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Finance Committee Minutes 09/25/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of September 25, 2008
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Robert Kelly, Dennis Murphy, Sylvia Smith, John Makely, Dan Wexman
Absent: Arlene Kirsch
Also Attending:  Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Selectmen Ira Wood and Jerry Houk, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.

Recommendations for STM Warrant
Chair Foley noted that the Warrant had recommendations from FinCom, but the Committee had not yet voted on any of the Articles.  She asked this to be noted for the record before beginning the recommendations for the final Warrant.  
Article 1  335 Main Street
FinCom noted and corrected a typographical error in the budget chart. Dennis Murphy asked about current percentages on borrowing.  Crary anticipated a 4 % rate.  Foley asked about factoring in any value for any lumber that can be salvaged from the building.  Paul Sieloff explained that the numbers given were the best estimates that could be made.  He explained the contingency cost line in the 335 Main St. budget.  He also discussed performance bond requirements for the project.  
Berta Bruinooge disclosed that she is the treasurer, and John Makely disclosed that he is a board member of Wellfleet Preservation Hall.
Smith moved to recommend Article 1 (335 Main St.) for $102,000.  Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 6-1.

Article 2  Lead Cleanup at Boy Scout Camp
Foley explained the situation of lead contamination at the Boy Scout Camp.  
She said that a vote on the lead clean-up was premature.  Paul Sieloff discussed risk management issues related to lead contamination reaching the aquifer.  He recommended moving expeditiously to clean up the lead and explained that Bond Counsel had recommended the wording of the Article to receive funding.  Kelly questioned the amount of soil that needs to be removed.  Sieloff gave the statistics for the compromised soil involved and disposal of it.  He also explained that soil remediation has to be done under frost-free conditions.  Murphy discussed getting a second opinion on the clean-up.  Sieloff said that DEP had specific regulations and a deadline for the clean-up.  

Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 2 (Lead Clean-up).  Makely seconded. The motion carried 7-0.

Article 3 Transfers
FinCom requested explanations for each of the transfers.  
220 Fire Department Salaries $18,135. - Marilyn Crary explained the Fire Department Salaries, which was encumbered for wage adjustments.  
690 Historical Commission $$2,000 - Crary did not have the explanation for the free cash $2,000 transfer request for the Historical Commission.   
196 Town Administrator, Consultancy - $20,000 - John Makely distributed a report on activities at the Transfer Station. He said he was not in favor of giving up a full-time foreman’s position based on the information he had charted.  Paul Sieloff said the position is not being eliminated; the request is simply to transfer the money that has not been used this year.  He said the Town had not been able to fill the foreman position so far.  Sieloff said that a consultant would be used as needed.  For the rest of this fiscal year, the consultant would be an interim replacement the foreman. Sieloff said there would be an hourly rate offered to a consultant.  Crary stated that a consultant under the complete direction of the TA could be considered a hired employee by the DOR.  She also said the foreman position had been created based on a study.  
433 DPW, Transfer Station $23,869 - This money would be used for contracting out the disposal hauling to SEMASS.  Sieloff reported on Eastham’s use of a contractor for waste disposal.  He outlined the advantages of using a contractor, noting the redistribution of work for the mechanics who are Class A licensed drivers.  Murphy enthusiastically stated that there would be tremendous savings factoring in wages and fuel.  Sieloff also discussed the DPW Director’s point of view regarding the two possible DPW transfers.
441 Water Commissioners $20,000 – Foley explained how the use of consultants could help develop the water system.  She said the FinCom representatives and Water Commissioners agreed it would be money well spent.  Crary said it would have to go out to bid.

Bruinooge moved to recommend Article 3 Transfers.  Murphy seconded.  Kelly commented on changes to FY09, the use of Free Cash and the time frame in which the transfers are being made.  Crary discussed Debt Service that the Town will be facing.  
The motion for the Transfers carried 7-0.

Article 9 &10 Fire Department Contract
Paul Sieloff said the Town had the MOU for the Communications (Dispatchers) contract.  Murphy moved to recommend Articles 9 and 10.   Bruinooge seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Paul Sieloff gave an overview of union negotiations for the seven union contracts.  Marilyn Crary commented on last year’s budget on legal expenses.  Kelly asked about the percentage increase for negotiated salaries.  Sieloff said that 3% was roughly the correct figure.  

Articles 11-17 WEA (11-16) and Teamsters (17)
Berta Bruinooge moved to reserve recommendation for Articles 11 through 17 until Town Meeting.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Article 18 Fees on Municipal Liens (MGL 60, Section 23B)
Sieloff said the present fee is $25 but it can be increased to $150 under MGL.  
Bruinooge moved to reserve recommendation on Article 18.  Kelly seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.  

Article 19 Suspension of Licenses & Permits (MGL 40, Section 57)
Paul Sieloff explained linking suspension of licenses and permits for failure to pay taxes or charges.  There was discussion of ambulance charges.  Kelly moved to recommend Article 19.  Bruinooge seconded, and the motion 4-2-1.

 Liaison List
Since Mac Hay is no longer on Finance Committee, more replacement liaisons were needed.  The liaison positions were redistributed accordingly.  

Minutes of 9/18/08
Makely moved to approve the amended minutes of September 18, 2008.  Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.

Budget Message
Paul Sieloff discussed preparation of the Budget Message and discussed the purpose for holding Special Town Meeting this fall.  Paul Sieloff explained some of the problems Administration had confronted.  Foley suggested that a four-month preparation for Town Meeting was needed.  Paul Sieloff said that the zoning bylaw revision was the main purpose for holding STM.  He had concerns about risk level to the Town if the bylaw revision was postponed until April.  FinCom expressed their thoughts on the confusion over the proposed zoning bylaw revisions.

Returning to the Budget Message, Foley asked about the order of Capital Budget and Operating Budget.  Sieloff said the document is an adapted letter.  Foley said that she would like to see the Operating Budget placed first.  FinCom members said they were happy to see level funding.  The Capital Costs and the Capital Improvement Plan, overall Budget planning, Proposition 2 ½ considerations, departmental constraints particularly WES, and the Selectmen’s role in the Budget Message were all discussed.

Future Meetings
Paul Sieloff explained how the joint Selectmen’s meeting in Truro has expanded into a Provincetown, Truro, Wellfleet and Eastham meeting.  Sieloff said he planned to recommend some areas for the Boards to study.  Makely said that the Finance Committee chairs were planning to meet together on Friday, October 17, 2008.  There will be a meeting prior to Town Meeting Monday, October 27 and the regular meeting October 23, 2008.

Bruinooge moved to adjourn.   Makely seconded. The motion carried, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)