Income Housing Coalition Out of Reach 2010-Barnsable County,6  and Barnstable County Home Consortium Consolidated Plan FFY 2010-2014 Power Point presentation.7  The Board discussed 40B projects and the Dennis zoning bylaw. Elaine McIlroy passed out a highlighted copy of Dennis’ affordable housing bylaw. 8   McIlroy reviewed the sections that the Wellfleet Affordable Housing Authority had liked.  The Board discussed 40B provisions with Elaine McIlroy and Elaine LaChapelle of the Affordable Housing.  Steve Durkee reviewed a proposal for four affordable houses on a lot he had discussed with the Board at the previous meeting.  The plan would require bylaw changes.  The Board discussed Durkee’s proposal for four one-bedroom houses on one lot and if it would be “by right.”  Rex Peterson explained how waivers for Affordable Housing work.  The Board also discussed affordable housing apartments with McIlroy and LaChapelle.  Draz suggested that further work be done on affordable housing bylaws at another meeting after Planning Board had more time to study the parts of the Dennis bylaw that the Housing Authority had favored.  

Durkee said it was his goal to have a bylaw ready for Fall Town Meeting.  The Board discussed the feasibility of having a warrant article ready for October 25, 2010 Special Town Meeting.  Elaine McIlroy said the Housing Authority was aiming for Annual Town Meeting in spring for bylaw changes similar to those of the Town of Dennis.  Durkee asked for a special Planning Board meeting just to consider his bylaw proposal.  There was a discussion of building a primary residence with affordable accessory dwellings on one lot.  

The Board will continue to work on the affordable housing bylaws at another meeting.  

Formula Businesses
The Nantucket bylaw for formula business 9 had been distributed in advance.  Parent pointed out that the last page of the Dennis bylaws had included their formula business bylaw.  The Board discussed the possibility of creating a Wellfleet zoning bylaw for formula businesses.  Town Counsel had provided, through an e-mail message dated June 22, 2010, 10 guidelines based on the Provincetown and Nantucket formula business bylaws.  Rinehart said that she would continue to gather information from other towns and work on a Wellfleet bylaw for formula businesses.  

Bylaw Revisions for Gross Floor Area, Sliding Scale
Gooz Draz had prepared a revised Gross Floor Allowance chart 11 and a new scatter chart 12 that he had devised to accompany the chart.  He said that the focus of a meeting, mostly with realtors, that he had attended on June 29, 2010, had been on housing size bylaw ideas.   This had led to the new figures and chart Draz had prepared and reviewed with the Board.  From the floor, Dennis O’Connell suggested getting the percentage of existing houses that fall under the Gross Floor Area by right line on the scatter chart.  Draz said he hoped to have support of the Planning Board for the new figures.  Planning Board members expressed their opinions on the proposed allowable gross floor area numbers and the rationale for making changes in the bylaws.  Former Planning Board member Dennis O’Connell also gave his favorable overview of the bylaw proposal.  There was discussion of presenting the bylaw changes so that they receive approval at Town Meeting.  

The new sliding scale for Gross Floor area and the updated scatter chart will be presented at the meetings with the Wellfleet National Seashore Homeowners Association on July 25, 2010 and the Wellfleet Non Resident Taxpayers Association on July 29, 2010.

Draz noted changes in the Gross Floor Area calculation and a footnote to the sliding scale in the July 8 revisions.  There is more forthcoming opinion from Town Counsel that will be provided for the next meeting.  

Pickard nominated Gerald Parent as Planning Board Chair.  Franklin seconded.  After a discussion, Franklin withdrew his second.  Rinehart nominated Gooz Draz as Chair.  There were two votes for Gerald Parent.  There were two votes for Gooz Draz.  The reorganization effort will be continued at the next PB meeting when there is a full complement of members present.

Next Meeting
The anticipated agenda was planned for the August 4, 2010 meeting.
Parent moved to adjourn.  Rinehart seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m.  

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Gerald Parent, Vice-Chair       

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 8/4/10.

Public Record Material from Planning Board meeting of 7/14/10

1.  Barbara Gray’s letter of farewell to the Planning Board, dated 7/14/10

2. Covenant release for Williams Way  - kept in permanent subdivision files DSD #89-04

3. Fire Chief Daniel Silverman’s letter dated July 9, 2010, regarding Williams Way

4. Fire Department Guidelines for Clearing Vegetation Along Private Roads and Driveways, revised October, 2008 revision

5. Town of Dennis Affordable Housing Bylaw Tool Kit

6. National Low Income Housing Coalition Out of Reach 2010-Barnsable County

7. Barnstable County Home Consortium Consolidated Plan FFY 2010-2014 Power Point presentation

8. Town of Dennis’ affordable housing bylaw

9. Nantucket bylaw for formula business

10. Town Counsel e-mail message dated June 22, 2010, guidelines based on the Provincetown and Nantucket formula business bylaws

11. Gross Floor Area & Sliding Scale for Maximum Gross Floor Area (July 8, 2010)

12.  Scatter Chart – Gross Floor Area for lots 1/4 to 2 acres (July 14, 2010)