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Finance Committee Minutes 09/18/2008

Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of September 18, 2008
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chair Patricia Foley, Berta Bruinooge, Robert Kelly, Arlene Kirsch, Sylvia Smith, John Makely, Dan Wexman
Absent: Dennis Murphy

Chair Patricia Foley called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Recommendations for STM Warrant
Article 1 –335 Main Street
The rectory section of 335 Main Street’s demolition cost was stated as $90,000, but the figure does not yet appear in the Warrant.  
Bruinooge moved to reserve recommendation until Special Town Meeting.  Makely seconded.

FinCom discussed the Warrant recommendation process and whether or not there is a need for the Special Town Meeting.  There were objections to voting on Articles that had not been placed by the Selectmen.

Bruinooge withdrew her motion for Article 1.  Makely withdrew his second.
Makely moved to not vote on any of the Articles until figures are printed in the Warrant.  Smith seconded.  The motion carried 7-0.  

FinCom discussed Article 2 on Lead Clean-up at the Boy Scout Camp.  
FinCom expressed their desire to have Administration present the material at the next meeting.  

Kirsch moved that Pat Foley continue as Finance Committee Chair.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 6-0.
John Makely expressed his willingness to continue as vice chair.  He was elected unanimously 7-0
Kirsch said she was willing to continue as clerk.   Foley moved that Kirsch remain clerk.  Kelly seconded, and the motion carried 7-0.
Liaisons to other boards and committees will be set at another meeting.  

FinCom discussed enrollment at the Wellfleet Elementary School.  Foley announced that there is money available to do a performance audit of WES.  Bruinooge will research possible auditors for the task.  

Wastewater material from Emily Beebe had been distributed, and moving forward with wastewater and water systems were discussed.  FinCom favored advancing with some combination of both water and wastewater.   There was discussion of various points of view on the development of water and wastewater systems.   Dan Wexman said he is willing to work as a liaison to Water and Wastewater Boards.  Concern for Wellfleet Harbor was a wastewater issue that FinCom also discussed.  

Legal Bills
A spreadsheet of legal bills from August 31, 2007 through June 13, 2008 had been distributed.  The Kopelman & Paige contract was an item of interest to FinCom, who would like to see a service contract which breaks down per hour, per phone call and travel costs.  FinCom will send a memo to the Selectmen with a copy to TA expressing concern about the escalating costs over a number of years for legal counsel.  

Meeting with the BOS
FinCom will meet with the Selectmen Tuesday, Sept. 23 for setting the Budget Policy Statement, which has an October 1 deadline, according to the Charter.   

Meetings on Regionalization
This meeting has become a Truro-Wellfleet-Eastham Selectmen Meeting. FinCom members will attend on October 14 at the Truro Town Hall.  

Foley read an invitation to a joint FinCom meeting with Truro and Provincetown at a date to be determined.  She and John Makely will also be attending a meeting with the Finance Committee Chairs from Eastham, Orleans and Brewster September 30.  

Roll over policy
The roll-over policy has never been formalized by the BOS.  FinCom would like the insurance information reconciled with the vehicle list and will send a memo to the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer requesting this.   The Secretary will send a memo to the Town Administrator and Town Treasurer asking what the new process is for ensuring that the Town is not at risk if something happens to one of the vehicles.

IT policy follow-up
John Makely will follow up on the status of the IT policy.

Zero-based Budgeting
John Makely discussed the TA’s approach to Zero-based Budgeting (ZBB).  Makely says that ZBB needs to be explained carefully to department heads before it is put into practice.  Makely said FinCom should have the policy in writing before ZBB proceeds.  Fiscal year 2011 is target date.  Makely explained some of the groundwork that he was reviewing through the monthly department reports.  Makely foresees implementation one department at a time if ZBB is put into effect.

Brainstorming on Budget Message
FinCom brainstormed ideas for the Budget Message.  Thoughts included: a clear message to department heads, no override, maintaining the Stabilization fund which exists to stabilize the tax rate, having no control over energy costs, avoiding depletion of Free Cash, sticking to 2.5%, staying level funded, and including WES in the percentages and level funding.  

Minutes of 7/24/08
Bruinooge moved to approve the amended minutes of July 24, 2008.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried 5-0.

Other Business
Mac Hay’s resignation from the FinCom prompted suggestions for replacement members and alternate members.  

Bruinooge moved to adjourn.  Makely seconded, and the motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m.  

Respectfully submitted,

_______________________                 _______________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Patricia Foley, Chair
                                                        __________________ (Date)