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Planning Board Minutes 11/19/2008

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman; Barbara Gray, Ronald Harper, Griswold Draz, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

ANR # 08-10 – 80 Pleasant Point Rd.
Gerald Parent recused himself from deliberations.  Barbara Gray disclosed that she was a friend of one of the abutters but did not consider that friendship a conflict since there was no financial interest involved.
Robert Freeman of Schofield Brothers presented 81-P plans for a small portion of a lot owned by Robert and Shelia Paine at 80 Pleasant Point Rd.  The slice of land is intended as an addition to an abutting lot.  Gray moved to deem the plan an ANR.  Draz seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Cortes – Lot Release
Alfred Pickard disclosed he does business with Mr. Cortes.
Chester Lay of Slade Associates came forward to explain Henry Cortes’ request for the partial release of the covenant for Lot 8 of the subdivision approved by the Planning Board April 19, 2006.  Mr. Cortes plans to construct the road for the whole subdivision after selling the lot.  Rex Peterson discussed conditions he and the Building Inspector had considered regarding the road and sign-off for a building on the lot.  The final road is to be a full spec, paved road, according to Mr. Lay.  Harper said he’d like to see a time limit put on the road paving.  Parent said this was not necessary because the other lots could not be released if the road was not finished.  Gray indicated she was opposed to releasing a single lot without the road in place.  Pickard moved to release Lot 8 of the Cortes subdivision (DSD #06-04).  Rowell seconded, and the motion carried 4-2-1.  

Zoning Bylaw Discussion
Joanne Gorfinkle was present to discuss an idea she had at Special Town Meeting regarding zoning bylaws on building size restrictions.  Her point for any future size bylaw was to keep it simple.  She said she would be willing to participate in a focus group if one was formed.  

Temporary Sign Bylaw
O’Connell disclosed that he puts signs out on the highway twice a year for the Friends of the Library Book Sales.
There was a proposal for sign bylaws that had been prepared at the end of summer.  Planning Board discussed resuming work on off-site signs and signs in general.  Rex Peterson gave background on how signs had become an issue.  Town related and private non-profit signs need to be considered.  Planning Board will continue to discuss this at future meetings.  

The Board arranged the Priorities List according to high, medium or low level.
Rules & Regulations revision, coordination with DPW for Scenic Rd. tree removal procedure, Wind Turbines bylaws, and Lot Coverage bylaws were all considered high level.  Cluster Development that addresses Affordable Housing incentives, Route 6 planning and more work on the C2 District were put at a medium level.  Added to the list at an unspecified level of priority were: a nitrogen loading “Growth Neutral” bylaw (if it is not a Board of Health issue), response to LCPC, pursuit of the Landing Strip, adding an Inclusionary bylaw for Affordable Housing, and work on a Temporary Sign bylaw.  Continued effort on a town-wide zoning bylaw for size could continue through work by a subcommittee.  The bylaw could be brought back to April Town meeting basically as it is written minus the Seashore District provisions.  Ron Harper said he was willing to be on the subcommittee or focus group along with Barbara Gray and Joanne Gorfinkle.

Minutes of October 15, 2008
The minutes of October 15, 2008 are to be included in the Town Meeting bylaw changes report to the Attorney General.  O’Connell distributed a letter to the Attorney General which he wished to add to the required report to the Attorney General.  The Board discussed sending the additional report.  Gray said she participated in the drafting of S3 of 40A, and its purpose was to prevent municipalities from limiting interior size.  She and Gooz Draz were against sending the letter with the report.  Harper suggested revisions to the letter to the Attorney General.  Gray said if that letter was sent, she would also like to send a minority report.  Rowell moved to send the revised letter along with the minutes.  Pickard seconded.  The motion carried 5-1. (Draz had left the meeting)

Minutes of 10/15/08
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of October 15, 2008.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

General Organization
O’Connell informed the Board that he planned to let his term on the Planning Board expire as of June 30, 2009.

There were two items noted. O’Connell read a letter to the Water Commissioners from the Building Inspector dated October 22, 2008.  The letter referred the Water Commissioners to Planning Board for review of a shed at the proposed water tank.  Felco had sent by certified mail a copy of the Public Notice of Waterways Application No. W08-2470 for the Herring River.  

Gray moved to adjourn.  Rowell seconded, and the meeting was adjourned by consensus at 9:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/2/08.