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Planning Board Minutes 03/19/2008

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting and Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Senior Center Long Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman; Barbara Gray, Stephen Oliver, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell, Ronald Harper; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman Dennis O’Connell opened the public hearing at 7:00 p.m.

7:00 p.m. Hearing
I.)     a.) Zoning Bylaw 8.2.2 on Noncomplying, nonconforming structures 10 years or older and b.) Section II Definitions on Noncomplying Structures.
The final versions of the two Articles were set, and O’Connell reviewed the purpose of the amendment.  The two Articles can be voted on together at Town Meeting, Planning Board agreed.  Rowell moved to approve amended Articles. Oliver seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.

II.)    Scenic Road Additions to General Bylaws
O’Connell read a letter from DPW Director Mark Vincent regarding necessary maintenance along roads, DPW responsibilities and concerns.  O’Connell read the list of proposed scenic roads. From the floor, Assistant DPW Director Paul Lindberg offered factors that already limit maintaining these roads and safety concerns.  O’Connell said in emergency situations the bylaw would not affect the DPW work.  Oliver proposed having an agreement with the DPW and Tree Warden to facilitate their maintenance plans.  Gray moved to endorse the Article.  Harper seconded and the motion carried 6-1.
O’Connell closed the public hearing at 7:30 p.m.
Regular Meeting
Steve Oliver recused himself because his sister is involved in the ANR proposals.
ANR #08-04 – Hazen, 65,85 & 95 Pier Rd.  (Map 23, Parcels 214, 214.1 &214.2)
Chester Lay of Slade came forward to present the proposal for 65, 85 and 95 Pier Road.  This is a reconfiguration of Hazen’s lots and a change in the Oliver property, which is a separate ANR.  O’Connell moved to deem the plan an ANR. Parent seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Oliver left the room for the second ANR directly related to the Oliver property.
ANR #08-05 -– Oliver, 30 Big Chief Hill Rd. (Map 23, Parcel 214)
A small piece of land from the Hazen property would be added to the Oliver property, allowing a new buildable lot to be created.
Pickard moved to deem the plan an ANR.  Gray seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  
Oliver returned to the meeting.
It was noted that the Planning Board needed to make two sets of recommendations: 1.) for placement of an Article and 2.) for a recommendation on the merits of each

Recommendations on Disposition of Town Owned Property to Affordable Housing – Map 16, Parcels 110, 111, 143 & 145 off Old King’s Highway
Chair O’Connell read letters from the Fire Department, Open Space, and the Town Assessor.  Gray moved to recommend the proposal.  Harper seconded.  
Gary Sorkin of the Housing Authority discussed the USDA grant they hoped to get contingent on having land to support affordable units.  Sorkin discussed options that Housing was considering.  Parent and Pickard both expressed a desire to see a more concrete plan from the Housing Authority. In response to questions, Mr. Sorkin concurred that there are title deficiencies that need to be corrected before transfer to another party.  After further discussion by Planning Board, Mr. Sorkin and members of the audience, Gray moved to table her motion, and Harper agreed to table his second.  

Parent moved to not recommend placing the Article in the Warrant.  Gray seconded.  Discussion followed on maximizing the use of the land for Housing; clearing titles for all the lots; timing for the USDA grant; and the process for turning Town-owned property over to the Housing Authority.  The motion to not recommend placing the Article carried 6-1.

Mr. Sorkin said he would be glad to meet with the Planning Board or a subcommittee to further discuss Housing plans for the property.

Housing Request for Town Owned Property Located on Map 13, Parcel 2.1 former Senior Center on Long Pond Rd.
The property being considered includes the old Senior Center, which is on a portion of a Town-owned, two acre parcel at the corner of Lawrence Rd. and Long Pond Rd.  The land along Long Pond Rd. would be reserved to meet 90,000 s.f. requirements for a 9 bedroom rehabilitation of the existing structure.  Gary Sorkin explained the advantages of the location for Affordable Housing and answered a question about available parking.  Further discussion concerned the number of units, the loss of school parking area, and municipal needs for a nearby water tank.  O’Connell read the comments from the other committees and boards.  Oliver moved to not recommend placement on the Town Warrant.  Rowell seconded.  The motion carried 6-1.  

Recommendation for Disposition of Town Owned Property to Conservation – Map 28, Parcels 80 & 82)  - cont. from 3/5/08  
The Open Space Committee had voted to remove this Article from the Warrant, so no action was needed.

Other Warrant Recommendations for April Town Meeting
Article 35 Local Comprehensive Plan  
Planning Board wishes to be included in those making recommendations on this Article.  They will vote on it at the April 16, 2008 Planning Board meeting.  

Article 38  Petitioned Bylaw on Zoning for Restaurants in Commercial District  
Planning Board will make its recommendation after holding a public hearing on this Article April 2, 2008.  

Other Business
The “big house” issue was the topic that had drawn an audience to the meeting.   Town Counsel had sent further opinion on the topic.  O’Connell felt the next meeting on April 2 would be a more appropriate time for an in-depth discussion after it was posted as an agenda item; however, he read from Town Counsel Elizabeth Lane’s communication on notices for a zoning amendment.  Discussion followed on notices; grandfathering in the Seashore; approaches to zoning bylaw changes for house size; zoning directed at the entire town not just the Seashore District; the original National Seashore Guidelines; Eastham’s approach of Site Plan Review and the thresholds that trigger it; and initiating a freeze on construction. Gerald Parent enumerated the many considerations involved in making changes in zoning bylaw and the time necessary to effect a change.

Minutes of 2/20/08  
Gray moved to approve the amended minutes of February 20, 2008. Parent seconded.  The motion carried 6-0-1.

Future Meetings & Hearings
O’Connell considered having a big meeting, possibly in fall, for zoning changes.  This could include a Cluster bylaw, he said.  Barbara Gray moved to have a public hearing on Rules & Regulations in April, May or June.  Harper seconded.  Oliver suggested having the hearing in fall.  Parent suggested having Slade review the Rules & Regulations first.  Gray and Harper withdrew their motion and second.

Pickard moved to send Rules & Regulations to Slade for comment.  O’Connell seconded.   The motion carried 7-0.

O’Connell recommended that everyone read the Eastham Site Plan Review.  
Gray moved to adjourn.  Harper seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   

                                                ________________________ Date

Planning Board approved these minutes at their meeting 3/2/08