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Planning Board Minutes 11/15/2006

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:  R. Dennis O’Connell, Barbara Gray, Gerald Parent, Stephen Oliver, David Rowell, Ronald Harper, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chairman Dennis O’Connell opened the hearing at 7:00 p.m.

Hearing  7:00 p.m.      Definitive Subdivision:  DSD #06-07, Daley, 2082 State Highway/ Route 6 (Map 29, Parcel 129) 2 lots proposed
O’Connell read the comments from the other boards regarding the proposed subdivision.  Chester Lay of Slade Associates came forward and reviewed a road change on the plan.  The road will be changed from T-base to pavement.  He brought along the covenant which asked for a waiver on the width of the road.  The entrance, although it is not a new curb cut, requires an application to the Mass Highway Department.  In response to questioning Mr. Lay stated they will install the boundary markers which will be indicated on the final plan.  Rowell asked about a dirt road across the lot to the Mainstay Motel.  Mr. Lay said there was an easement to the Granlunds of the Mainstay Motel.  Harper asked about ownership of Kevin Daley Road, the new road.  Lay said in other towns, road owners enter a trust so that the ownership is held by one entity.  Mr. Lay said he could put this in the covenant.  Harper also asked about plowing of the new private road.  Harper discussed creating the parcel through a variance for a driveway off Rte. 6 instead of subdividing.  Mr. Lay said the ZBA would not grant a variance for this type of lot.  Mr. Lay said a zoning bylaw change would be necessary for a “pork chop” or “panhandle” lot.  The two lots now are officially on Kevin Daley Way.  The road includes two berms in addition to the 14 ft. width.

Mr. Lay said he would amend the covenant to include a homeowners’ association agreement for road ownership and specify that entry into the new lot is from Kevin Daley Way.

Pickard moved to approve the subdivision with the adjustments.  Grey seconded. The motion carried 6-1-0.  (Harper abstaining)

Lay said he would add to the covenant an “As-built” for the finished road.  Parent moved to have the As-built condition added to the covenant.  Harper seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

O’Connell closed the hearing at 7:30 p.m.

Baker Escrow Account
Town Clerk/Treasurer Dawn Rickman had notified PB that the escrow account for the Baker Subdivision #01-02 is still open.  She wanted to be advised on the disposition of the order of conditions in order to close the account.  O’Connell suggested that a decision be deferred until PB checked on the landscaping that had been specified for the side of the road.  There will be a site visit before the next PB meeting.  

Annual Town Report
Rex Peterson will prepare a draft of the Annual Town Report.

Wind Turbines
Rex Peterson said PB should go through the model bylaw and decide what was important to create a Wellfleet bylaw.  Gray moved to set up a subcommittee to go through some of the issues and work with Peterson on a wind turbine bylaw. Parent discussed siting for wind turbines, and Pickard discussed designs for imploding towers.  Parent seconded the motion to form a subcommittee.  Gray and Oliver volunteered to be on the subcommittee.  The motion carried 7-0.

Subdivision Rules & Regulations
O’Connell presented a Table of Contents from the Nantucket Subdivision Rules & Regulations. He noted the additional topics that Wellfleet’s document could include and those that could be eliminated.  O’Connell said the current Wellfleet Rules & Regulations needs more than amendments to be updated.  Gray suggested that a public hearing would yield more suggestions.  Harper and Parent discussed the Wellfleet Subdivision Control document as it exists.  Parent said that document has worked for the subdivisions even if mistakes have been made by human error.  Parent maintained that the regulations have been stringent, but they could use improvement.  Parent said there a few parcels left that have the potential for large subdivisions.  Parent said he’d like to put PB energy into use of land rather than do a big Rules & Regulations revision.  

Gray moved to set up a work session to review the proposed Subdivision Rules & Regulations and see what could be applied to Wellfleet.  Harper seconded the motion.  O’Connell discussed critical issues in the Rules & Regulations that should be included in Wellfleet’s document.  The motion carried 7-0.  

Pickard asked about preparing a “hit list” in case the Board got bogged down with all the details of the v document.  Pickard discussed the unique topography of the remaining parcels that could be subdivided.  Parent said PB should cite things that have not worked and deal with that.  Tentatively January 23 will be the date for a special Rules & Regulations meeting.

Affordable Housing Rates
Rex Peterson discussed the new HUD fair rates for affordable housing.  He is still working on charts to show the increases over a five-year period.  He said it might be best to stay with fair market rates instead of the median rates.  Peterson said the affordable housing units were still being created.  

Minutes of 10/18/2006
O’Connell moved to approve the minutes of October 18, 2006. Parent seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.

U Mass sent a survey on scenic roads in Wellfleet.  Rex Peterson will follow up on the study.  PB discussed criteria for the creation of more scenic roads.  

Other Business
PB discussed the “Airstrip” lot in the Marconi site of the Seashore.  Rowell will pursue seeking a CPC grant for funding to go to Land Court to get access to the landlocked property.

Parent said he was pleased with Special Town Meeting results.  
Pickard moved to adjourn.  Parent seconded, and the meeting adjourned at
8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chairman   
