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Planning Board Minutes 10/03/2007

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, Ronald Harper:  Stephen Oliver, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

Recommendations for STM Warrant
Warrant Article 6 for the December 3 Special Town Meeting on a land swap for the “Landing Strip” at the Seashore’s Marconi site was reviewed.  Peterson said the language in the explanation would be modified.  Gray moved to recommend Article 6.  Pickard seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Warrant Article 8 on non-conforming, non-complying structures that are 10 years or older was considered.  Peterson suggested waiting for a recommendation on  the Article until the public hearing is held, but PB wanted to vote on it so that their recommendation would be in the Warrant.  Parent moved to recommend the Article.  Pickard seconded ant the motion carried 7-0.

O’Connell reviewed a few other Warrant Articles that did not require PB recommendations.  

Cluster Development Bylaw
O’Connell said one change in the current zoning bylaw would be that cluster development would be “by right.”  Planning Board discussed bedroom count and Board of Health regulations and alternative systems that would allow more bedrooms.  How cluster development would apply to land within the National Seashore was also considered.  Gray wanted to know if the Board wanted to go forward with the Cluster Development bylaw changes.  More discussion followed on minimum lot size, Planning Board approval instead of “by right” clusters, change in neighborhood characteristic, topography issues, the property size where bonuses kick in, open space on the lot, MESA requirements, applicability acreage, and Planning Board preliminary subdivision process.  Gray suggested moving forward with the cluster bylaw changes and vote on them at the next PB meeting.  

Route 6 Overlay District
Barbara Gray said that the Rte. 6 Overlay was a high priority issue.  She wanted Planning Board to have input on Rte 6 development.  David Rowell said ZBA should be kept apprised of any Rte. 6 Overlay discussion by Planning Board.  Most of the Board considered ZBA the appropriate board to regulate development on Rte. 6.  If PB wanted to tighten up bylaws in Section 8.4.2, that is within its purview, according to O’Connell.  

Email Parameters
Parent repeated what he said at the last meeting that any Planning Board material sent out through email should go through the chair.

Minutes of 9/16/07
Parent moved to approve the minutes of September 16, 2007.  Rowell seconded and the motion carried 6-0-1.  

Other Business
Peterson suggested one meeting in November on the 14th.  This will be the public hearing for the Warrant bylaw changes.

Parent moved to adjourn.  O’Connell seconded and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting adjourned at   9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   

                                                ________________________ Date