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Finance Committee Minutes 11/26/2013
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of November 26, 2013
Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Stephen Polowczyk, Chair; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Thomas Reinhart, Sylvia Smith, Robert Wallace, Ira Wood
Regrets: Linda Pellegrino, Liz Sorrell
Also Attending: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian

Chair Stephen Polowczyk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes of 10/23/13
Wood moved to approve the minutes of October 23, 2013.  Wallace seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.
Recreation Revenue
Harry Terkanian updated Finance Committee on the Recreation Department’s revenues through October.  The revenues showed an increase over last year, but not everything had been included in the statistics he had at this time.  Sylvia Smith will request from Town Accountant Marilyn Crary a more complete listing of Recreation revenues and expenses along with a comparison of the past few years.  FinCom members discussed the condition of the Town tennis courts and plans to rehabilitate them.  

Fee Schedule
FinCom members had examined and commented on the current fee schedule for the Town and asked Mr. Terkanian if any of the fees had been increased.  He said that some fees had been raised.  FinCom discussed increases at the Marina.  Sylvia Smith suggested that department heads make recommendations for fee increases.  Beach, Building, Recreation, Marina Transfer Station, Health Department and Senior Center fees are of particular interest to the Finance Committee.  Sam Bradford will develop a format for those department heads to follow.

Budget Meetings with Department Heads Reports
Liaisons reported on the various department Budget meetings they attended with Town Administrator Harry Terkanian or gave information they knew about the Fiscal Year 2015 budgets.  Members reported on Fire, Shellfish, Police, and DPW Transfer Station budget requests.  

Capital Improvement Plan
There was a question about dredging for the Marina, which appears on the Capital Improvement Plan.  Harry Terkanian explained how the State funding for dredging works in cycles.  FinCom and Terkanian discussed plans for the Nauset Middle School roof as presented at the Board of Selectmen’s November 26, 2013 meeting.  Harry Terkanian reviewed the State standards and procedures that had to be followed.  

Auditor’s Report
FinCom had received copies of the Auditor’s Report and Management Letter for Fiscal Year 2013* and discussed the Water Enterprise Fund, the IT services by the County, accounting print-outs, and Chapter 90 reimbursements.     

Town Meetings
There was a discussion of providing child care during Town Meetings and of holding them on Saturdays.  

Liaison Reports
Tom Reinhart reported on a Nauset School Committee meeting he had attended.  Steve Polowczyk said that the Personnel Board was working on their Policy book.  Harry Terkanian reported briefly on the Energy Committee.  

Included in the mail were the latest issues of the Beacon and the Municipal Advocate, the quarterly Police report and the mosquito control letter from the State Reclamation Board.  Harry Terkanian had received an e-mail from the Inter Municipal Council requesting a Wellfleet representative from FinCom.  Sam Bradford and Tom Reinhart were willing to attend a meeting but were not ready to commit to becoming liaisons.  

Agenda for Next Meeting
The December 12, 2013 joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen is to hear the Budget presentations from the largest Town departments.

Loewenstein moved to adjourn.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

______________________________                  _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                     Stephen Polowczyk (Chair)

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/30/14.

Public Records Material of 11/27/13
* Auditor’s Report and Management Letter for Fiscal Year 2013