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Personnel Board Mintes 03/07/2005
Wellfleet Personnel Board
Minutes of Meeting of March 7, 2005 3:00 p.m.

Present:                John Makely, Chair; Sue Peters, Ken Kimball
Also Present:   Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator; Elaine McIlroy,
                        Library Director

Chair Makely called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.

Approval of Additional Library Assistant Position
The Board reviewed the existing Bennett Associates job description for Library Assistant.  Library Director Elaine McIlroy explained that there would be money in FY06 to hire an additional assistant.  This would make a total of three Library Assistants.  

Rex Peterson said that the Charter 5.6.1 asks for Personnel Board approval of new positions.  Ken Kimball said this could be done as a recommendation in the Warrant even though it’s not a separate Article.  McIlroy said it can be highlighted to explain the increase in the Library Budget.

Sue Peters made a motion to include in the Town Warrant the Planning Board recommendation of an additional position of Library Assistant. Makely seconded.
All voted in favor to recommend the additional position 3-0.

Minutes of May 25, 2004
Kimball moved to approve the minutes of 5/25/04.  Peters seconded the motion.  The motion to approve the minutes carried 3-0.

Other Business
Chairman Makely asked about the file of all job descriptions and evaluations.  He also verified that there was no money budgeted for Personnel Board this year.

Kimball made the motion, Peters seconded, and all voted to adjourn 3-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

______________________________          __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                        John Makely, Chair