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Finance Committee Minutes 01/25/2012
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of January 25, 2012
Town Hall Hearing Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dennis Murphy, Chairman; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Stephen Oliver, Stephen Polowczyk, Sylvia Smith, Robert Wallace

Regrets: John T. Morrissey, Liz Sorrell

Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary

Dennis Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Transfer #12-02 Beach
Because Beach Director Suzanne Thomas was unable to attend the meeting, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary explained the transfer of $3,882.03 for the Beach Transfer #12-02.1

Loewenstein moved to approve Transfer #12-02.  Polowczyk seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Transfer #12-03 Traffic/Parking Control
Loewenstein moved to approve Transfer #12-032 of $1,035.40 for Traffic/Parking Control.  Polowczyk seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Building & Needs Discussion
Hugh Guilderson and Ronald Zeffiro of the Building & Needs Committee were present to discuss Finance Committee’s budget intentions for building maintenance.  FinCom and Town Administrator Paul Sieloff discussed Library HVAC and other Library needs with Mr. Guilderson.  Sieloff explained a grant for building energy efficiency that the Town is seeking in conjunction with other Cape towns.  There is also a DPW computer program that was done specifically for Town buildings in Wellfleet.  Finance Committee is interested in examining the data that was collected. Paul Sieloff discussed items on the Capital Improvement Plan and answered questions on borrowing practices.   Mr. Guilderson asked that FinCom participate in a review of priorities for the Town building needs.  

Paul Sieloff discussed the use of Free Cash for building maintenance needs.  He mentioned a Wastewater Warrant Articles that would be requesting use of Free Cash.  Finance Committee is interested in the details of that proposal.  Sieloff discussed problems with rehabilitation of Town buildings.

 Ronald Zeffiro commented on how the Building & Needs Committee members need to be involved in the RFP and bidding process.  He stressed the importance of using the expertise of the Building & Needs Committee in matters of building maintenance.    

Open Cape Discussion  
The Board of Water Commissioners had sent a January 18, 2012 memo to the Selectmen3 and copied FinCom expressing their disappointment that there would not be any revenue for use of the water tower for the Open Cape communications equipment.  He outlined the benefits that Open Cape would provide even though there was no cost for use of the tank.  Paul Sieloff and Finance Committee discussed the fee the Fire Department pays for use of the water tower.  

Representative for Personnel Board
Dennis Murphy said he was willing to serve as Personnel Board representative from FinCom.

School Budgets – Joint Meeting with BOS
Representatives from the Nauset Regional Schools and the Wellfleet Elementary School will present their budgets on February 14, 2012 at a joint meeting of the Finance Committee and Board of Selectmen.  

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget
Paul Sieloff and Finance Committee discussed procedure for further Budget presentations.  Sieloff said that he anticipated a decrease in the Health Insurance line.  He mentioned the request of the 250th Anniversary Committee for 2013.  

Auditor’s Reports
Paul Sieloff said that the Selectmen were not pleased with the expensive covers of the Auditor’s report.  Finance Committee agreed they were unnecessary and suggested an e-mail version for next year.  Sylvia Smith asked about recommendations for the Recreation Dept. in the Auditor’s letter.

Minutes of 12/28/11
Stephen Polowczyk moved to approve the corrected minutes of December 28, 2011.  Stephen Oliver seconded and the motion carried 6-0.  

Other Business
Dennis Murphy raised the idea of presenting the full cost of Warrant items that include debt service.   Finance Committee agreed that they would like to have the debt information presented along with the initial cost of projects.  Although it can’t be given in the Warrant Article, Finance Committee was in favor of giving the true costs including the interest on borrowing.  

Agenda for Next Meetings
The next meeting on February 14, 2012 will be held jointly with the Board of Selectmen to review the School Budgets.
The agenda for the regular meeting of February 29, 2012 will include Budget and Warrant recommendations.

Loewenstein moved to adjourn.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Dennis Murphy, Chairman


Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 2/29/12.

Public Record Materials from the meeting of 1/25/12
1.) Transfer #12-02
2.) Transfer #12-03
3.) Board of Water Commissioners January 18, 2012 memo to the Selectmen