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Finance Committee Minutes 02/05/2013

Wellfleet Board of Selectmen & Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of the Joint Meeting of February 5, 2013
Wellfleet Senior Center 7:00 p.m.

Selectmen Present: Chair Berta Bruinooge, Jerry Houk, John Morrissey, Dennis Murphy, Paul Pilcher
Finance Committee Members Present: Sylvia Smith, Chair; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Linda Pellegrino, Stephen Polowczyk, Robert Wallace, Liz Sorrell, Ira Wood  Regrets: Thomas Reinhart
Also Present: Town Administrator Harry Terkanian; Assistant Town Administrator Timothy King; Town Accountant Marilyn Crary

BOS Chair Berta Bruinooge called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Jerry Houk announced the recent lung transplant of a young Wellfleet native.

Lydia Vivante of the Wellfleet Forum announced the new date of Monday, Feb. 11 for the State of the Town Address.

FY14  Operating Budget
Chair Berta Bruinooge led the page by page review of the Fiscal Year 2014 Operating Budget.  Assistant Town Administrator Timothy King explained changes to the Reserve Fund; the IT budget lines; and the Open Space Committee’s request for an updated 5-year plan.  Jerry Houk questioned the Economic Development line 184.  Paul Pilcher explained the purpose of the fund, and Janet Loewenstein revisited the information sheet supporting the program.  Elaine McIlroy of the Wellfleet Housing Authority explained their request for contract services of $4,800.  

Motion 12-0029: John Morrissey moved to restore $4,000 to line 5300 for the Housing Authority.  Dennis Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Finance Committee asked Town Accountant Marilyn Crary about Housing expenses in the current fiscal year.  She and Elaine McIlroy reported on current projects of the Housing Authority.  

Other questions arose on a variety of lines.  Harry Terkanian explained the Consultancy line 196.  Police Chief Ronald Fisette answered questions on the gas line of the Police budget.  Fire Chief Daniel Silverman responded to questions on the Fire Department Overtime lines.  Selectmen discussed the overall Fire Department budget as well as the Overtime lines.  

Harry Terkanian and the Board of Selectmen discussed the part-time status of the Building Inspector.  Terkanian said he could foresee the need for a full-time Building Inspector in the future.  

The School Budget figures are place holders, Harry Terkanian said, but they are close to what is expected as the final figures.  The schools will present those numbers at the next BOS meeting.  

DPW Director Mark Vincent was present to explain his request for Contract Services, which had been reduced on the Town Administrator’s Budget.  The line is used mainly for additional sidewalks, paving and drainage, Vincent said.  

Motion 12-0030: Pilcher moved to restore DPW line 5300 to $72,400.  Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

John Morrissey called attention to Library lines 5585, 5584, 5587 and 5589.  He said that those lines should reflect 19 1/2 % of the Library budget.  This level of funding is not provided in these lines, he said.  The Selectmen discussed contributions from the Friends of the Library.  Elaine McIlroy said the Library would like to see the Town help the Library achieve compliance and hoped this could be done in increments.  Reatha Ciotti explained how Library Trust Funds operate in relationship to the Town Budget.  

Motion 12-0031: Pilcher moved to restore the Library line 5589 to $15,000. Houk seconded.  The motion carried 3-2. (Morrissey & Murphy)

Recreation Director Rebecca Rosenberg explained the increases requested by the Recreation Department.  She gave projections for anticipated additional income with an expansion of the summer program and answered questions from the Selectmen and Finance Committee about partnering with non-profits and about revenue from tournaments.  Rosenberg also answered questions about use of the tennis courts.   Art Jerome from the Chequessett Yacht and Country Club reported on his efforts with the Recreation Department to create more revenue from the tennis courts.  He said he had recommended the additional money for monitors at Baker’s Field.  Laura Wanko explained that the swimming program had been expanded by an extra week.  Rosenberg explained how the cuts would affect the Recreation program.  Erin Mitchell, a local mother, discussed the benefits of having an expanded summer program.

BOS would like to see an enhanced Budget with revenue projections from the Recreation Department and deferred the Budget recommendation until the next meeting.  

Suzanne Thomas discussed the 20th Anniversary Committee’s request for Fiscal Year 2014.  The BOS said the additional funding might be better handled through a Town Meeting Article.  

Beach Director Suzanne Thomas explained the reasons for increasing the Beach Program’s budget.  She requested that the line budgets be restored to the Beach Director’s requests.  Thomas explained some of the supplies that are bought through line 5780 “Unclassified Items.”  She also answered questions about the credit card line.  Selectmen discussed revenue from Beach stickers.  

Motion 12-0032: Pilcher moved to increase the recommendation for the Beach Budget to $364,720 and that the revenue line from Receipts Reserved be increased accordingly.  Murphy seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.  

Motion 12-0033: Morrissey moved to change the Open Space budget to $3,000.  Pilcher seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

FinCom and the Selectmen examined the Marina Enterprise Fund FY14 Budget.  Tim King and Marilyn Crary discussed appropriations in the Marina Enterprise Fund.

The Water Enterprise Fund Budget was the last part of the Operating Budget review.

Capital Budget FY2014
The Capital Improvement Plan column for Fiscal Year 2014 was reviewed.  Harry Terkanian noted the changes to a number of items.  The Barnstable Services IT consultants answered questions regarding Information Technology items.  

Police Chief Ronald Fisette was present for a discussion on the request for tasers for the Police Department, but there were no questions or comments at this time.

Fire Chief Daniel Silverman discussed the replacement tanker, which will appear as an Article on the Town Meeting Warrant.  He explained the need for a new, smaller and safer tanker.  

There was further discussion of means of funding the tennis court rehabilitation because there was nothing listed for FY14 in the Capital Plan.  There were questions about the WES roof, a matter to be taken up with the School Committee at the next meeting.  

Other Operating Budget Lines
Motion 12-0034 Morrissey moved to restore line 122-511, the Operating Budget for Selectmen’s Salaries, to $5,000.   Pilcher seconded. The motion carried 5-0.   

Motion 12-0035 Morrissey moved to approve the Veteran’s Services line for $7,500.  Houk seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Tennis Court Business Plan
Recreation Department Head Rebecca Rosenberg had submitted a business plan for the rehabilitation of the Town Tennis Courts.  She answered questions regarding private lessons on the courts.  Pilcher said he still wanted to see more information on projected revenue.  Rosenberg explained some of the cost estimates.  The Selectmen agreed that the plan should be ready for a Fall Special Town Meeting.  

Contract for Library HVAC
Assistant Town Administrator Timothy King explained the proposal for the Library HVAC replacement project.

Motion 12-0036: Murphy moved to award the bid for the contract for the Library HVAC system.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Head Librarian Elaine McIlroy explained that the Library would be receiving USDA grant money for the project.  

Motion 12-0037: Pilcher moved to approve the revised quote of $33,350 for the Library HVAC.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

The meeting was adjourned by consensus at 10:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _______________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary               Sylvia Smith, Finance Committee Chair

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/27/13.

Public Records Materials of 2/5/13
1.)  Fiscal Year 2014 Budget Worksheets
2.) Tennis Court Business Plan and letters of support
3.) Library HVAC revised quote of February 3, 2013