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Planning Board Minutes 08/27/2008

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Senior Center Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman; Barbara Gray, Ronald Harper, Griswold Draz, David Rowell, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator/Planner

Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Background on Bylaw Revision Communications
O’Connell requested an explanation from Rex Peterson of an improper press advertisement.  Peterson explained that the general description of the Articles had been submitted to the newspaper and then retracted. The advertisement is now submitted verbatim as the Selectmen prepared it, and Article E is not included.  Peterson said that the lot coverage numbers cannot be made more restrictive without further advertising.

Gerald Parent suggested any further discussion of the matter should be in Executive Session; however, he added that Planning Board move forward with the agenda as scheduled.  Gray, Draz and O’Connell said that the Boston Globe had contacted them regarding Zoning Bylaw revision.  

O’Connell said that Lauren McKean of the National Seashore had expressed an interest in addressing Planning Board.  She had sent an e-mail indicating her concerns.  She will be invited to a future meeting.  

August 25, 2008 Draft of Site Plan Review – Special Permit
O’Connell said that 6.1.5 still needed revision and 8.4.2 needed to be amended.     Planning Board is to be the Special Permit granting authority.  Parent discussed Site Plan Review and Special Permits being done once so that people do not have to go to two separate boards.  Rowell said he still believed that ZBA should be the agents for the Site Plan Review – Special Permit.  Harper said that the number of cases that Site Plan Review was called for would be smaller than that of Special Permit cases.  Gray said the proposal could go forward to a public hearing and get opinion on this.  She recommended that there be no further delays in moving the proposal.

Gray moved to advertise the draft.  Harper seconded the motion.  

The lot coverage figures were considered first in a recap of the last meeting.  Gooz Draz said he would like to retract his vote on lot coverage.  O’Connell said that the request had been to forward Planning Board’s lot coverage figures to the Board of Selectmen.  The new lot coverage proposal is to take under consideration allowances for Affordable Housing units.  There was discussion of deed restrictions for Affordable Housing units, decommissioning Affordable units, size limitations, and lot and site coverage allowances.  
Parent moved to amend lot coverage schedule adding the following:
In R1 allow up to 3 Affordable units up to 1200 s.f. but not to exceed 15% lot coverage.  In the Seashore District allow 1 unit with up to 1200 s.f. not to exceed 5% lot coverage;
and to forward the amended schedule to the Selectmen to advertise and place on the Special Town Meeting Warrant.
Gray seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

Gray’s original motion was back under consideration, and Planning Board proceeded reviewing and revising each section of the August 13, 2008 draft of the proposed Site Plan Review – Special Permit (August 25 Update).

O’Connell said he was not ready to accept the amendments until he saw the changes in writing.  The next meeting will be the final chance to get it advertised.
Gray tabled the motion to go forward with the advertisement for a public hearing.  Ron seconded and the motion to table carried 7-0.

Other Business
Ronald Harper introduced and distributed a 6.5.1 revision to be considered at the next meeting, September 3, 2008.  O’Connell said the Selectmen’s proposal for four Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles should also be considered at the next meeting.  A comparison of the Selectmen’s proposal and the Site Plan Review – Special Permit can be further considered at the next meeting.  Gray reviewed the possibilities of Articles for STM.  Gray said to let both proposals play out.  There was more discussion of advertising deadlines and the scope of the Articles advertised.  

Gray moved to adjourn, and Rowell seconded.  The motion carried 7-0, and the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/3/08