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Finance Committee Minutes 11/10/2010
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of November 10, 2010
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dennis Murphy, Chairman; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Robert Kelly, John T. Morrissey, Sylvia Smith, Liz Sorrell
Regrets: Robert Wallace
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary

Chairman Dennis Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Streamlining Meetings  
Dennis Murphy suggested setting time allowances for each item on the agenda, and Committee members agreed to do this.  

Police Vehicle Rollover  
Acting Police Chief Ronald Fisette came forward to explain the rollover request and the new Ford Interceptor vehicle that will be replacing Crown Vic’s.  Fisette said that the Police Department would like to purchase two Crown Vic’s and put one aside until the new Ford Interceptors have been tested by other police departments.  The Interceptors have two models – the sedan and a utility vehicle, the model that Fisette said the Wellfleet Police is interested in.  Officer Robert Hussey answered questions from Bob Kelly, who objected to the rollover plan.  Fisette and Hussey responded to other questions from FinCom members.  

“Free Cash” Terminology
Town Accountant Marilyn Crary explained that “Free Cash” is a calculation that comes from the fund balance.  “Budgetary fund balance” is an actual account, Crary said; it is not the same as “Free Cash.”  The term “Free Cash” is misleading, so that a new name is desirable.  Paul Sieloff and FinCom will try to come up with a new name.  

Stabilization Fund
Paul Sieloff said he considered adding to the Stabilization Fund at about $50,000 each year is satisfactory.  John Morrissey discussed having multiple stabilization funds designated for particular purposes.  Members discussed bond ratings and the Stabilization Fund.

Reports from Dept. Head Budget Meetings
Dennis Murphy reported on the Water Commissioners Budget meeting with Paul Sieloff.  John Morrissey gave his reports on the Fire Department, Marina and DPW meetings.  Sam Bradford also reported on dock replacement at the Marina. Bob Kelly attended Marina meeting and the Selectmen’s meeting where the Marina, Shellfish and Beach buildings were discussed.  Kelly also reported on the School Committee meeting of November 9, 2010.

Interdepartmental Cooperation
Dennis Murphy said that the Shellfish truck was a good starting point for discussion of vehicle transfers from one department to another.  The Shellfish truck wears out and depreciates drastically because of salt water corrosion.  Murphy said FinCom could recommend some interdepartmental cooperation between DPW and the Shellfish Department for trucks.  

Minutes of 10/13/10
Kelly moved to approve the minutes of October 13, 2010.  Sorrell seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

Agenda for Next Meeting
The agenda was set for the December 8, 2010. This meeting will concentrate on a Budget review.

Other Business
John Morrissey said he would like to find out about Human Services budget. Kelly moved that Morrissey approach Human Services as a representative of the Finance Committee.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

There is a regionalization meeting in Eastham on November 29 that Dennis Murphy recommended to all Finance Committee members

Copies of the Beacon were available.  Bob Kelly said the Mosquito control letter had arrived with the Wellfleet assessment.  

Sorrell moved to adjourn.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:45p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Dennis Murphy, Chairman

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/8/10.

Public Record Materials from the meeting of 11/10/10
Police Vehicle rollover form dated 10/27/10
Brochure and photos of Ford Police Interceptor models