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Planning Board Minutes 11/03/2004
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of November 3, 2004
Town Hall Hearing Room
7:00 p.m.
Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Mark Berry, Lisa Brown,  Ben Gitlow, Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator

Chair O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

ANR 04-11       Steiner, 3 Indian Neck Rd. (Map 28, Parcel 231)
O’Connell recused himself as a Conservation Trust abutter to the property to be considered and turned the chairmanship over to Lisa Brown.  Chet Lay represented Thomas & Patricia Steiner for their proposal to divide their property according to an ANR 81-L subdivision.  Two buildings on the one lot would be separated into each building on a separate parcel according to this plan.  Gerald Parent noted that under 81-L lots don’t have to be conforming and that Lot B contained most of the lowland of the original parcel.  Parent moved to approve the ANR as an 81-L; Alfred Pickard seconded the motion.
The vote to endorse the ANR carried 5-0-1.

Groundwater Protection District
O’Connell said that Richard Willecke of the Board of Health would like a couple of representatives from the Planning Board to get together with Willecke and Ann White at a date to be agreed upon to discuss the proposals for a groundwater protection district.  O’Connell agreed to notify Parent and Berry.  Ben Gitlow read the Truro Bylaw’s half page “Water Resource Protection District” for comparison. Copies will be available before the next PB meeting.  

Commonwealth Capital
Rex Peterson explained that Commonwealth Capital was a new program that recommends that Wellfleet do “smart growth” through 1) multi-family housing by right and 2) cluster subdivision by right.  He asked that Planning Board entertain these ideas in the minutes of a meeting.  Parent moved that PB consider multi-family housing and cluster subdivisions.  Lisa Brown seconded the motion.  Gitlow suggested a 12 month time frame.  Parent shared some of his thoughts on cluster subdivisions.  Brown recalled that there was good material on cluster zoning on Martha’s Vineyard that should be looked over again.  
The motion to further investigate multi-family housing and cluster subdivisions carried 7-0.

Discussion of the two topics immediately ensued.  Gerald Parent considered the Eastham overlay district along the Route 6 corridor.  Brown suggested a Wellfleet overlay district in C2.  O’Connell pointed out that the commercial district is about 45% unoccupied.  Berry said overlay possibly could be “by right” in commercial districts but by Special Permit for residential districts.

Service Trades
O’Connell distributed a hand-out on “Home Occupation” and “Service Trades.”  Its purpose was to suggest a way for smaller service trades to be defined as “home occupations” and operate from residences within the National Seashore.  A side-by-side chart compared the requirements and standards for each category.  His suggestion for consideration at Annual Town Meeting was to simply insert into ZBL Section II the words “6.22 or” right before “6.23” so that the definition would read “…Section 6.22 or 6.23 of the By-law.”  The other option, in his opinion, would be to make no changes.  After much discussion of “big” and “little” trades, deliveries and noise, licensing, enforcement, the Seashore’s use- tables, districts, and “neighborhoods” vs. “districts,” the Board agreed at Mark Berry’s urging to get in writing an opinion from ZBA on redesignating Service Trades in sec. 5.3.2 of the Use Regulations to sec. 5.3.1.  O’Connell will send ZBA a memo with this request.  

Other Business
Lisa Brown asked that a recap of the Board’s thoughts on W.H.A.T.s  Rte. 6 proposal be put on the agenda for the December 1 meeting so that she will be prepared for their ZBA hearing later that month.

Chair O’Connell mentioned that he’d asked Building Inspector Paul Murphy for any items he’d like considered at Annual Town Meeting, giving the Board and Murphy ample time before April.

Ben Gitlow wondered why the Cape Cod Transportation Plan of 2003 had nothing to say about Wellfleet.

O’Connell read to the Board an update from Kopelman and Paige regarding the status of the Paulick case.
Rex Peterson reminded everyone that the free “State of Wellfleet Harbor” Conference is being held Saturday, Nov. 6.

Gitlow moved to approve the minutes of October 20, 2004; Berry seconded; the Board approved the minutes 5-0-2.

Parent moved; Brown seconded; the Board unanimously voted to adjourn 7-0.  The Board adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
