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Public Safety Rev Com Minutes 6-18-02
Public Safety Review Committee
Minutes of June 18, 2002
Town Hall Hearing Room

Present:        Ken Kimball, Chair; Berta Bruinooge, Kirsten Bakken, John Ferro, Florence Schmidt, Matthew Frazier, Richard Townsend
Excused:        Lisa Brown, Kenneth Roscoe

Chairman Ken Kimball called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.  Welcoming the members to this initial meeting of the Ad Hoc Public Safety Review Committee, he announced that this meeting would be organizational in nature.  Responding to his request, each committee member introduced himself/herself and briefly outlined his/her reasons for volunteering for this group.  All mentioned their interest in police work and public safety in the Town of Wellfleet, many were long-time residents and community volunteers, and several had had the experience of participating in the Citizens' Police Academy.

Chair Kimball introduced Roger Putnam, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, who thanked all for volunteering.  Putnam outlined the reasons that the BOS had created this committee: to study all aspects of the town's public safety offerings and the town's long and short term safety needs.  He emphasized that the purpose of this committee is to study the needs of the town and that it would serve the town ill if the committee were to attempt to "get" someone.
Kimball asked that members of the audience introduce themselves and explain their interest in the committee.  Police Chief Rosenthal stated that he was here to offer the services of his department to the committee; Town Administrator Tim Smith offered administrative support and legal counsel; Jeff Stewart of the ZBA expressed his interest in public safety; Dale Donovan, Selectman, extended his well-wishes to the committee and applauded Roger Putnam's statement on the committee's purpose; Marilyn Miller, Cape Codder reporter, expressed her interest in the meeting; Selectman Michael May approved the committee's effort and thanked all for coming.  Wellfleet police officers also attending, all of whom offered their help and support to the committee, were Officer Ron Fisette, Mike Hurley, the community relations officer who runs the Citizens' Police Academy, Detective Michael Mazzone, and John Taylor, President of the Police Association, who also commended Putnam's statement.
Chair Kimball explained to the committee his conception of his role.  He stated that it was a tremendous responsibility to be a part of this committee and that he had great respect for police work.  He emphasized that this was not to be a study of personnel or personnel folders, that there were already avenues established for complaints and that this was not the committee's job.  Kimball commented that the meetings would be subject to the Open Meeting Law regulations and that this extended to telephone calls and email, also, in that there should be no discussion of voting items via these means of communication.  He cited a letter on file in Town Hall from Kopelman and Paige, Town Counsel, which explains email use by committee members.  He distributed a simplified Robert's Rules of Order, which he explained he wished to use for meetings, and a motion form, on which any extensive motion was to be written out by the member who made the motion and signed by the person seconding that motion.
Tim Smith, Town Administrator, added a few comments.  He stated that the Public Meeting Law applies to recommendations made to the BOS by the committee, that secretarial and legal resources of the town are available to the committee, that requests for material from the Police Department should go through the BOS, that almost everything the committee would use is public record, and that the administration was there to help as much as it could.  Kimball commented that he hoped to send agenda packets to committee members in a timely fashion and instructed members who might have information to include in such a packet to get it in to the Town Hall Administration Office so that it could be included.  
The Chair opened the floor for discussion.
Matthew Frazier asked if it was the original motion of the BOS to look into not only the police department and but also the fire department through the Public Safety Review Committee.  Kimball answered that the committee might not be able to handle both departments in the time allotted (1 year), citing his experience on the Personnel Board studying various town departments.
Roger Putnam explained that although, in the broad terms of public safety, studying the fire department also was originally discussed, it was decided that this would take too much time and be too onerous a task for this committee--the charge is just a study of police functions.
Dale Donovan added that with the charge they had in mind letting the committee follow its own intentions, that logical areas surveyed might include interaction of police and fire departments (e.g., facilities, Mass General Law control).
Tim Smith theorized that there are a number of interactions such as police/DPW, police/Health Department, Shellfish, Harbor Master.  Donovan, however, disagreed, noting that the charge is public safety.   Putnam commented that if the Committee finds avenues not directly involved with police staff, it could still follow them.
Mr. Frazier declared himself satisfied with these answers, but added that the committee might be taken down an avenue, such as communications, shared by the fire department.  He added that the outpouring of offers of help from the police department this evening was gratifying.
Berta Bruinooge stated that the letter (6/5/02) to the committee members from Tim Smith involved only the Police Department; she felt the task was big enough without getting into other departments--the Fire Department would take another whole year.  She saw the task as two-pronged:
Review the public safety offerings
Study the town's long and short-term public safety needs.
John Ferro commented that a lot of general statements had been made and that he would like to see an outline of what the committee needs to accomplish; Richard Townsend, Kirsten Bakken, and Florence Schmidt all agreed.  Chair Kimball distributed his outline of the committee's mission to the members and the audience and invited suggestions from all.
Roger Putnam offered the help of outside consultants (e.g., Mass Municipal Association), reminding the Committee to request this aid through Tim Smith and the FinCom.  
Officer John Taylor, suggesting another committee to study the Fire Department after this one has finished, emphasized that this committee should focus on a key problem.  He explained that some townspeople have a problem with the police and that the department would love to see that "disconnect" disappear.  Taylor felt that this focus should please the town and saw it as key.  He stated that it is important for this committee to meet personally with every Police Department member, which should help it with its task.  A great deal of material is available, he added--he also felt that the committee needed to hear from people in town.
Tim Smith suggested that the committee be briefed on the police department soon and that he could brief on its financial aspect.  Ken Kimball agreed that the committee needed information most of all in order to educate itself as a board.
Florence Schmidt suggested that everyone should have a Town Charter at the next meeting; Smith agreed to provide copies for the committee.  
Kirsten Bakken felt that the committee needed to know more in order to understand what direction to take.  
Richard Townsend agreed with Officer Taylor that some people would never be satisfied with the police department; he remarked upon the gap caused by recent retirements of officers that the town had known for the last twenty years.
John Ferro hoped that the committee did not focus all of its efforts on trying to make happy those who would never be happy; he advised expanding efforts.
Matthew Frazier referred to the section of Kimball's outline on broad public input, suggesting that perhaps there could be a liaison between the committee and the different groups mentioned (youth, middle age, retired, elderly, and business people).  He added that Officer Taylor had "hit it on the head" when he stated that it would not be possible to make everyone happy.
Berta Bruinooge commended Kimball's mission statement and starting outline; she commented that Taylor's suggestions fall under the heading of "Community relations and interaction."  She asked if information on Wellfleet's police policies could be available as a starting point at the next meeting.
Ken Kimball suggested not adopting any policy at this meeting but getting a list of documents together so that the chief or his designated representative could make a presentation at the next meeting.   He stated that he preferred that each committee member have his own copy of this material.
Chief Rosenthal stated that the police regulations had been rewritten and he would be presenting them to the BOS on 6/24; he will get them to the committee as soon as they are approved.  The written policies and procedures could be copied for the committee, as could the regulations.  Ms. Bruinooge suggested that the committee wait to get the policies and procedures until the new regulations were adopted.
To an inquiry as to why the regulations had been rewritten, Sergeant Fisette explained that they were being brought up to date with legal changes.
The Chief suggested that he collect a general package of materials plus the regulations if they are approved; Smith stated that he would put together a package of material which the committee would need.  It was agreed that the committee would meet on July 9 and July 23 at 7:00 p.m., the place to be specified.
Election of Vice-Chairman.  Chair Kimball asked for nominations from the floor for the office of vice-chair.  Florence Schmidt nominated Berta Bruinooge; Matthew Frazier seconded the nomination.  There being no other candidates nominated, Mrs. Schmidt moved the nominations be closed.  Ms. Bruinooge was elected, 6-0.

Berta Bruinooge moved for adjournment; Matt Frazier seconded.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m.

_________________________________               ______________________________
Frances J. Castillo, Assistant to the                   Kenneth Kimball, Chair
        Committee Secretary                             ________________________Date