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Finance Committee Minutes 05/25/2011
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of May 25, 2011
Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dennis Murphy, Chairman; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, John T. Morrissey, Stephen Oliver, Stephen Polowczyk, Sylvia Smith, Robert Wallace
Regrets: Liz Sorrell

Dennis Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

New member Stephen Polowczyk and returning member Stephen Oliver were welcomed to the Finance Committee.

Janet Loewenstein moved that Dennis Murphy remain as chair.  Oliver seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Dennis Murphy moved that John Morrissey remain as vice-chair.  Sam Bradford seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.

Liaison Assignments
Liaisons 1 to a number of other Town boards were assigned and reassigned.

Fire Overtime Reports
Finance Committee has been receiving Fire Department Overtime and Double Time reports for over a year.   Paul Sieloff said he would like to examine the Mashpee Fire Department study before ending the monthly Fire Department reports to FinCom.  He discussed the Fire Department Overtime practices.  FinCom decided to continue receiving the reports. Paul Sieloff suggested that FinCom take on as a project writing a position description for the next Fire Chief.  Sam Bradford suggested sending a memo to the BOS reiterating FinCom’s interest in Fire Department Overtime solutions and suggesting that the Selectmen investigate alternatives for public safety management.   Murphy moved to first invite the Selectmen to meet with FinCom to discuss solutions for the Fire Department.  Oliver seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  

Pay Save As You Throw Program
Paul Sieloff called attention to the name that the Town of Duxbury uses: Save As You Throw. John Morrissey had sent out material on the proposed Pay as You Throw program,2 which was discussed at the 5/24/11 BOS meeting.  He explained the efforts of the Recycling Commission.  Stephen Oliver said he was opposed to the plan.  He said it would penalize young families for generating more trash.  He said the emphasis should be on education first.  Paul Sieloff said the plan is looking to the future because the SEMASS costs will be increasing.  He said a Save As You Throw plan gives people incentive to cut down on their trash.  FinCom members discussed how to reduce trash output, fees at the Transfer Station, single stream recycling, and composting.  John Morrissey suggested that interested parties join the Recycling Task Force.   
Minutes of 3/21/11, 4/19/11 & 4/25/11
Morrissey moved to approve the minutes of March 21, 2011.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Loewenstein moved to approve the minutes of April 19, 2011.  Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Morrissey moved to approve the minutes of April 25, 2011.  Loewenstein seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.

Other Business
Sylvia Smith revisited staffing at WES because there had been an advertisement for a first grade teacher in a recent newspaper.  Paul Sieloff discussed an allocation of funds that Orleans uses which will be considered at another FinCom meeting.

Smith also had a newspaper article on increased health insurance costs.  Paul Sieloff suggested that Smith discuss health insurance further with the Town Clerk.  

Summer Schedule
The next meeting will be held June 29, 2011.  The Selectmen will be invited to attend to discuss future ideas for the Fire Department.   

Loewenstein moved to adjourn.  Steve Polowczyk seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Dennis Murphy, Chairman

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 7/13/11.

Public Record Materials from the meeting of 5/25/11
1.)  Liaison list from fall 2010
2.)  Pay As You Throw memo of 5/13/11.