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Finance Committee Minutes 12/29/2010
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of December 29, 2010
Senior Center Great Pond Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dennis Murphy, Chairman; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Robert Kelly, John T. Morrissey, Sylvia Smith, Robert Wallace
Regrets: Liz Sorrell
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary; Selectmen Berta Bruinooge and Ira Wood

Chairman Dennis Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
7:00 p.m. Hearing for Capital Improvement Plan
Town Administrator Paul Sieloff presented the two parts of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).1 The CIP is now a 10-year plan.  Sieloff and Town Accountant Marilyn Crary answered questions on the CIP.  Bob Kelly commended the CIP for being zero-level budgeting for the ten years.  Kelly reaffirmed using the Vehicle Rollover Plan for approving purchase of specific vehicles.  The Building Needs Assessment Committee had given building information that does not yet appear on the CIP, Sieloff noted, because they have not yet submitted a proposal.  

Fire Chief Daniel Silverman answered questions on the Fire Department’s “Water Supply Development” line in the Capital Budget.  Chief Silverman discussed the “Ambulance” line in the Capital Budget; he would like $180,000 for a new ambulance included in Fiscal Year 2012, not FY2013.  Kelly indicated that no vehicle rollover form had been submitted for a replacement ambulance.  FinCom and Selectmen Ira Wood also had questions about the $200,000 request for a Fire Department tanker.  There was discussion of use of left-over Fire Station money for alternative energy projects.  This would have to be approved at Town Meeting.  

DPW Director Mark Vincent explained the FY12 Capital item lines for DPW projects.  He discussed the Disposal Area yard horse vehicle, Town Hall carpeting and air conditioning repair that had been moved to FY13.  

Acting Police Chief Ronald Fisette explained the Police Department request for two Ford Crown Victorias.  Ford will no longer be making that model, and Chief Fisette recommends buying one to be put into use and one to store until the new Ford Interceptor has been tested by other police departments.  
Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget 2
DPW Director Mark Vincent came forward to discuss 417 DPW Facilities, 420 DPW Operations, 422 Highways,  423 Snow Removal, 424 Street Lights, and 433 Transfer Station.  He answered questions on specific lines in each Budget.  

Acting Police Chief Ronald Fisette was present to explain 210 Police lines.  He said he anticipated adding a lieutenant, but not additional personnel.  Chief Fisette also presented 215 Communications/Dispatchers.  Paul Sieloff noted that there could be upcoming regionalization of dispatchers which would change this Budget.  

Fire Chief Daniel Silverman and Administrative Assistant Theresa Townsend came forward to discuss 220 Fire Department lines.  Chief Silverman said that a new contract was being negotiated, so the salaries are subject to change.  Overtime had been of special concern to FinCom.  Townsend and Silverman answered questions on gas and uniforms.

FinCom is invited to a Building Needs Committee meeting at 11 a.m. January 11, 2011 at the Fire Station, Bob Kelly said.   
Other Business
John Morrissey asked Marilyn Crary about Free Cash.  She said she anticipates around $400,000, but it is not yet certified.  Bob Kelly asked about moving Free Cash into the Stabilization Fund.  Crary said this could be done at Town Meeting.  Kelly made a case for increasing the Stabilization Fund.  Paul Sieloff said the FY12 Budget holds as balanced at two and a half percent.  He discussed money saving strategies for the Town.  The School Budgets are not yet in, Crary and Sieloff noted.  John Morrissey had suggestions for paying down debt.  FinCom members and Paul Sieloff discussed Fire Department ambulances and debt.  Dennis Murphy suggested preparing a list of questions for the Fire Chief for the meeting when the Fire Budget is decided.  Marilyn Crary discussed the tax rate for FY2011.  
Minutes of 12/8/10
The minutes of December 8, 2010 were approved 5-0.  
Agenda for Next Meeting
Agenda for the January 12, 2011 meeting was set.  
Kelly moved to adjourn.  Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Dennis Murphy, Chairman

                Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 1/26/11.

Public Record Materials from the meeting of 12/29/10
1.) Capital Improvement Plan
2.) Fiscal Year 2012 Operating Budget