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Planning Board Minutes 08/03/2005

Wellfleet Planning Board
Agenda for Meeting of August 3, 2005
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Ben Gitlow, Barbara Gray, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, David Rowell

Excused:        Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Absent:         Alfred Pickard
Chairman O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

ANR #05-05, Rosenthal, 100 Whidah Way, Map 8, Parcel 299
Chester Lay of Slade Associates, Inc. presented the ANR on behalf of Frauke Rosenthal.  The request was to take a slice, labeled 12 D on the plan, from Lot 11 C (Map 7, Parcel 11) and add it to Lot 12 C (Map 8, Parcel 299), creating an additional 15 feet of frontage for Lot 12 C.  O’Connell moved to accept the ANR.
Ben Gitlow seconded the motion to approve ANR #05-05.
The motion to endorse ANR #05-05 carried 6-0.

Scenic Roads
Before Chet Lay departed, Gerald Parent asked him to explain the definition of the Old King’s Highway.  Mr. Lay said that the 1744 layout of the road from Eastham to Truro has a 40 ft. width; that is 20 ft. from the center of the road to each property.  Ben Gitlow verified the devastation created by the road cutting that had been reported in Sandy Grabbe’s letter of 7/20/05.  She and several other neighbors and abutters to the Old King’s Highway were at the meeting to discuss the road.  Gitlow proposed an amendment to the Zoning Bylaws and offered two suggested wordings.  The concerned citizens discussed unsafe road conditions as well as the extreme trimming.  O’Connell read into record a letter from Susan Waterbury Watson expressing these concerns.  Parent said that the DPW brush whacker had widened all town roads for the sake of safety and getting equipment down them.  He said the Town needs to establish a balance between the safety and scenic aspects of such roads.  Gitlow suggested a public meeting or hearing to discuss a scenic road bylaw amendment.  MGL protects the removal of trees and stone walls, but nothing else is proscribed.  Gitlow made a motion that the Planning Board take steps to amend the bylaws to address the issue of scenic roads.  Barbara Gray seconded the motion and more discussion followed.  An amendment would not be ready for Special Town Meeting in fall, but PB could aim for Annual Town Meeting in 2006.  Signage with speed limits or “Be Respectful” messages were discussed.  Other options were making the road one-way, perhaps as a seasonal arrangement.  PB agreed that the Board of Selectmen should be made aware of the situation and send copies of the letters of concern along with an earlier letter to them regarding Old King’s Highway.
The motion to begin bylaw changes regarding scenic roads carried 6-0.

Gross Hill Monopole Planting Replacements
Gerald Parent suggested Leyland cypress as another option for the replacement plantings around the Gross Hill Monopole. Although it is not an indigenous species, it grows well, provides good screening and is drought resistant.  PB felt Rex Peterson could write to Green Mountain Communications and indicate that they should fix the problem even if it means using non-native plants.  The Board would like Green Mountain to report on what they plant.  O’Connell will draft a memo to Rex Peterson regarding the plantings.

Ben Gitlow recommended keeping the list of priorities short so that they can actually be addressed.  PB members culled items from older priority lists and added new ideas to arrive at the following list:
1.)     Subdivisions Regulations
2.)     Water Issues in Downtown
3.)     Central District Boundaries
4.)     Rte. 6 (Barbara Gray and Ben Gitlow will form a work group to deal with development, safety and congestion issues.)
5.)     Wind Towers
6.)     Cell Towers
7.)     Site Plan Review
8.)     Affordable Housing Inclusionary Bylaw

Chair O’Connell read some of the ZBA notices and distributed a conference announcement to interested members.  He also noted the DEP Waterways Permit Application Notification dated 7/22/05 for dredging the harbor.

Parent made a motion to approve the minutes of July 20, 2005, Gray seconded.  The Board voted to approve the minutes 6-0.

Gitlow made a motion to adjourn; Miller seconded; All approved 6-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
