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Planning Board Minutes 06/02/2010
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Barbara E. Gray, Chair; Griswold Draz, Ronald Harper, Olga Kahn, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart; Assistant Town Administrator/Planner Rex Peterson

Chair Barbara Gray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Dunkin’ Donuts Plans
Planning Board viewed and discussed plans for the Dunkin’ Donuts on Rte. 6 even though two members said it was not appropriate for the Board to do so since it has no jurisdiction over Special Permits. Gray said if there was a drive-through window requested, Planning Board could be involved if ZBA sends it to PB.  Discussion was on bylaws for “formula businesses,” sign allowances, and the possible drive-through window.

Minutes of 5/26/10
Parent moved to approve the minutes of May 26, 2010.  Harper seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Gray said the water system expansion signs are temporary signs.  She also had received information on the roadways into the Boy Scout Well and the water tower.  

Meeting Reports & Plans
Gooz Draz reported on a meeting he’d attended where there was concern about the existing 15% bylaw coverage and keen interest in the bylaw work on gross floor area and use of a sliding scale for house size allowances.  Draz said there was interest in public meetings and hearings on the new proposals.  These can be scheduled after Town Counsel reviews the bylaw changes.    

Ron Harper gave a report on a meeting of the Drummer Cove Neighborhood Association where the Planning Board’s work on the bylaw changes for house size was discussed.  He said there was support for the concept.  

Harper suggested that there be some dates set for community outreach meetings.  Draz and Harper said they would be willing to plan a schedule of meetings.  There was discussion of adding visuals to illustrate different sizes.  Draz said he could prepare a PowerPoint presentation for a larger group meeting or public hearing.  There is already a meeting planned for July 29, 2010 with the Non-Resident Taxpayers Association.

There was a discussion of the summer schedule of Planning Board meetings in relationship to additional outreach meetings.  Harper moved to hold regular meetings on July 21 and August 18.  Reinhart seconded, but then amended the motion to hold the July meetings on July 7 and July 29.   The amendment was seconded by Kahn.  The amendment carried 5-2.  Harper withdrew his original motion and Reinhart withdrew her second.

Affordable Housing
Gray said that Dennis O’Connell was present because of a topic that had been raised at a Community Preservation Committee meeting.  This concerned lots in town that could be subdivided.  Gray asked if the Wellfleet Conservation Trust worked with Affordable Housing, now also known as Workforce Housing.  O’Connell said that there is another conservation group that does this, and he will provide the name.

Olga Kahn reported on the meeting Planning Board members had with the Housing Authority and the Local Housing Partnership on May 20, 2010.  They discussed: spot zoning, multiple units, number of lots available, single room occupancy, definition of a “development,” septic issues, and having a municipal housing corporation.  Kahn said that Housing was looking to Planning Board to create an Inclusionary Bylaw for Wellfleet.  The Board discussed various approaches to providing more Affordable Housing and the enormity of the task of creating an Inclusionary Bylaw to fit Wellfleet.  Gray said that Housing representatives would be coming to the next Planning Board meeting.  Draz will send out material on privately held land of 5 or more acres.  Kahn said she would get information from Paul Ruchinskas of the Cape Cod Commission on single room units.  

Special Permit Expirations
There was a brief discussion of the expiration of Special Permits if they are not acted upon in two years.

New Open Meeting Laws and Next Meeting Agenda
Mary Rogers explained that the new Open Meeting Law requires an anticipated agenda posted with the notice of meeting.  Agenda for the June 16 meeting will include: Inclusionary Bylaws, Report on June 3, 2010 Wind Turbines & Noise Forum, Summer Schedule, and plans for Informational Meetings on Zoning Bylaw changes.  

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:10 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Barbara E. Gray, Chair  

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 6/16/10.