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Planning Board Minutes 12/16/2009
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Barbara E. Gray, Chair; Griswold Draz, Olga Kahn, Janet Reinhart; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator/Planner, Alfred Pickard
Regrets: Ronald Harper, Gerald Parent
Also Attending: R. Dennis O’Connell

Chair Barbara Gray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Rules & Regulations Hearing
Denny O’Connell was present to finalize the Subdivision Rules and Regulations revision.  Draz moved to accept the Rules and Regulations.  Kahn seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The Board signed the document, completing the authorization process.  

Minutes of 12/2/09      
Reinhart moved to approve the minutes of December 2, 2009.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.                                               

Fee Schedule Changes
The Board discussed two suggested changes in the Planning Board fee schedule.  A Board of Selectmen’s hearing for raising a variety of fees is scheduled for December 22, 2009.  Peterson explained how the raises had been determined.  Draz moved to raise the Definitive Subdivision and Special Permit fees to $500 a piece and Pickard seconded.  Discussion of the cost that the Town takes to review the permits needs to be taken into consideration, Draz said.  The motion carried 5-0.

Road Closing Letter
The Board agreed to express their concerns in a letter to the Selectmen and Town Administrator regarding the closing of the sand road that runs through the Boy Scout Camp area.  

Sliding Scales for Site Coverage
Draz said he had converted the different site coverage proposals into one set of figures.  Janet Reinhart had also prepared a compromise chart for site coverage in the R1 and R2 Districts.  

Reinhart moved to accept her Dec. 16, 2009 Maximum Site Coverage chart for the R1 and R2 Districts.  Gray seconded.  Discussion of the size allowances followed and the Board worked at establishing one set of numbers to work with.  Reinhart withdrew her motion, and Gray withdrew her second.

Draz presented a set of lot sizes and site coverage figures that would provide for by-right building permits.  Anything beyond the given sizes would require a Special Permit approval process.  

Draz moved to adopt his sliding scale chart of December 16, 2009.  Gray seconded.  Planning Board members discussed Draz’s proposed figures which were very similar to Reinhart’s chart. Gray said if this passed she would like contact Town Counsel and Harry Terkanian for opinion on the charts.  Draz said he would complete the chart with the percentage calculations converted into numbers.  The motion carried 4-1.

Gray moved to send the letter to Town Counsel and Harry Terkanian for comment.  Reinhart seconded.   Gray withdrew her motion, and Reinhart withdrew her second.  

The Board moved to Rex Peterson’s office to allow Ron Harper to join the meeting through teleconference.
Sign Bylaw Revision
Harper and the Board discussed several sections, particularly those pertaining to graffiti.  Harper said he’d reviewed the other proposal from the Town Administrator and Building Inspector.  Section 7.7.7 was tabled until a January meeting. The Board will review the entire bylaw after Harper revises it and Town Counsel reviews the sections on graffiti.

A Kopelman & Paige memo dated November 16, 2009 was distributed.  
The Board noted the email messages from Eric Bibler.

Kahn moved to adjourn.  Draz seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Barbara E. Gray, Chair  

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/6/10.