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Finance Committee Minutes 11/20/2208

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of November 20, 2008
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Arlene Kirsch, Dennis Murphy, John Makely, Dan Wexman, Stephen Oliver
Absent:  Robert Kelly, Sylvia Smith
Also Attending:  Selectman Ira Wood

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Stephen Oliver was introduced as the new member of FinCom.  There was a discussion of having two Alternate FinCom members as allowed by the Charter.  There was a consensus that more members would be sought.  Some consideration was given to Town Meeting preparation, especially the Warrant and Board recommendations.  It would be possible for FinCom, in addition to their statement in the Warrant, to post that opinion statement on the Town website prior to future Town Meetings.  An agenda item for another meeting was to work on preparation for Town Meetings.  

FinCom liaisons reported on Budget meetings and other department activities.  Arlene Kirsch said she had all the Police Budget material.  This included the vehicle list of expenditures.  Berta Bruinooge discussed regionalization ideas that the schools are considering.  John Makely reported on Budget meetings he had attended with the Town Administrator, Assessor, Accountant and Collector.  He said the major change from BOS was the new fee schedule that had been approved at the Nov. 19 meeting.  Dan Wexman reported on two meetings with the Board of Water Commissioners.  They had discussed use of an Enterprise Fund, the water system expansion, revenue generation and planning for April Town Meeting, he said.   Pat Foley had a copy of the DPW Budget in advance.  She also reported on the Library Budget and the Fire Department Budget.

John Makely and Pat Foley had attended the November 20th joint meeting with Truro and Provincetown Finance Committees.  Makely reported on regionalization ideas that they had discussed.  Eastham plans to join the group at the next meeting in December.  

The meeting with the Town Administrator took place Tuesday, November 18.  Berta Bruinooge said the communication and exchange had been terrific.  John Makely distributed a spreadsheet of department expenses that FinCom members and the Town Administrator had reviewed.  

Pat Foley distributed a spreadsheet on Legal Services Budget and costs from 2003 to 2008.  It included comparisons with Eastham, Orleans and Truro.  She said she intends to do further research on the nature of the legal expenses.  

Pat Foley said she had spoken to Cristian Patapie about a vehicle tracking program that would be suitable for the DPW.  John Makely said he had been compiling the DPW monthly reports which include vehicle activity.  

Pat Foley informed Ira Wood that there was a problem with getting employee signatures on the IT policy.

Berta Bruinooge said she had not been able to get information on a performance audit for Wellfleet Elementary School.  She will investigate further with the DOR and check with Powers and Sullivan for names of firms that could possibly perform the audit.  

Makely moved to approve the minutes of October 23, 2008.   Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

In the mail was a letter dated October 21, 2008 from Shawn Clark of the Wellfleet Permanent Fire Fighters stating his reasons against replacement of the Fire Department’s third ambulance.  

Pat Foley distributed the Vehicle Schedule from the Town Clerk.  There was a discussion of the number of Police vehicles.   

The Board and Selectman Ira Wood discussed Overrides and the need to keep a balanced budget.  Dennis Murphy said he will further study the DPW Budget requests.  The Fire Department and its Overtime Budget received additional scrutiny.   FinCom members suggested arranging a meeting with the Fire Chief Dan Silverman prior to the join Budget hearings with the Selectmen.  

Ira Wood briefly discussed joint meetings with Truro, Eastham and Provincetown. He said that the towns, and also the County, are ready to do something about regionalization.  

There were two announcements. John Makely announced the WPH Christmas Tree Sale.  Pat Foley had information on the Homeless Prevention Council’s Christmas “Adopt a Family” program.  

Kirsch moved to adjourn.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

__________________________              _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)

FinCom approved these minutes at the meeting held 12/18/08