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Herring River Technical Committee 03/10/06
Attendees:      Chair Gordon Peabody, John Portnoy,  Stephen Spear, Andy Koch, Bob Hubby, Jack Whalen, Carl Breivogel, Bob Hubby, Diane Murphy, Tim Smith, and Christine Bates   

Chair Gordon Peabody called the meeting to order at 1:40 pm.  

Bob Hubby moved to approve the meeting minutes of 02/16/06 with amendments; seconded by Jack Whelan; passed 7-0.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.

Chair Peabody stated he would appreciate all members supply him with a 36 hour notification of their absence if they are unable to attend a meeting in order to determine if the committee has a quorum.


Chair Peabody suggested the committee set up subcommittees based on knowledge and interest.  Discussion took place regarding the responsibilities of the subcommittees and how the material will be pulled together to present to a consultant.  It was agreed the committee has accumulated a great deal of raw material and it would be beneficial to package the information for the consultant to save money and effort.  Tim Smith suggested producing a summary document, identifying what is required of the consultant.  Portnoy stated it was important to keep the public aware of the actions of the committee and suggested a news letter or post information on the web site.   He also proposed an outreach program to include stewardship opportunities for groups such as Americorps, town residents, schools, and interested organizations.  Gordon Peabody suggested utilizing Public Access TV to document the progress of the project, and include information on the Gulf of Maine.  Diane Murphy proposed the committee do a survey of other restoration projects to identify what issues were encountered, both regionally and nationally, which would save time and money by identifying the problems.   

The following subcommittees were formed:

1.      Restoration Management                  John Portnoy, Gordon Peabody,
                                                        Jack Whalen

2.      Vegetation Management Issues            Carl Breivogel, Stephen Spear
                                                        Gordon Peabody

3.      Permitting                                      Tim Smith, John Portnoy,
                                                        Steven Spear

4.      Grants & Costs                          Tim Smith, John Portnoy,
                                                        Stephen Spear

5.      Stakeholder Issues                              John Riehl, Bob Hubby

6.      Anadromous and Catadromous Migration    Andy Koch, Carl Breivogel,
                                                        Diane Murphy

7.      Educational Issues                              John Portnoy, Tim Smith,
                                                        Bob Hubby

8.      Environmental (Ecologist)                       Andy Koch, Carl Breivogel,
          Monitoring Issues                             Diane Murphy, Gordon Peabody

9.      Regional Restoration Experiences                Stephen Spear, Gordon Peabody,
                                                        Tim Smith

Action Items for each subcommittee:  Provide a brief catalog of issues on each item.

Carl Breivogel provided a overview of the clearing done March 3 and 4, starting at the  Bound Brook area.  Approximately 700 linear feet was cleared of brush.  He explained one side of the river was cleared with vegetation left on the other side.  There were approximately 14 people volunteering.  

Tim Smith discussed the protocol in selecting a consultant.  He identified Federal money available in an account at the present time.  There are seven pre-qualified consultants and Tim suggests the committee start with a small scope of work (having them perform an inventory) and then accept bids.  There are no time restrictions on the Park’s money; however, money needs to be committed by the end of October 2006 for the golf course land.  Involved parties need to know the cost of the program.  Smith feels a consultant could be on board in three to four weeks.  He stated the importance of the consultant being familiar with State processes.

The next meeting is scheduled for April 4, 2006 (Monday) at 1:00 pm at the Library.

Bob Hubby moved to adjourn the meeting at 4:20 pm; seconded by Andy Koch; passed 9-0.    

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates