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Personnel Board Minutes 6-17-02
Wellfleet Personnel Board
Meeting of June 17, 2002
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room

Present:        Lisa Benson, Chair; Ken Kimball, Sue Peters; Rex Peterson, Assistant Town Administrator; Becky Rosenberg, Recreation Director
Excused:        Deborah Davis

Chair Lisa Benson called the meeting to order at 4:55 p.m.

Review of Descriptions for Seasonal Jobs in the Recreation Department: Tennis Monitor and Skateboard Park Monitor.  Becky Rosenberg, Recreation Director, met with the Personnel Board to explain the job descriptions for the above-named positions; she began by explaining the inception of the jobs.  Five years ago, Baker's Field complex contained tennis courts, a playground, and ball fields--it was smaller then, with less activity than it now contains.  With the addition of the skateboard park, the new playground, and the concert series, the duties of the Tennis Monitor job increased and the addition of the Skateboard Park Monitor became necessary.  Ms. Rosenberg explained that the jobs, especially the tennis monitor, are still works in progress and in the descriptions which she had written for the Board, she has tried to show the differences between the two jobs.
Lisa Benson commented that the Board might need more information than the descriptions had given, even though OMNI evaluation was not being used.  She suggested that Becky use the regular format for these job descriptions.
Ken Kimball stated that perhaps the name Tennis Monitor should be changed; after discussion, it was decided that the name Recreation Department Aide should be used.  Kimball also suggested that mention of the necessity for working papers must be included in both descriptions when applicable, since the minimum age for the positions is 15.  
Other points of discussion included:
Pay rate:  $8/hr. the first season, $9 the second, $10 the third
First Aid certification and the necessity for including in the Rec Department Aide job description the fact that at the beginning of the season a course in First Aid is given to and must be passed by persons in the job
Wording changes suggested to afford greater clarity to both job descriptions
The fact that getting substitutes for an absent monitor should be the responsibility of the supervisor rather the employee
Maximum number of hours which can be worked; Ms. Rosenberg stated that she, the Beach Supervisor, and the Town Accountant  are working out a system to deal with hours and try to eliminate overtime
Reasons for and budget problems inherent in distributing and selling of bottled water, Gatorade, and snacks by the Rec Department Aide, a practice begun to avoid having children become dehydrated and previously carried on by F.O.O.R., a group which no longer exists.  Chair Benson stated that she would prefer that these refreshments be donated rather than sold.  (Water is already donated.)
The huge responsibility inherent in the Skateboard Park Monitor job: dealing with rules, keeping the ramp surfaces safe and clean, monitoring the activity of up to 100 children daily in the summer months
Cost of skateboarding pass ($10/season); this goes to the General Fund
Checklists filled out at end of shifts for both jobs; perhaps a form for injuries to be completed (for insurance purposes) by the skateboard monitor, in addition to the one completed by fire department emergency personnel
Method for choosing Skateboard Park Monitor--Ms. Rosenberg chooses people who have demonstrated their qualifications and ability in their use of the park.  She added that there have been no problems with vandalism, that the "kids respect the park."
Chair Benson stated that the goal should be to get the two separate job descriptions up to the same level, using the Job Description format.  Since Ms. Rosenberg needed to do her hiring by the end of the week, it was suggested that the Board approve the descriptions conditional upon her rewriting of the job descriptions.  Chair Benson moved, based on the recommended revisions suggested to Ms. Rosenberg by the Board, that the Board approve the descriptions of the positions of Recreation Department Aide (former Tennis Monitor) and Skateboard Park Monitor; this approval was given for the purpose of appointment of persons to these positions and is conditional upon the Board's receiving revised documents before the next meeting.  Sue Peters seconded the motion, which passed unanimously 3-0.
Examination and Discussion of OMNI Questionnaire.  The Board decided to continue this agenda item to another meeting; Ken Kimball, who had been reviewing the document, stated that he did not think too many changes would have to be made and that the whole group (which is very familiar with the document) should go over it and decided upon revision.  
Improvement of Personnel Bylaw Definitions for Employee Categories.  Assistant Town Administrator Rex Peterson requested a deferral of this discussion until he could complete his work with the Town Clerk on the documentation of part-time benefits.  Ken Kimball asked Peterson for his help in providing a recommendation on the best wording for the definitions; Peterson agreed and took the Town of Eastham definitions (which Kimball had provided for the meeting) under advisement.
Old Business:
Necessity for another Personnel Board member--Sue Peters has a candidate in mind for the fifth board member.
Minutes of June 4, 2002--Ken Kimball moved and Sue Peters seconded the motion to approve the 6/4/02 minutes.  Passed, 3-0.
Announcement of an Appreciation Breakfast and Open House to Wellfleet Board, Committee and Commission Members to be held on Thursday, June 27 from 8 to 10 a.m. at the Senior Center
Monthly Budget Expenditures' year-end balance of $88.37 will be returned to the town
Next Meeting Date--the Board agreed to meet again on July 2, 2002 at 4:00 p.m.  Chair Benson stated that this would be an organizational meeting and that she would no longer chair the Board; all Board members expressed their appreciation of her work this year.  Other agenda items for the 7/2 meeting will be OMNI review and Definitions.
Ken Kimball moved to adjourn, Sue Peters seconded.  Unanimously adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________________              ______________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Assistant to the                   Lisa Benson, Chair
        Committee Secretary                             _______________________Date