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Herring River Technical Committee 04/04/06
Attendees:      Chair Gordon Peabody, John Portnoy,  Stephen Spear, Andy Koch, Bob Hubby,  Carl Breivogel, Tim Smith, Joel Fox, John Riehl, Hillary Greenberg and Christine Bates  

Regrets:  Diane Murphy and Jack Whalen

Chair Gordon Peabody called the meeting to order at 1:17 pm.  

Bob Hubby moved to approve the meeting minutes of 03/10/06 with amendments; seconded by John Portnoy; passed 7-0.

Public Comments:  There were no public comments.

Chair Peabody thanked Christine Bates for assisting with the meeting minutes.

MEETING: The subcommittees presented their reports:

Impact issues need to be integrated with a management plan, resulting in permitting and implementation.  Included in the impact issues are migration, vegetation, culverts, roadways, property histories, and the dike.  Under the management plan is education, liaison response, monitoring, funding and maintenance.  Discussion took place if a director was needed.

Vegetation:  an overview of the types of vegetation located at the various basins within the restoration area were identified.  Discussion about the vegetation removal techniques were discussed, taking into consideration the fish migration, and tidal flow.  It was recommended after cutting and chipping, the wood chips be made available to the public for removal, assuming there was access, which would save money.  The cutting would take place in early winter with late winter burning.  Permanent transition zones with reserve areas for animals will be established.  It was established that the majority of the restoration area is within the National Seashore and it is possible there could be some funding available to the fire management department of the seashore.  Peabody stated it is important to be knowledgeable of the seashore’s regulations and that we need to look at all options available.  

Restoration Impact:  Roads were identified within the restoration area which would be affected for elevation and culverts.  Portnoy stated it was important to look at all of the alternatives available (ie allow roads to flood or remove road crossings such as railroad crossings).  Further discussion included the regulatory issues, safety issues of the roads, elevations of roads, and working with the Fire and Police departments to review priority roads.  

Permitting and Funding:  Tim Smith recommended the Committee review NEPA and MEPA requirements as a first step because there is a possibility they would fund the majority of the project.  Meetings need to be coordinated with all potential organizations.  Smith recommended the project be made visible which will encourage funding.  

Stakeholder Issues:  There are 31 questions / issues by the stakeholders.  Hubby divided the issues to their respective subcommittee.  Ideas were exchanged about the need for a director or person responsible for the overall project.  Other options discussed were having the community be a part of the management, a person responsible for each subcommittee, and “who” will control the dike.  Fox recommended having a Board of Directors or Trustees consisting of National Parks people, Town people, and experts.  

At this point, a new subcommittee was formed including John Riehl, Bob Hubby, John Portnoy and Gordon Peabody for Administration and Oversight.  Peabody stated a list needed to be formed to identify what a project manager would be responsible for.    Helen Wilson stated the Board of Selectmen gave the Committee the authority to determine who will direct the project.  

Spear stated the owner of the land (Park) would have to give permission and sign-off for any funding for the committee.  Smith stated there is $80,000 available for the committee at this time.   

Migration Issues:   Carl Breivogel presented a list of categories of migration and categories of fish and wildlife.  He suggested the Committee needs historical and present migration routes.  

Educational Issues:  Bob Hubby handed out a list of potential educational tools available, including what information we have available now, educational interactive points (witness points), video records, photo records, internet, development of a cd, powerpoint presentations, press releases, etc.

Monitoring Issues:  John Portnoy presented a catalogue of the existing monitoring being performed by the National Park.  He recommended that since the Park is already doing monitoring, they should continue to be the lead in that area.

Regional Restoration Histories:  Tim Smith and Steve Spear provided an overview of various salt marsh restoration projects they have been involved in.  

Gordon Peabody drew a flow chart identifying the next steps the Committee needs to address:
Impact Issues Catalogues --- Management Draft --- Funding Consultant --- Tech. Committee remains in-line (communications) ---- Plan

Subcommittees need to meet to determine what issues need to be prioritized.  Helen Wilson stated the Committee can only give the consultant specific jobs to do and the Technical Committee will be involved until the final approval from the Wellfleet Conservation Commission.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 25 at 1:15 at the Library.
Joel Fox moved to adjourn at 4:20; seconded by Bob Hubby; passed 9-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Bates