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07/18/11 Natural Resources Advisory
Natural Resources Advisory Board Minutes
        July 18 2011
        Attending: John Riehl, John Duane, Ned Hitchcock
        Guest: Sylvia Smith
        Meeting opened at 7.05 pm
Ø       Riehl reported that the Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed that NRAB should take over responsibilities for Coastal & Pond Access.
-       Smith welcomed this and called the board’s attention to files located in the THHR file drawers.
-       Committee reviewed the Town map of water access points, based on HMP of 1995. It was agreed to begin a survey of these access points in order to understand the issues. Riehl would do north Wellfleet, Duane central and Hitchcock around Blackfish Creek area.
-       Riehl proposed to inform other key Town committees and Town citizens through a letter in the local papers. NRAB voted 3-0 to authorize the Chair to do so.
Ø       NRAB discussed the recent closure of Gull Pond. Cause was a change in the testing protocol, not to any actual high bacterial counts. Discussed whether to write a letter to theeditor to explain the situation and encourage citizens responsibilities. Decided not to do so, leaving the matter to Town employees.
Ø       Ponds Plan
o       Riehl proposed several small additions to the 2011 Ponds Plan based on some discussions with various Towns people after the plan was approved by the Board of Selectmen. These additions are attached to the minutes. Approved 3-0.
Ø       Menhaden. Duane updated NRAB on the progress to achieve protection of Atlantic Menhaden by the fisheries council. NRAB reminded Duane of our standing authorization to advocate on our behalf for protection of menhaden and herring. Duane will send a letter to Commissioner Peake in support of a stronger draft addendum to the fisheries regulations (vote to confirm this step 3-0)
Ø       Meeting adjourned at 8.50 pm
Approved:       September 26 2011                               Signed: John Riehl, Chair
Ø       Additions to PMP
Ø       Herring Pond
Ø               Herring Pond is the actual source of the Herring River. It has a small town landing, located on the NW corner with a small parking off Black Pond Road. There are some phragmites growing at the edge of the pond, which the CCNS is taking steps to remove.
Ø       Hawes Pond
Ø               The small pond behind Duck Creeke Inn at the Rt 6 intersection is Hawes Pond. It is partially tidal, controlled by a flapper gate at the NE limit of Duck Creek. Both eels and small fish have been noted in Hawes Pond. However, the pond is highly eutrophied as a result of reduced tidal flushing.
Ø       Silver Springs Pond
Ø               Silver Springs Pond was formed artificially in the 19th century when the railroad crossed Silver Springs Brook. This pond remains cut off from tidal flow by a culvert under Rt 6 and a riser gate at the bike path. There is active interest in Wellfleet to restore native trout and eels to Silver Springs, both of which were once fished there.
Ø       Sluiceway
Ø               The town landing at the sluiceway is on the west side of the channel between Gull and Higgins Ponds.    


Natural Resources Advisory Board                                                Monday July 18 2011
                                                                                        7 pm, THHR
Ø       Coastal and Pond Access
o       Board of Selectmen, June 14 vote
o       Informing others: Boards, Administration, Citizens
o       Plan to review Town landings
o       Specific Issues
§       Herring Pond
§       Ocean Drive

Ø       Pond Plan Additions

Ø       Eels, Herring, Trout, Menhaden