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Finance Committee Minutes 07/08/2009
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of July 8, 2009
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Dennis Murphy, Stephen Oliver, Robert Wallace, Liz Sorrell, Sam Bradford
Regrets: Robert Kelly,
Also Attending: Town Moderator Harry Terkanian, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Town Administrator Paul Sieloff

Steve Oliver called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.
Minutes of 5/27/09
Murphy moved to approve the minutes of May 27, 2009.  Sorrell seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.
FinCom discussed transfer procedures with Marilyn Crary and Harry Terkanian.  This included a discussion of the Reserve Fund and Free Cash.
There were seven requests for transfers within departments:
1.)  $3,000 from Town Administrator Salaries/Wages to Town Administrator Expenses  
2.) $600 from Town/Tax Collector Salaries/Wages to Town/Tax Collector Expenses
3.)  $5,500 from Police Expenses to Police Salaries/Wages
4.)  $7,000 from Communications Salaries/Wages to Communication Expenses
5.)  $26,382.64 from Fire Dept. Salaries/Wages to Fire Department Overtime
6.)  $11,078.62 from DPW Salaries/Wages to line 5300 DPW Expenses
7.)  $3,000 from Beach Salaries/Wages to Beach Expenses

There were four requests for transfers between departments:
1.)  $623.80 from General Administration Expenses to Town Administrator Expenses
2.)  $11,611.50 from Town Clerk/treasurer Expenses to Tax Title Expenses
3.)  $17,000 from DPW Facilities Expenses to DPW Expenses
4.)  $4,286.38 from Group Health Insurance to Unemployment Compensation

Sorrell moved to recommend to the Board of Selectmen the seven transfer requests within departments and the four transfer requests between departments   Murphy seconded and the motion carried 5-0.
Quinn Bill
Town Accountant Marilyn Crary and Paul Sieloff discussed the changes in allowances for educational reimbursement through the Quinn Bill, which has been cut by the State.
Reserve Fund
The Town Accountant will provide Finance Committee with the Reserve Fund balance each month.

Directions for FinCom
Members expressed their vision for the direction of the Finance Committee and agreed on tighter budgeting and planning during the economic hard times.  Harry Terkanian suggested that one joint Budget message from the Selectmen and the Finance Committee and Town Administrator might have a strong impact.  The Board discussed borrowing and the Capital Budget with Paul Sieloff and will continue that topic in more depth at a future meeting.  
Public Relations
FinCom would like to get its ideas across to the department heads and general public. Terkanian said he was trying to find articulate, new members for FinCom.  
Preparation for Meeting with Selectmen
Oliver suggested that FinCom start thinking about topics to bring up with the Board of Selectmen in fall.  Paul Sieloff discussed meetings that were a part of the Budget process last year and plans for the Budget process in the coming year.   There was a discussion of the Stabilization Fund for further clarification of its use.  
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held September 9, 2009.  Another September meeting with the Board of Selectmen will be scheduled for September 30, 2009.
Sorrell moved to renew FinCom’s membership with the Association of Town Finance Committees.  Bradford seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.
Bradford moved to adjourn. Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:00p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Stephen J. Oliver, Acting Chair 

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 9/9/09.