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Planning Board Minutes 12/01/2004
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of December 1, 2004
Town Hall Hearing Room
7:00 p.m.
Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Mark Berry, Lisa Brown, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Excused:        Ben Gitlow

Chair O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Geiger Utilities
O’Connell recused himself as a Conservation Trust abutter to the subject property and Lisa Brown assumed chairmanship.  Chet Lay, representing Harvey Geiger, submitted a letter from Joyce Geiger Spencer.  Brown read into record the letter dated November 9, 2004.  Spencer’s letter states that she has no objections to the overhead utilities on Lot 1.  She asked for an easement for her continued use of these utility lines and included a copy of the easement for PB review.  

In order to do this, Planning Board needed to release the existing covenant and create a second amended covenant.  Mark Berry moved to grant a final release of covenant for Baker Road & Baker Road Extension.  Harriet Miller seconded.
The vote to release the covenant carried 5-0.

The second covenant for Lot 1 and 2 was presented.  Berry made a motion to accept the amended covenant.  Miller seconded the motion.
The Board voted to approve the new covenant 5-0.

The Board then signed the final release of the old covenant and signed the second covenant which replaced it.

Diamondback Way
Chet Lay represented John Goodman.  Chair O’Connell noted that Diamondback Way cul de sac had been covered with gravel instead of shell that had been specified on the plans.  Everyone agreed that this was not a problem.  However, just outside the cul de sac on Goss Way hardening had been put over shells.  Brown wanted to know how this would affect the road.  Lay said that the road “should wear fine” even if they didn’t do anything to it.  According to Parent, Goss Road may be extended and paved, and the discussion of the hardening over the shells would become moot.  At O’Connell’s suggestion the Board decided to defer a decision for two weeks in order to re-check Goss Rd.

Truro Zoning Bylaws
Truro’s revised Zoning Bylaws from their Special Town Meeting Warrant were distributed.  The Board looked particularly at their Water Resource Protection District (Sec. 30.4).

Wellhead Protection District
PB reviewed the November 26, 2004 revised proposal for a Wellhead Protection District with attention to boldfaced material which indicated changes.  The Board carefully examined the document for wording, grammar, additions, and further revisions which will be brought back to the Board of Health.  Al Pickard suggested that provisions for alternative septic systems be specified.  He also wanted to see specific mention of double walled fuel oil tanks.  O’Connell recommended adding an exemption section using the Truro Bylaws’ language  for this as a guide.  O’Connell also suggested that after BOH has reviewed the revisions, legal counsel check the entire proposal for D.E.P. compliance.  

The public hearing for the proposed amendments  is scheduled for February 16, 2005.  

Gerald Parent and Alfred Pickard recused themselves and left the meeting before the W.H.A.T. discussion began.  Lisa Brown wanted to review Planning Board expectations for the project before she acts as liaison at the ZBA hearing.  Jeff Zinn wished to present his up-to-date plans.  O’Connell reminded Zinn that ZBA will officially refer the project to Planning Board as specified in ZBL 6.3.13 as a Development of Significant Impact.  Nevertheless, Zinn was eager to educate PB beforehand and proceeded to answer several questions.  He said there were some minor changes with a reserved parking area, handicap access and bathroom fixtures. The underground water tanks for the sprinkler system and the most likely site of the summer tent are included in the latest plan.  There is no negative impact on cost to the town projected.  Police Chief Rosenthal did not recommend a traffic cop on the highway.  There is no overlapping of time with the post office both in season and off season.  O’Connell asked if potential parking along Rte. 6 had been addressed as a safety issue.  Zinn considered it unlikely that theater goers would use the side of the highway when there was plenty of available, although unofficial, parking at the lot on the abutting property.  O’Connell questioned how binding the Cape Cod Commission’s conditions were.  Zinn said they were very strict; no Certificate of Occupancy would be issued until the Commission signs off.

Zinn promised to send Planning Board the same packet that ZBA will be receiving even though he understands that it will be in advance of ZBAs referral to PB.

Other Business
The Board agreed to include in its December 15 agenda a discussion of the Open Space Committee and Conservation Commission’s request to designate the property on Paine Hollow Rd. (Map 29, Parcel 401) as conservation land.

Berry moved to approve the November 2, 2004 minutes as amended; Miller seconded; the Board approved the minutes 4-0.

Berry moved; Miller seconded; the Board unanimously voted to adjourn 4-0.  The Board adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
