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Planning Board Minutes 09/15/04
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of September 15, 2004
Town Hall Hearing Room
Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Lisa Brown, Mark Berry, Ben Gitlow, Harriet Miller, Alfred Pickard; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Excused:        Gerald Parent

Chair O’Connell called the meeting to order at 7 p.m.

Public Hearing
The public hearing for changing the name of a portion of State Highway/Old Rt. 6A, also known as “North Main St.” and “South Truro Rd.”, to “Old Truro Rd.” was the first order of business.  A July 26, 2004 letter from the “Old Truro Rd. Association” with signatures of 10 abutters requested the name change.  There were no objections from any abutters. At the request of Dennis O’Connell, Lisa Brown moved and Ben Gitlow seconded a motion to approve the name change with the specific identification “being that portion of the September 21, 1915 State Highway layout (as altered in 1924) lying approximately between stations 401+82.75 and 420+45 of the 1915 layout.  This road lies on the west side of the 1949 State Highway alteration approximately between stations 336 +40 and 352+00 of the 1949 alteration.” The name change must be recorded at Barnstable Registry of Deed and sent to the Planning Department in Boston.  The name then can be changed in the Wellfleet Assessor’s atlas.
The Board voted to approve 6-0. 

ANR 04-08
Richard Lay presented ANR 04-08 plans for 5 and 15 Springline Dr. (Map 29, Lots 258 & 259).  Lisa Brown presided as chair because Denny O’Connell recused himself as an abutter in the Wellfleet Conservation Trust.  Charles E. Rogers’ two lots would be consolidated into one lot through this ANR.  His intention is to apply to the ZBA for a Special Permit to convert the existing building into an affordable housing unit and to build a second 3-bedroom structure on the northern portion of the property.  Access would be from a new driveway off Springline Drive.  Ben Gitlow made a motion to endorse the ANR.  Alfred Pickard seconded the motion.  
The Board voted to endorse the ANR 5-0.

W.H.A.T. Theater Presentation
Al Pickard recused himself as an abutter when Jeff Zinn of W.H.A.T. presented his “fluid” plans for the future Rt. 6 theater.  Zinn is hoping to be exempt from a full DRI review by the Cape Cod Commission after a ZBA hearing Sept. 22, 2004 at the library. He initiated this presentation to the Planning Board to keep it apprised of his project.  He said it is in compliance with parking, open space, water and wastewater regulations.

W.H.A.T. has applied to ZBA for three Special Permits: one for dual use since the theater would be a second use in addition to the commercial offices; the second for a Development of Significant Impact, which ZBA sends to Planning Board; and third for Condominium Conversion.

Because the project involves over 10,000 s.f., ZBA made the mandatory DRI referral to the Cape Cod Commission, but Zinn hopes only the Wellfleet Special Permits will be necessary.  He is on track for an October ZBA hearing and thought that the ZBA would want Planning Board input or recommendations at that time.

Ben Gitlow asked about the ownership of the property.  Zinn explained that the “Wellfleet Commerce Center” had its purchase & sale agreement in place with the “Wellfleet Commerce & Cultural Center,” (Gerald Parent and Bruce MacGregor).  They are applying for the condo conversion Special Permit.

Gitow also addressed signage.  The plans presented to PB did not indicate that the sign bylaw had been addressed.  Zinn said that the present sign including both the theater and the Post Office is permitted by the Building Inspector.  O’Connell said future W.H.A.T. signs should be on the plans and approved separately.  Zinn and the architect explained that the signage indicated on the plans under the Board’s consideration was “expressive” rather than actual.

“Parking Calculations” were addressed in a hand-out that broke down the spaces for the Post office, the theater office, the theater and scene shop.  Zinn pointed out that the present parking space total (54) is under the requirements for both daytime use (52) and evening use (48).  

Chair O’Connell questioned if the loading and unloading areas had been addressed.  The architect explained that the “loading area” for the theater was not a dock.  The Post Office has a loading dock on the north side; the theater loading area is on the south side.

The present hours of operation for the theater are 6-11 p.m.  O’Connell wanted to know if this would still apply if the space were leased out.  Zinn said yes; the same time applies for weekdays and weekends.  

As an abutter in the audience, Al Pickard asked why the harbor location W.H.A.T. isn’t open year round.  Zinn replied that the building is not heated.

From the audience, Jeff Stewart of the ZBA questioned a reference to an outdoor theater.  Zinn explained that the outdoor courtyard contained a deck or porch that suggested a proscenium stage in design.  The intent of the courtyard is not for performance space.  It is meant to be an active place for meeting before shows and gathering afterwards for discussion and musical entertainment that could help ease departure traffic.

Lisa Brown asked if there would be any accommodations for SRO (Standing Room Only), but Zinn said only the seating for 189 was planned.

Chair O’Connell thanked Jeff Zinn for his presentation and reminded him that when his Special Permit applications with the ZBA become active, there should be only one plan so that everyone is working with the same information.

Other Business
Rex Peterson reported that the Paulick ANR court case was continued until October 4, 2004 because the two lawyers could not be present at the same time.

Chair O’Connell received the format for legal written opinions.

Chair O’Connell moved and Ben Gitlow seconded approval of the Sept 1, 2004 minutes as amended.  
The Board voted to approve 5-0-1 (Al Pickard abstaining).

New Business
Rex Peterson distributed information and registration forms for two upcoming training programs: the Endless Summer Conference, Oct. 6-8 in Provincetown and CPTC Nov. 6 in Harwich.

Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Planning Board will be held October 5, 2004 in the public hearing room of Town Hall.

Lisa Brown motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Ben Gitlow seconded.  The Board agreed 6-0, and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________    ____________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O’Connell, Chair
