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Planning Board Minutes - 7-7-04
Wellfleet Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting of July 7, 2004
Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair; Harriet Miller, Gerald Parent, Ben Gitlow;
                Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator
Excused:        Mark Berry
Absent: Alfred Pickard

Planning Board did not begin its meeting until 8:45 p.m.  While awaiting the achievement of a quorum, members informally discussed with James and Marcia Sexton, prior to their appearance before the Zoning Board on 7-22-04 to request a special permit, their proposal to convert  Surfside Cottages (Ocean View Drive) to condominiums.  Since without a quorum no business could be done nor action taken, discussion of the Surfside Cottages condominium conversion will be placed on the Planning Board agenda for 7-21-04, at which time members will have been able to study the documents distributed to them and the Sextons may be able to supply further information.  A site visit will also be scheduled.

Chair O'Connell called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. after awaiting a quorum.

ANR #04-04; Rodolphe G. Bessette, Jr, & Jean C. Bessette, 255 High Toss Road, Assessor's Map #12, Lot #234, 1 lot proposed.  Richard Lay of Slade Associates presented this proposal to shift lot lines; a portion of (plan numbered) Lot B1 will be cut off to form B2, which will become and remain part of Lot 1 (Plan Book 536, Page 4).  This action will allow Lot 1 to become an adequate building lot.  Chair O'Connell moved and Gerry Parent seconded that the Board deem the plan as Approval Not Required.  O'Connell noted that frontage, area, and access for the lots is satisfactory.  The motion carried, 4-0.  The Board signed the mylar plan.

Request for Final Release of Lots for SD #99-03--Caruso-D'Amico, Delphi Path, Assessor's Map #23, Lots #87-88.  The Board discussed the condition of Delphi Path (see minutes of 6-16) regarding its use of stone swales of 18" minimum on either side of the road (rather than loaming and seeding).  Richard Lay, presenting the request for release of lots on the subdivision, noted that a recent heavy rain had proven that the concept worked.  Since not all members had had a chance to inspect the road, and since the Chair noted that work needed to be done on the manhole in the turnaround, it was decided to continue the request for lot release until the July 21st meeting.

Nantucket Subdivision Regulations.  The Board agreed to defer consideration and discussion of the Nantucket SD Regulations until the entire board could be present.  Brief comments included:
Ben Gitlow's statement that the Nantucket regulations were massive compared to those of Wellfleet and that he would prefer to review the town's existing plan.
Chair O'Connell's opinion that the format of the Nantucket regs is superior to the existing Wellfleet document and that going through the Nantucket plan would show the Board areas which Wellfleet does not cover.
Gerry Parent's conclusion that the Board should work with the Nantucket regs back toward our own.

Town Meeting Follow-up.  Rex Peterson informed the Board that the Zoning Bylaw changes approved by the recent Annual Town Meeting had come back from the Attorney General's office and had been judged satisfactory.  Amended copies of the Wellfleet Bylaw will be forthcoming.
Wellhead Protection District Bylaw--The Board discussed the WPD bylaw for which no action was taken by Town Meeting, noting that:
more specific language should be used in the definition of horse keeping in and furniture refinishing in the district.
the Town will need Wellhead Protective Regulations which will prohibit activities not allowed in DEP Zone II (since the town has approved a well with a permitted capacity of over 100,000 gpd).
if the plan is to take the Wellhead Protection District to a Fall Town Meeting, the Planning Board should consult with the Board of Health (because of objections raised on the floor of ATM) about its concerns about designating the district "hydrologically."
a Planning Board/Board of Health meeting on the WPD bylaw should be arranged; after BOH suggestions have been noted and incorporated, a Public Hearing will need to be posted.
Service Trades and Zoning in the National Seashore--Peterson suggested that Lauren McKean of the National Seashore Park should be invited to join the Board for discussion of the relationship between the Seashore and local zoning.  He noted that McKean has suggested that Service Trades be moved as an allowed use under Residential in the zoning use table.  

Other Business:
Planning Board Reorganization.  The Chair noted that Lisa Brown would undergo surgery on July 20 and that she hopes to be back to the Board by the end of August; he suggested holding off on Board elections until she returns.  The Board concurred.

Minutes of June 16, 2004.  The Chair moved and Ben Gitlow seconded the approval of the minutes of 6-16-04; the motion carried, 4-0.
Mail.  The Chair reviewed the mail, noting communication from the Cape Cod Business Roundtable et. al. enclosing a Cape Cod Management Audit which the authors ask be completed and returned by August 15th.  (Copies of the audit questionnaire will be made and sent to Board members.)  Also in the mail was a memo from Rex Peterson regarding the encumbering of $985 left in the Planning Board budget for FY04; this money will be applied to a future questionnaire for the Town of Wellfleet, the original purpose of the budget item.
Charter Review Committee.  Ben Gitlow asked if the Board would care to be asked for comments on the Charter.  The Chair expressed his preference that Planning Board be an appointed rather than an elected board; Gitlow noted that the Charter states that all members of a regulatory board must attend Town Meeting if they have placed an article on the warrant.  The Chair suggested that Planning Board should respond to specific questions from the Charter Committee.

Harriet Miller moved and Gerry Parent seconded adjournment; the meeting closed at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
________________________________        _____________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Committee Secretary        R. Dennis O'Connell, Chair