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Finance Committee Minutes 09/12/2012
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of September 12, 2012
Senior Center, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Sylvia Smith, Chair; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Linda Pellegrino, Stephen Polowczyk, Ira Wood
Regrets: Thomas Reinhart, Liz Sorrell, Robert Wallace
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Assistant Town Administrator Timothy King

Chair Sylvia Smith called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Town Clerk/Treasurer & Town Collector   
Town Clerk/Treasurer Dawn Rickman was present to discuss the possibility of having her current position split into two separate positions upon her retirement in 2014.  She said if this were to happen it would take a decision at Town Meeting.  The elected position could be changed to an appointed one, Ms. Rickman said.  The responsibilities of the Town Clerk/Treasurer have increased; however, with computerization the responsibilities of Town Collector have decreased.  Ms. Rickman recommended change for the two positions.  FinCom members suggested that Ms. Rickman let the Selectmen and voters at Town Meeting know what the jobs entail and make it clear that she supports a change.  Ms. Rickman also discussed the Fiscal Year 2014 budget that would allow her to stay on as a training consultant for the person who replaces her.  She plans to let potential candidates shadow her while she is still Town Clerk/Treasurer.  Paul Sieloff said the change would appear on the Town Warrant for Annual Town Meeting.  Ms. Rickman said that she had consulted with Town Counsel1 regarding wording for the Warrant Article.

Fire Chief Daniel Silverman was present to discuss a letter sent to Finance Committee by e-mail from former Water Commissioner Chair Dan Wexman. 2    He will return to the next FinCom meeting after meeting with the Water Commissioners.  Chief Silverman distributed copies of his September 12, 2012 memo3 to FinCom regarding water tank antenna rental fees.  

Recreation Dept. Follow-Up
Recreation Director Becky Rosenberg distributed a summary of the 2012 summer Recreation program.4  She and Assistant Recreation Director Angel Robinson reviewed the statistics, including a spreadsheet of the revenue generated by the various activities and a list of suggestions for improved operations.  Recreation staff member Carrie Rushby elaborated on some of the difficulties in collecting and recording data without sufficient computer resources due to inadequate building facilities at Baker’s Field.  The phone system there is not adequate either, she and Ms. Rosenberg said.  FinCom praised the Recreation representatives for a big improvement in their record keeping this year in response to the Auditor’s Report.  FinCom supported improved computerization for program registrations.  They also recommended that the Recreation building be included in the Building & Needs list of capital improvements.  FinCom discussed expanded days, rainy day accommodations and/or exchanges with Truro’s all-day summer Recreation program.  Ms. Rushby explained a promotion of Recreation T-shirts for next year, an idea that FinCom members supported.    

FinCom reviewed a July 27, 2012 memo from Selectman John Morrissey regarding Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). 5
Steve Polowczyk moved to support John Morrissey’s suggestions in a letter to the Board of Selectmen.  Sam Bradford seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.  

Assistant Town Administrator Tim King said the Selectmen are cognizant of the need to prepare for the 2016 changes in sending trash to SEMASS.  FinCom had examined a Cape Cod Times article6 on what Cape towns are planning to do.  Members discussed improved recycling in Wellfleet.  FinCom might also support a possible future community composting program at the Transfer Station.  

Consulting & Legal Budgets
Sylvia Smith requested figures so far on the Consulting and Legal Budget lines for Fiscal Year 2013.  Town Administrator Paul Sieloff updated FinCom on both although he did not have the actual numbers.  He suggested putting spending for both lines on a future FinCom agenda.      

Nauset Schools Budget/ Building Preliminary Report  
Nauset Schools had released a Preliminary Report on buildings7 for the schools. FinCom studied the summary pages.  The finalized Nauset budget and the building study are anticipated in October, according to Steve Polowczyk, Nauset liaison.  When the final report is completed, FinCom will discuss it.  

Harwich Vote for Monomoy School
Paul Sieloff had included a Cape Cod Times article on the Town of Harwich’s vote to build a new school. 8   He discussed how this might affect enrollment at Nauset High School and Wellfleet finances.  

New Position for Water System Operations
Paul Sieloff explained the job description for coordinator of the Water System Operations.9   Tim King said that Administration was considering increasing the hours and confidential functions of the coordinator.  The position is still included in negotiations with the WEA and would also need to be approved by the Personnel Board.  

Ad Hoc Committee for Wastewater & Other Committee Memberships
Steve Polowczyk will remain as a liaison to the Ad Hoc Wastewater Committee.  In accordance with the Charter, FinCom members will not continue to serve on other boards.
Liaison Reports
Linda Pellegrino said that DPW is now working with software that tracks repairs for Town buildings.  She exhibited August 2012 sample pages of the maintenance report.10

Sam Bradford reported on instituting parking fees at the Marina at this year’s Oyster Fest.  He said there was a discussion at the last Selectmen’s meeting regarding the possibility of charging summer parking fees at the Marina.  

Minutes of 8/1/12
Polowczyk moved to approve the minutes of August 1, 2012.  Pellegrino seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Meeting Schedule
Meetings will remain on the fourth Wednesdays of the month at the Senior Center.  
Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the October 24, 2012 meeting will include: Fire Chief Silverman’s concerns, Nauset Schools Capital Budget, liaison reports, minutes and mail.

Wood moved to adjourn.  Loewenstein seconded.  The motion carried 6-0.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Sylvia Smith, Chair

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/24/12.

Public Records for Finance Committee Meeting of 9/12/12
1.)  Memo regarding Town Clerk/Treasurer & Town Collector positions
2.)  E-mail from former Water Commissioner Chair Dan Wexman
3.)  September 12, 2012 memo from Fire Chief Silverman to Finance Committee
4.)  Report of Summer 2012 Recreation Program
5.)  OPEB Memo from John Morrissey dated
6.)  Article on trash from Cape Cod Times
7.)  Summary pages from Preliminary Report on Nauset School buildings
8.)  CC Times Article on Harwich’s vote for Monomoy School
9.)  Job Description for Water System position
10.) August 2012 sample pages of the maintenance report for Town buildings