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Planning Board Minutes 02/03/2010
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Barbara E. Gray, Chair; Griswold Draz, Olga Kahn, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator/Planner
Regrets: Ronald Harper
Chair Barbara Gray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Inclusionary Bylaw Proposal
Gray disclosed that she is a member of the Housing Partnership.  
Housing Authority and Local Housing Partnership representatives introduced themselves, and Judy Taylor explained that they were present to have the Planning Board consider supporting an inclusionary zoning bylaw for Affordable Housing.  Planning Board members expressed favorable opinions of the proposal but wanted to spend more time preparing it for Town Meeting consideration.  Pickard suggested that the proposal could be incorporated into the Subdivision Regulations.  Parent addressed Housing Authority’s idea of moving forward with the bylaw proposal as a petitioned article for Town Meeting.  He directed attention to provisions that needed more explication.  

Gooz Draz moved that Planning Board make the inclusionary bylaw a priority item that they will work on one meeting per month to prepare it for Fall Town Meeting.  Parent seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.   
Recap of January 30 Meeting
Rex Peterson reported on the January 30, 3010 meeting with the public for house size and site plan review.
Draz moved to postpone adopting any drafted R1 and R2 zoning provisions for the 2010 spring April Town Meeting.  Parent seconded.  Planning Board and audience members discussed spending further time to bring it to Fall Town Meeting.  The motion carried 5-1.
Gross Floor Area
Draz moved to have the definition of Gross Floor Area as given here:  
        Gross Floor Area – the sum of the horizontal area(s) of the floors of a
        building and its accessory buildings on a lot, excluding cellars,
        basements, attics, and Sheds.  All dimensions shall be measured
        between exterior faces of walls, or exterior floor faces of decks.

“For the purposes of calculating Gross Floor Area the following shall be calculated as follows:
“100%: enclosed porches and/or decks thirty (30) inches or more above grade in excess of 400 sq. ft.

“50%:  detached (>15 feet from main dwelling) garage floor area.

“0%: second story floor area measuring less than five feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling.”

be accepted by the Planning Board, and that this Gross Floor Area definition be used in place of Site Coverage, and that this definition be our working definition for the purposes of moving forward with our zoning by-law revisions and public presentations.  Kahn seconded the motion.  

Parent objected on the grounds that the Gross Floor Area definition had not been presented to the Planning Board in advance of the meeting on Saturday, January 30, 2010 and the present meeting.  Pickard said that Planning Board needs to meet with the Building Inspector and Zoning Board of Appeals before moving forward with bylaws.  Pickard said that activities outside of Planning Board meetings had taken place, violating Open Meeting Law.  He said the Planning Board had to be more public in its practices.  

Parent moved to table the motion.  Pickard seconded.  The motion to table failed 3-2-1.  

The motion for the working definition of Gross Floor Area carried 4-2.  

From the floor, Ben Zehnder commented on process and suggested clearer tracking of changes to the draft bylaws.  

Draz moved that the following revised Use Table:  
“ Maximum Gross Floor Area Allowed By-right in the R1 and R2 Districts

Lot Area
By-right Gross Floor Area
10,500 sq. ft. or less
(approximately 1/4 acre)
15% of Lot Area
Greater than 10,500 to 21,000 sq. ft.
(approximately 1/4 to 1/2 acre)
1,575 sq. ft.
+ 6.75% of Lot Area over 10,500 sq. ft.
Greater than 21,000 to 42,000 sq. ft.
(approximately 1/2 acre to 1 acre)
2,285 sq. ft.
+ 3.4% of Lot Area over 21,000 sq. ft.
Greater than 42,000 to 84,000 sq. ft.
(approximately 1 acre to 2 acres)
3,000 sq. ft.
1.2% of Lot Area over 42,000 sq. ft.
Greater than 84,000 sq. ft. and above
(approximately 2 acres and above)
3,500 sq. ft.
+0.1% of Lot Area over 84,000 sq. ft.

“(a) Development proposals, be they new or additions to existing structures that exceed the By-right Gross Floor Area Allowance for their lot size, shall require Special Permit approval of Section x.x.x. of these Zoning By-laws.”
be accepted by the Planning Board as our working Use Table for the purpose of moving forward with our zoning by-law revisions and public presentations.
Kahn seconded.  

Parent expressed his displeasure at the lack of adherence to Open Meeting Law that had apparently taken place.  Pickard agreed that there had been action taken without the knowledge of the entire Planning Board.  He suggested again meeting with ZBA and the Building Inspector and objected to receiving material at the time of the meeting when it should have been submitted in advance.  

The motion to accept the working Use Table and provision (a) carried 4-2.  

Gray said that Planning Board will invite the Building Inspector to a meeting at a time certain.  

Draz moved that the Planning Board dedicate its time next to the drafted Special Permit Site Plan Review section/provisions for review and amendment in all its regards and as may be deemed necessary and reasonable, and that we finish this revision work by June 1st, 2010, so that we can arrange informational meetings in June, July, August, and September to go over this working material with the Public in preparation for a 2010 Special Fall Town Meeting where all our finalized zoning by-law amendments would or may be presented.
Kahn seconded.  The motion carried 4-2.

Draz moved that PB adopt the following zoning revision article for the 2010 Annual Town Meeting:
  • An article that amends the definition of “Porch, Open” and adds another for “Porch Enclosed as follows:
Porch, Open – A single story porch that has no walls or windows other than that of the main building to which it is attached.”

Porch, Enclosed – An unheated porch with screened or glass walls, which shall not exceed sixteen (16) feet in height and 400 sq. ft. in exterior dimension.”

Gray seconded.  The motion failed 2-3-1.  
Scenic Roads & Sign Bylaws
The Signs will be handled by a Selectmen’s policy, Rex Peterson said.  

Scenic Roads are a general bylaw, so a public hearing is not necessary.  
Parent moved to take Bell Road off the list. Gray seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

Parent moved to take all the roads off until there is a map and time to go through the list.  Reinhart seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.
Minutes of 1/20/10
Reinhart moved to approve the minutes of January 20, 2010.  Parent seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  
Cape Cod Commission had sent several letters regarding off-shore wind turbines.  

Other Business
Pickard moved that Planning Board materials be submitted to Rex Peterson or Mary Rogers by the Thursday noon prior to a meeting in order to have a uniform packet prepared to be mailed or picked up before the meeting.  Reinhart seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.
The procedure for dealing with a member who has missed four consecutive meetings was discussed.  
 Pickard moved to skip the February 17, 2010 meeting.  Gray seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.  
 There was a discussion about bylaw provisions for Affordable Accessory dwellings.  
Parent moved to adjourn.  Reinhart seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.
The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:35 p.m.

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Barbara E. Gray, Chair  

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 4/7/10.