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Finance Committee Minutes 03/05/2009
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of March 5, 2009
COA, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Patricia Foley, Chair; Robert Kelly, Arlene Kirsch, John Makely, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith, Berta Bruinooge, Dan Wexman, Stephen Oliver

Also: Marilyn Crary, Town Accountant

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

Discussion of Revisions to Budget Summary
FinCom reviewed the revisions presented by the Town Accountant point by point, asking questions.  Makely stated that realtors were estimating that property values will drop as much as 25% and the mill rate will change. It also was mentioned that excise revenues will be down.

Budget Letter to BOS
A motion was made to accept Wexman’s draft of 2/27/09 with the following amendments: moving one bullet point from a previous version into the new version; adding language to specify when we would expect zero-based budgeting to begin; and adding in Foley’s drafted statement. These were each moved and seconded. All related motions received a unanimous vote, 9-0.

A motion was made and seconded that Foley would rework the draft to include all three amendments and present the letter to the Selectmen’s staff on 3-6-09.

Kirsch moved and Smith seconded the following motion:
Move that the Finance Committee require per terms of the Charter that the new Infrastructure Maintenance costs of $100,000 be broken out of line 422 of the Operating Budget and presented to the Annual Town Meeting as a separate article, and that its applications be specified.
The motion carried 9-0.

There were discussions about the request for a police cruiser in the budget, about line 196 Consultancy, and Line 122 Selectmen’s operating expenses.

FinCom votes on most budget lines were as follows and the Committee held off on the rest due to questions. [Held off: lines 122, 151 196, 210, 220, 300, 301, 302, 424, 610]

Line 114 Moderator:     $533.           Vote: 9-0.
Line 115 Constables     $100.           Vote: 9-0.
Line 121 Audit:                 $21,000.        Vote: 9-0.

Line 123 TA                     $185,039.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 124 Gen Admin:     $124,113        Vote: 9-0.
Line 131 FinCom         $250.   Vote: 9-0.
Line 132 Reserve Fund   $30,000 Vote: 9-0.
Line 135 Accountant     $114,464.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 141 Assessor       $125,519.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 145 Clerk/Treas:   $127,464.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 146 Collector:     $80,526.        Vote: 9-0.

Line 153 Computer:      $122,300.       Vote: 8-1.
Line 158 Tax Title              $8,000.         Vote: 9-0.
Line 162 Elect/Reg      $9,250.         Vote: 9-0.
Line 171 ConsCom         $2,525.        Vote: 9-0.
Line 174 Plng Dept:     $3,235.         Vote: 9-0.
Line 176 Bd Appeals     $1,950.         Vote: 9-0.
Line 177 Open Space:     $1,500.        Vote: 9-0.
Line 178 Herring Ward   $300.   Vote: 9-0.
Line 179 Shellfish              $155,861.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 180 Shellfish Cons/Prop   $24,935.  Vote: 9-0.
Line 181 Shellfish AdvCom  $100.        Vote: 9-0.
Line 182 ChamberComm    $10,000.         Vote: 8-1.
Line 183 NatRes Bd      $300.   Vote: 9-0.
Line 189 Housing Auth   $5,000.         Vote: 9-0.
Line 195 Town Repts/Warr$12,000.        Vote: 9-0.
Line 215 Communic.      $318,010.       Vote: 8-1.
Line 241Bldg            $190,460        Vote: 9-0.
Line 291 Civil Def              $0.              no vote
Line 292 Animal Contrl.         $31,716 Vote: 9-0.
Line 293 Traffic/Park   $4,715  Vote: 9-0.
Line 298 Greenhd Fly    $1,200. Vote: 9-0.
Line 417 DPW Facil      $304,370.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 420 DPW            $899,703.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 422 DPW Gen Hwys   $53,800.        Vote: 9-0.
(Assumes separate article for $100,000 per memo of 3-6-09)

Line 433 DPW Transf Sta $252,675.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 441 Water Comm     $500.           Vote: 9-0.
Line 442 WMWS           $107,440.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 510 Health/Cons    $146,233.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 520 Human Serv     $52,272.        Vote: 9-0.
Line 541 COA            $177,453.       Vote: 9-0.
Line 542 COA Bd                         no vote.
Line 543 Vets Serv      $17,312.        Vote: 9-0.

Line 630 Rec            $209,831        Vote: 9-0.
Line 690 Hist Comm      $50             Vote: 9-0.
Line 691 Hist Com BD    $50.            Vote: 9-0.
Line 692 DPW Holidy     $13,500.        Vote: 8-1.
Line 699 Beach          $231,600        Vote: 9-0.
Line 753 Shrt term Int  $15,000 Vote: 9-0.
Line 756 Int on Tax Ref $150            Vote: 9-0.
Line 911 County Retir   $721,501        Vote: 9-0.
Line 913 Unempl Comp    $15,000 Vote: 9-0.
Line 914 Group Health   $986,382        Vote: 9-0
(Assumes new Town Acct’s figures)
Line 915 Group Life     $5,910  Vote: 9-0.
Line 916 Medicare               $87,405 Vote: 9-0.
Line 940 Borrowing      $3,000  Vote: 9-0.
Line 944 Insur Reserve  $3,000  Vote: 9-0.
Line 945 Liab/Prop/Comp$322,610 Vote: 9-0.

Fin Com decided to postpone warrant votes.

Kirsch moved and Oliver seconded the minutes for Feb. 26, 2009. Carried 8-0.

Informal meeting with TA will be on 3/17 at 8:30 AM at Town Hall Conference Room.

Paul Pilcher of the Town’s economic development committee wants a Fin Com liaison. Next meeting is 3/23 at 4 PM at Town Hall. A comment was made that meetings before 5:30 PM should not expect available volunteers.

Regionalization Meeting report was given by those who attended the Inter Muni Committee meeting of March 5.

Wexman reported on the Board of Water Commissioners news, as liaison.

Oliver reported on Energy Committee news, as liaison.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:32 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________ _______________________  _________
Arlene Kirsch, FinCom Clerk      Patricia Foley, Chair          Date

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 3/12/09.