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Planning Board Minutes 09/16/2009
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Barbara E. Gray, Chair; Griswold Draz, Ronald Harper Olga Kahn, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, Janet Reinhart; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator/Planner

Chair Barbara Gray called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Gray announced that Cape Cod Commission had published its Regional Policy Plan and offered CD copies to interested board members.  She also said that Harry Terkanian was willing to work with Planning Board on size bylaws.  Gray also discussed having meetings back at Town Hall.

Date for Windshield Survey of Big Houses of Concern
Gray asked to establish a time that Planning Board members could conduct a survey of big houses in town.  Previously Draz had made a list of houses that are large for their lot size and also large houses that are appropriate for their lots.  Members will submit suggestions for houses to review on a future Friday morning.  

Site Plan Review Criteria
Planning Board revisited the Site Plan Review Standards and Criteria that had been proposed last year.  Pickard suggested focusing on the priority list instead.
Harper moved to continue with the Site Plan Review.  Rinehart seconded and the motion carried 6-1.  Harper rescinded his motion.  Rinehart rescinded her second, leaving no motion on the table.  Gray said that discussion would follow the Agenda items for the meeting.
Consideration of the Site Plan Review Standards and Criteria continued with suggested changes.  Rinehart moved to drop the last sentence of 6.24.6, Item #2 Criteria.  Kahn seconded.  The motion carried 5-0-2

Draz moved to discontinue the meeting’s effort on Site Plan Review Criteria and go to Site Coverage/Lot Coverage.  Parent seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.

Site Coverage/Lot Coverage Tables
Draz expressed his preference for site coverage as a formula for determining size.  Draz moved to narrow the discussion to use of site coverage as opposed to lot coverage.  Harper seconded.  The motion carried 6-1.  

Draz suggested that the Board study the scatter charts he had made some time ago.  The dots on the chart represent houses broken down according to lot size and house size.  Pickard asked to look at the big picture, discussing building on lots with Conservation Commission Orders of Condition that conflict with Planning Board recommendations.  Draz moved to form a subcommittee to investigate and come up with a proposal on site coverage for the whole Board to consider. Rinehart seconded.  Harper suggested an amendment to the motion to have Rex Peterson survey other Cape towns which have similar problems with Conservation concerns.  Rinehart withdrew her second; Draz withdrew his motion; and Harper withdrew his suggestion when Janet Rinehart and Alfred Pickard agreed to form the subcommittee.  Draz will reissue his charts of net living area of houses on different lot sizes.  

Planning Board agreed that, for discussion purposes, the National Seashore District definition of Site Coverage could be applied to the rest of the town.  They discussed what should be included as livable space in site coverage.  Kahn recommended having the specifications for livable space mesh with Building Code.   

Gray projected having a public meeting and public hearing for revision of the coverage table for the rest of the town.  

Sign Bylaw, Page 1
Rinehart moved to approve the changes for page 1 of the Temporary Sign Bylaw. Gray seconded. Rinehart withdrew her motion.  Gray withdrew her second.  The Board discussed the changes which Harper had made in the September 10, 2009 version of the Temporary Sign Bylaws, page 1.  Harper said he will prepare a final version of page 1 for the next meeting.    

Minutes of 9/2/09
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of September 2, 2009, and the motion carried unanimously.

Next Meeting
Agenda suggestions for the next meeting included discussion of ZBL and size for dwellings.  Parent asked about the ground mounted photovoltaic arrays, which will not be on the next agenda.

Kahn moved to adjourn. Rinehart seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        Barbara E. Gray, Chair  

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/7/09.