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Planning Board Minutes 04/06/2005

Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of April 6, 2005
Town Hall Hearing Room
7:00 p.m.
Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Mark Berry, Lisa Brown, Ben Gitlow, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Noting the full quorum, Chair O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  

Condominium Conversion of Bay Breeze Cottages, 204 Kendrick Ave.,
(Map 20, Parcel 27)
James Ennis, owner of the two cottages at 204 Kendrick Ave. came forward to explain his proposal for a condominium conversion.  Al Pickard immediately raised the question of the date when the cottages were originally built.  An option if they are pre-1951 is to do an 81-L.  If it becomes a condo, Ben Gitlow felt strongly that the current use should remain the same.  He also asked if there would be restrictions of what renters might store on the lot, just as there are restrictions for owners.  Chair O’Connell had concerns about the piggyback parking, which was substandard but has served as adequate.  He also said that common and exclusive areas, the well and septic sites would be brought up in a letter of findings to the ZBA.
Ben Gitlow made a motion to include advice in the letter to the ZBA that use of the buildings be clarified for condo conversion.  If they are considered seasonal, they should remain seasonal; if they are other than seasonal, the use should remain the same.  Gerald Parent seconded the motion.
The motion on usage consideration carried 7-0.

ANR 05-02  Smith & Van Dorn,  150 Old Hay Rd. (Map 8, Parcel 79)
& 55 Mayflower Dr. (Map 8, Parcel 80)
Chester Lay of Slade Associates came to the table to present the proposed ANR for Sarah Smith and Elizabeth Van Dorn.  The re-division of two large parcels at 150 Old Hay Rd. and 55 Mayflower Drive would not change access to either property.  Parent made a motion to approve the ANR; Brown seconded.
The Board voted to approve the ANR 7-0.

CPA Committee
Anticipating the passage of the Community Preservation Act, O’Connell asked Planning Board to choose a representative to serve on the CPA Committee.  Ben Gitlow volunteered himself.  Pickard made a motion to elect Gitlow to the CPA Committee if it is established as expected.  Berry seconded.
PB voted to approve Gitlow’s appointment to CPA 6-0-1. (Gitlow abstaining)

Terms Expiring in 2005
O’Connell wanted to know the intention of the three members whose terms are due to expire this June.  Mark Berry said that after 10 years of combined service on the Marina and Planning Boards he is not going to re-up.  Lisa Brown said she would not re-up because of another major commitment she has undertaken for the next three years.  However, she might return to serve on PB in the future.  Gerald Parent said he would be willing to remain on the Board.

Wind Generators
Rex Peterson suggested changing the 7 p.m. meeting on April 20 to the Wind Generator presentation scheduled at 4 p.m.  The Board was amenable to this. They and Selectman Helen Miranda Wilson, who was in attendance in the audience, had several questions and concerns that Peterson said would be good topics for the presentation on April 20.

Subdivision Regulations
The Board looked over a hand-out prepared by Chair O’Connell comparing Wellfleet and Nantucket subdivision regulations.  He felt that the time was right to revise the Subdivision Regulations.  Helen Miranda Wilson said that she would be willing to help with definitions, which she had drafted once before when she served on Planning Board.  O’Connell considered the possibility of hiring an outside consultant to do the revision, but Peterson thought that it could be done in-house.  It will go to an attorney for review in the end.  The revision material and methodology will be a topic for the May 4, 2005 meeting.

Other Business
Planning Board reviewed the Department of Interior letter dated 3/28/05.  In his letter, Acting Superintendent George E. Price, Jr., commented on zoning bylaw changes allowing service trades, the Well Protection Overlay District, and setbacks for sheds.  He noted that the setbacks for sheds do not meet the provisions of the CCNS Zoning Standards and Regulations.  

Helen Miranda  Wilson provided the Board with an update on pesticide use in Overlay District.  Parent said that the Board of Health regulates pesticides, but he was concerned that spraying along the power lines jeopardizes not only Town water but also private wells.

Minutes of 3/16/05
O’Connell moved to approve the March 16, 2005 minutes as amended; Brown seconded; the Board approved the amended minutes 6-0-1. (Pickard abstaining)

Parent moved; Berry seconded; the Board unanimously voted to adjourn 7-0.  The Board adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
