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Finance Committee Minutes 09/20/2011
Wellfleet Board of Water Commissioners
Town Hall Conference Room
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Present:  Dan Wexman, Chair; Justina Carlson, William Carlson, James Hood, Lori Vanderschmidt
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Water System Coordinator Michaela Miteva, Paul Millett of EPG, WhiteWater Operations Manager Roy Maher

Chair Dan Wexman called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and welcomed Justina Carlson to the Board.

Cumberland Farms Water Line
Reggie Donahue of Coastal Engineering Co. displayed an engineered plan for the water line from Cahoon Hollow Road to Cumberland Farms.  The Town’s requests have all been met by Cumberland Farms, Paul Millett of Environmental Partners Group (EPG) said.  The project is ready to move forward to the permitting phase, he and Mr. Donahue said.  Fire Chief Daniel Silverman recommended the installation of another fire hydrant on the west side of Rte. 6.

Hood moved to accept the plan as modified.  William Carlson seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Mark Abrahams Contract
Chair Dan Wexman relayed information concerning the contract the BWC wanted to enter into with Mark Abrahams.  Mr. Abrahams will present the scope of his services to the Board at another meeting.    

The Massworks grant is presented in a notebook by EPG, Wexman said.  It will be available for examination in the Water System office.  Paul Millett explained that Massachusetts did not have any USDA excess funds available this year.  
Mr. Millett also gave a report on the Cross Street expansion which is now underway.  He said it will be completed this week and connections can begin next week.  
Bill Carlson reported on possibilities for a plaque noting the USDA funding of the sidewalks and curbing in downtown Wellfleet.  

Roy Maher of WhiteWater reviewed his operations report of September 20, 20111 with the Board.  Discussion included: getting the generator at the Boy Scout Camp well site on the emergency priority list; the gate catch at the entrance to the well; refitted meters; and the flow testing to be conducted Tuesday, September 27, 2011.  

Water System Coordinator Michaela Miteva reviewed her report of September 20, 20112 with the Board.  

WhiteWater Contract Amendment
Paul Sieloff will sign the WhiteWater contract amendment that had been prepared.

Future Planning for Water System
Paul Millett of EPG submitted a map3 depicting the well system with further expansion route for Phase 3.  He explained the plan in relation to the Massworks Infrastructure Program.  Mr. Millet compared the plan with a large map of the Master Plan, which is in need of updating.  EPG needs to know what direction the Board is considering in order to give an estimate for a new plan.  Former BWC member and co-chair Emily Beebe was present to discuss water quality problem areas in Town.  She asked that EPG take those areas into consideration in updating the Master Plan.  There was also discussion of economic development, cooperation with the National Seashore for use of their water tank, fire suppression, a new public survey, water testing, and revenue from the current tank.  Mr. Millett discussed usage of the current system and DEP regulations for maximum pumping per day.   There is more planning necessary for future permitting for the system’s threshold, Mr. Millett said.  There was discussion of conducting a new interest survey for the system.  

Minutes of 9/6/11
Hood moved to approve the minutes of September 6, 2011.  Vanderschmidt seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  

Other Business
Michaela Miteva and Paul Sieloff said the Boundbrook Island Rd. property easement issue had been addressed but they had not heard back from the property owner who would be granting the easement.  

Lori Vanderschmidt asked about jurisdiction on water pollution in the pond areas.  Wexman said that the concerned citizens could call DEP and write letters to the editor.  

Carlson moved to adjourn.  Hood seconded.  The motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
___________________________             __________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Daniel Wexman, Chair

The Water Commissioners approved these minutes at the meeting held 10/4/11.                                     

Public Records Materials from meeting of 9/20/11
1.) WhiteWater Operations Report of 9/20/11
2.) Wellfleet Water System Coordinator’s Report of 9/20/11
3.) Map of water system