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Planning Board Minutes 05/04/2005

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of May 4, 2005
7:00 p.m.
Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Mark Berry, Lisa Brown, Ben Gitlow, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard
Excused:        Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Geiger Utilities for Lot #3, Baker Rd. (Map 29, Parcel 335)
Chair O’Connell disclosed his status as an abutter through the Wellfleet Conservation Trust. Richard Lay of Slade Associates, Inc., representing Harvey Geiger, had no problem with O’Connell dealing with the request to release the covenant for Lot #3 on Baker Rd.(Map 29, Parcel 335) because the electrical service will not be needed since the lot is to be conveyed the the Wellfleet Conservation Trust.  Mr. Lay, when questioned why he needed the covenant release before the sale, said that they can’t close without it.  Gerald Parent made a motion to approve the release of the covenant, sign it but hold it until the property is sold to the Town of Wellfleet.  Mark Berry seconded.
The motion carried 6-0-1 (Gitlow abstaining)

PSD 05-01; Henry Goss Cortes, Goss Ln.  (Map 35, Parcels 15-17.1)
Alfred Picard disclosed that Mr. Cortes is a customer of his; Mark Berry disclosed that has worked for Cortes; and O’Connell disclosed that the Conservation Trust has had conversations about the subject property with Mr. Cortes.  Richard Lay, representing Henry Cortes, had no problem with any of them remaining for his presentation of the Preliminary Subdivision of the Goss Lane property (Map 35, Parcels 15, 16, 17, 17.1).  The plan, dated February 17, 2005, shows a ten lot subdivision.  Lay said that the 13 ft. contour line which depicts the boundary of the A3 Flood Plain was shot on the ground, not by photogrommetry.  He said that 60% of the land is above the flood plain.  The 100 foot buffer zone away from the coastal bank was marked on the lots that abutted the marsh.  An 18 foot, paved road with catch basins was planned for the mostly level land.  

Harriet Miller had questions about Lot 4, which contains 39,993 square feet above the flood plain.  Mr. Lay said the Area of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC) line seaward of the 100 ft. buffer zone was not shown on the plan.  He said that building which has no adverse impact is not prohibited within the ACEC.  O’Connell would like to hear from the Conservation Commission on this.  

Ben Gitlow questioned Mr. Lay about land clearing and grading.  Lay said there was minimum grading needed because there are no significant grades on the property.  O’Connell said he would like to have a cluster of oak trees located on the plans.  

O’Connell asked what variances the subdivision would require.  Lay mentioned road width.  He expects the road to be 18 feet with berms and two lanes.  The road cannot be below 10 ft., so there is a 9.2 ft. spot that will need to be built up.

Pickard wanted to see more bounds at each lot.  Lay said to ask for a supplementary plan when the bounds are set; this is just the preliminary plan.

Another requirement that Lay anticipates is entry permits from the State Highway.  O’Connell found the present angle of entry to Goss Lane difficult; he wondered if the present entry to the highway could be closed and a new one opened directly out from Goss Lane to Rte. 6.  Lay said he could ask the state.

When O’Connell asked about Board of Health involvement, Lay said that he was not asking PB for any action on the preliminary subdivision at this time.  The owner has 7 months in which to submit a definitive subdivision and was not making a big push to get approval of the preliminary.  Lay promised to call PB when the lots are staked so that they can do another site visit.  O’Connell made a motion that Lay ask Cortes to get advice from the Conservation Commission on his proposal.  Lisa Brown seconded the motion.
The motion to refer it to ConsCom carried 7-0.

Gitlow had a question about what agency takes into account rising sea level and changes in the shoreline.  He was curious about this for input on any waterfront developments.
Subdivision Regulations
The Board discussed several topics that are in the Nantucket Subdivision Regulations that may serve as a model for revision of the Wellfleet regulations.  Some of the topics were: As-builts, submission completeness, ANRs, road certification, certification of base grade, wetland species (a Conservation matter), homeowners’ associations, and setting bounds.  O’Connell said that he will meet with Rex Peterson to sort out what the revision process and topics should be.

Other Business
An updated copy of the Green Haven condominium conversion site plan as requested by PB was made available to members who wished to study it.

Chair O’Connell wanted to be sure that PB was apprised of the resignations in the ZBA. A brief discussion followed on the impact this could have.

The invitation to attend the second meeting of Roundtable discussions with Eastham, Truro and the National Park Service is planned for Monday, May 9 at 4 p.m. at the National Seashore Headquarters in South Wellfleet.  Lisa Brown and Gerald Parent plan to attend.

Minutes  of 4/6/05 & 4/20/05
Parent made a motion to approve with a minor correction the Minutes of April 20, 2005.  Brown seconded and the minutes were approved 5-0.  

Gitlow made a motion to approve the Minutes of April 6, 2005.  Brown seconded. The minutes were approved 7-0.

Parent made a motion to adjourn; Gitlow seconded; the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
