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Finance Committee Minutes 10/23/2013
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of October 23, 2013
Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Stephen Polowczyk, Chair; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Linda Pellegrino, Thomas Reinhart, Sylvia Smith, Robert Wallace, Ira Wood
Regrets: Liz Sorrell
Also Attending: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary

Chair Stephen Polowczyk called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Sylvia Smith moved to approve the minutes of September 25, 2013.  Lisa Pellegrino seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.
Discussion with Town Administrator
Town Administrator Harry Terkanian had a number of issues to discuss with FinCom.  He and the Finance Committee set the joint Board of Selectmen-FinCom meeting for Thursday, December 12, 2013.  

Terkanian updated the Finance Committee on: expansion plans for the Municipal Water System; the Baker’s Field Restrooms; the bid process for the Wellfleet Elementary School roof; plans for a redesigned entrance for Main Street at Route 6; reissuance of the Capital Improvement Plan as a 10-year plan; Police Station needs assessment; the Nauset Middle School roof; planning for the Library Reading Room; and a Wellfleet Housing Authority project located on Old King’s Highway and Long Pond Road.

The most attention was given to the Pay-As-You-Throw program, which will be the focus of the next Forum meeting. Terkanian explained where the official bags, in three different sizes, would be sold.  There were questions on commercial haulers who are not currently recycling trash.  The Board of Health will be holding a meeting with the haulers to review the new method.  FinCom members asked about staffing needs to ensure enforcement of the program.  Terkanian said that he would prefer to be over-staffed initially rather than unprepared. There will also be a need for more compacters, Terkanian said; but they will not be purchased until spring.  The scale will also need to be replaced soon.   Tom Reinhart said that the environmental element of recycling should be emphasized along with the monetary component.  

Harry Terkanian also addressed a number of questions that had been pre-submitted to him.  These included: costs for Nauset High School students from Truro and Provincetown; Mayo Beach parking; and the Lieutenant’s Island Bridge.

FY15 Capital Plan
Terkanian reviewed items that would be removed from the FY15 Capital Plan.  Town Hall roof was moved to another year.  The Police Department furnace needs replacement soon.  Terkanian promised a revised Capital Plan for Fiscal Year 2015.
Fee Schedule
FinCom members asked if departments compared their fees with other towns.  The big areas of revenue are Beach, Transfer Station, Recreation, Parking, the Marina, and the Water System.  The auditor had recommended that the Marina and other departments break even with revenue and expenses.  
Recreation Revenue
Marilyn Crary said that the Recreation Department had brought in more revenue from the tennis courts this year.  Harry Terkanian reported on a quote for rehabilitation of the tennis courts.  He said that the Recreation Department was preparing applications for grants from the Community Preservation Act (CPA) and the United States Tennis Association (USTA).  
Budget Statement
Sylvia Smith will update the Budget Statement.  She will also prepare the Annual Report, which is due December 13, 2013.
Janet Loewenstein gave a liaison report from the Fire Department on Call personnel, ambulance replacement, summer staffing, new equipment requests and the tanker. Tom Reinhart reported on efforts by the Energy Committee to encourage more solar panels on private residences.  Stephen Polowczyk requested a liaison for the Board of Water Commissioners.  He said he would be willing to be their liaison.  Liaisons reviewed the schedule of meetings for department heads with the Town Administrator.*
The latest issue of the Beacon was in the mail.  There was also a memo from the Town Administrator reminding all boards and committees to adhere to Open Meeting Law.
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on November 27, 2013.  The agenda includes:  Recreation Revenue Update, Reports from Department Heads, and the Auditor’s Report.  
Wood moved to adjourn.  Loewenstein seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted

______________________________                  _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                     Stephen Polowczyk (Chair)

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 11/26/13.

Public Records Material of 10/23/13
*Schedule of Budget meetings for department heads with Town Administrator