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Planning Board Minutes 10/05/2005

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of October 5, 2005
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Barbara Gray, Ben Gitlow, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard, David Rowell; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Condo Conversion – Sarett Lane RT, 25 Sarett Ln. (Map 42, Parcel 87.4)
Chester Lay of Slade Associates and Attorney William Hammatt represented Trustee John S. Kelley for his condominium conversion request at 25 Sarett Lane.  Planning Board addressed several concerns for ZBA to consider.  PB recommended that the year-round status of all the units be verified.  The Board  felt this was a good time to remedy the network of entrances to the property by closing all 4 driveways to the north and the Rte. 6 entrance across Serena’s (Map 42, Parcel 92) to the east.  This would make the one entrance into the property on the black-topped Sarett Lane. The fence in the south-west corner needed to be improved.  A clarification of exclusive use areas is also needed. There were also septic issues and a mystery well in the north-west corner that are Board of Health issues that PB noted.
Gerald Parent made a motion to advise the ZBA that the Planning Board had reviewed the condominium conversion request and recommends that: Town Counsel review the documents, five driveways are shut off, the fence opening in the south-west corner is sufficiently wide, confirmation of year-round status of the units be provided, and language concerning exclusive use is clarified to match the plan.  David Rowell seconded the motion.  Ben Gitlow abstained from voting, explaining that he considered the condo conversion a change of use.
The motion carried 5-0-1.

Road Name Change – Way #90 to Slow Turtle Way
None of the residents of Way #90 were present, but their paper work was in order for renaming the way.  Gitlow moved to approve the change of name to Slow Turtle Way.  Parent seconded.  The motion for the road name change carried 7-0.

ANR 05-06 – Dean, 260 Lieutenant Island Rd. (Map 41, Parcel 42)
Chairman O’Connell recused himself as a Conservation Trust abutter of the property.  Gerald Parent assumed the chairmanship but disclosed for the record that he had sold Parcel 45 and now has Parcel 50 listed for sale.  Chet Lay said this was not a problem.
Barbara Gray moved to approve as an ANR the division of the property that creates one unbuildable lot which will be conveyed to the Conservation Trust.  Parent seconded the motion.  The motion carried 5-0-1.

Topics for Discussion with Selectmen
Gitlow distributed a summary of the Municipal Water System to date and included his recommendations to the Board of Selectmen. Barbara Gray asked if it would be appropriate to add another recommendation on conservation of water.  Gray moved to approve the suggestions presented by Gitlow; O’Connell seconded for the sake of discussion.  Rex Peterson said the BOS wants a dialogue, not necessarily recommendations.  Instead of a motion the idea was changed to a consensus on discussing the recommendations with the BOS when PB meets with them at a yet unspecified date.

Option 5, approved by the BOS for 335 Main St., was also considered.  Peterson explained the easement for the bank’s drive-through.  He also said that uses for the former church and additional buildings are not yet known.  David Rowell felt that a cleaned up definition of the Central District prior to developing the property would be helpful.  Al Pickard proposed a “Center of Town” district that would allow more lot coverage and 3 or 5 foot setbacks.  PB had issues with loss of parking and wondered if parking underneath a new building at 335 Main St. would be feasible.  Gerald Parent said that PB’s opinion could be asked at STM in November.  O’Connell plans to invite the BOS to the October 19 PB meeting.

Other Business
~ The ZBA secretary had sent the decision and plans for Case 05-21, which had not been referred to the Planning Board.  A Special Permit was issued June 17, 2005, to construct an office and equipment storage building for a landscaping business for Map 30, Parcel 31 on Route 6.  Because there were over 10 parking spaces, PB believes the project should have first been referred to them. No further action was taken as PB felt ZBA was aware of this oversight.

~ Ben Gitlow said he would give periodic reports on the new Community Preservation Committee, which will attend a training session Oct. 22.

Gitlow had questions concerning the latest Board of Health minutes in regards to DEP regulations for septic inspections upon change of title.

Gerald Parent moved to approve the amended minutes of Sept. 21, 2005.  Gitlow seconded, and the motion to approve carried 5-0-2.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
