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Planning Board Minutes 12/03/2008

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Town Hall Meeting Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman; Barbara E. Gray, Ronald Harper, Griswold Draz, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Inclusionary Housing Bylaw
Judy Taylor, Chairman of the Local Housing Authority, and Elaine LaChapelle of the Wellfleet Housing Authority were present to discuss the possibility of an Inclusionary bylaw for Affordable Housing.  O’Connell explained a challenge to Barnstable’s Inclusionary Bylaw.  Taylor said she would like to have the Planning Board develop an Inclusionary Bylaw for Wellfleet.  Planning Board discussed with Taylor threshold numbers, properties in Town that could be subdivided, points from the state for the Commonwealth Capital Score, considering cottage colonies for Affordable Housing bylaws, lot density, and Cluster Development.  Taylor and LaChapelle discussed the size of units needed.  Gray said the quickest way to get Affordable Housing is to allow use of Accessory Dwelling rental units.  Taylor pointed out that an Inclusionary Bylaw only addresses home ownership.  Rex Peterson said he will contact to Paul Ruchinskas, Housing Specialist for the Cape Cod Commission for suggestions of sample bylaws suitable for Wellfleet.  
Wind Turbines
Planning Board had examined copies of the Town of Brewster Wind Turbine Bylaw and the Rules & Regulations for Special Permit applications in Brewster.  Gooz Draz, also a member of the Alternative Energy Committee (AEC), discussed aspects of Brewster’s bylaws that he liked.  Draz said the Alternative Energy Committee was interested in bringing a bylaw proposal to the Planning Board early next year.  The Board discussed wind tower height, fall lines, residential windmills, the amount of power generated, screening requirements, purpose of the turbines, setbacks and cost effectiveness.  Funding would be more available if the Town had a Wind Turbine bylaw in place, according to Draz.  Peterson said that the Town was interested in having a bylaw ready for Annual Town Meeting in April.  Draz said the current AEC thought on wind turbines at WhiteCrest was to have only one tower at that location.  Peterson said there will be a Green Communities presentation at the Roundtable meeting scheduled for January 9, 2009.  Draz said he would bring the Planning Board’s suggestions back to AEC.  
Temporary Sign Bylaw
The Board considered a temporary sign bylaw proposal and the problems associated with off-premise signs on the State Highway.  Off-site advertising for non-profit organizations, Town government departments and political messages were considered.  The purpose of a bylaw would be to modify the code and allow those temporary signs.  Gray discussed the length of time allowed for display of a sign.  The permission aspect of off-premise signs, the number of signs and the size of signs were discussed.  Peterson said he bring Planning Board’s thoughts for the bylaw to the Building Inspector.
Lot Coverage & SPR
Planning Board discussed approaches for continuing bylaw revisions of lot coverage and Site Plan Review with community input.  O’Connell recommended following Joanne Gorfinkle’s suggestion to keep the bylaw simple.  The Board discussed whether they or ZBA should be the permit granting authority.  The bylaw, as originally drafted with the Seashore provisions removed and a few needed corrections, will be put on the Town website to open it to public discussion.  Time at future meetings will be set for open sessions with the public.
Gray said she wanted it noted in the minutes that her name was incorrectly printed in two newspaper articles. For the record, she stated that her correct name is Barbara E. Gray.
Subdivision Rules & Regulations
This will be reviewed at a future meeting.  The most recent draft contains comments that have not yet been reviewed by the Board.  Pickard proposed having an extra meeting.  The next scheduled meeting is December 17, 2008, and the Rules & Regulations can be the single agenda item.   
Pickard said he’d like to do further work on the C2 District, possibly making it an overlay district.  O’Connell said he would go through the LCPC recommendations with the Implementation Committee.  Peterson said the Disposition of Town Property recommendations need to be made.  Harper, Rowell and Pickard will report back to Planning Board after visiting sites.  
O’Connell read a letter dated November 21, 2008 from Joanne Gorfinkle regarding suggestions for bylaw revision.
Minutes of 11/19/08
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of November 19, 2008.  O’Connell seconded and the motion carried 7-0.  
Gray moved to adjourn.  Rowell seconded and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/17/08